
What if humans were not Earth’s first civilisation?

SETI — the search for extraterrestrial intelligence — has a big problem.

The universe is 13.8 billion years old.

We’ve been our current state of human evolution for about 300,000 years.

We’ve been pumping radio waves out into the cosmos for little more than 100 years.

We’ve already found new — less noisy — ways to communicate. And the chances are there that we will either blow ourselves up, or eat ourselves out of house and home, within the next 100.

Apply such thinking to an alien civilisation, and the chance of catching such a brief window of opportunity with our radio telescopes is minuscule.

So, are we looking in the wrong dimension for intelligent life?

Instead of space, should we be searching time?

It’s an idea recently put forward by astronomers in the International Journal of Astrobiology.

Our planet is some 4.5 billion years old, they point out.

Mammals only took over from dinosaurs some 66 million years ago. But an ecology capable of supporting a food chain emerged as early as 635 million years ago during what is known as the Ediacaran period.

Could other intelligent life have arisen right here? Somewhere back then?

It’s an interesting thought experiment, designed to make us realise why the odds are against us ever finding intelligent alien civilisations.

But it ties with a question that has received much attention in recent decades: Could other human civilisations have developed much earlier during our own 300,000 — year-old history?

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It sounds like something out of Doctor Who.

Actually, it is.

The name is taken from a fishy race of reptilians that first appeared on the long-running show in the 1970s. According to the Doctor Who universe, they ran this planet in the epoch of the dinosaurs. Some of them took to hibernating deep within Earth’s crust to escape global catastrophe … Others went into space in arks.

By all accounts, their survivors have not been all that impressed with the stewardship of their former home by us pink-skinned, fleshy apes.

It’s an inspiring story.

But what if there was a grain of truth in it?

It has proven an interesting thought experiment.

NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies director Gavin Schmidt and University of Rochester physicist Adam Frank have teamed up to author a research paper titled: The Silurian Hypothesis: Would it be possible to detect an industrial civilisation from the geological record?

Their paper examines what clues a technologically advanced civilisation could leave behind. It builds on the work of Penn State astronomer Jason Wright who tackled the subject earlier last year with his paper Prior Indigenous Technological Species.

Turns out, these astronomers should have asked the experts in just such a matter.


They have to contend with such ideas all the time.

And they’re sceptical.

“Because we do not have a single piece of evidence of incredibly old incredibly sophisticated civilisations, the chance of proving any such having existed is negligible — from an archaeological perspective,” says an archaeologist currently excavating humanity’s oldest yet known monumental architecture — Jens Notroff.

“Dr Spacejunk”, otherwise known as Dr Alice Gorman of Flinders University, says the evidence should already be right under our noses.

“If a previous ‘industrial’ culture existed in another non-human species, then we must have already seen the evidence and misinterpreted it as ‘natural’,” she says. “This means we have to delve into how we tell the difference — and this is the big problem for SETI to figure out, which is what the ‘Silurian’ paper is really getting at.”

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The idea that the roots of civilisation as we know it is lost in the depths of history is nothing new.

Atlantis. Limuria. Anunnaki.

The stories usually go that these godlike beings were the forefathers of the Egyptians in North Africa, the Olmecs in Central America and the Han Dynasty in China.

While enticing, archaeologists simply have not been able to find credible evidence to support such ideas.

Instead, what they do consistently find is that our ancestors — wherever they may have been — were smart.

These peoples found similar solutions to common problems. And, over time, their ideas grew, spread — and merged.

And our problems coming to grips with this natural progression tells us far more about us, now, than those that came before us.

“We’re also very sceptical of any explanations which involve denying that a previous or present indigenous culture was incapable of technological or cultural sophistication,” says Dr Gorman. “It’s been used so often as a justification for colonialism. The alien origin of these cultures plays right into assuaging European colonial guilt.”

Mr Notroff states: ‘show me the money’.

“Where would they have lived, what would they’ve eaten?” he asks. “A large industrial-scale society must have developed subsistence strategies beyond hunting and gathering to feed many people — yet there’s no evidence of such a ‘first’ wave of domestication of animals or plants — neither genetically nor in the fossil bone material.”

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A good story is one thing. But what if it goes mainstream?

Such as stories that the pyramids were ancient power stations? That, more than 12,000 years ago, a super-race of super-intelligent Atlanteans emerged. These progenitors then struggled to survive earthquakes, volcanoes — and comets — to pass down fragments of their advanced culture and technology to our forefathers the world over?

They’re ideas that fill bookshelves, and YouTube play lists.

What they point to as evidence, however, is suspect.

“Most of these ‘theories’ are hyperdiffusionist, seeing relations and links between different sites, geographic areas, and cultures — sometimes even 10,000 and more years and kilometres apart,” Mr Notroff says.

“These superficial similarities often are based on a few cherrypicked elements and characteristics of complex cultures — at the same time leaving out what inconveniently doesn’t fit the picture. That’s not how science works, and of course it’s not that hard to construct relations between almost everything with anything this way.”

Intimidating pyramids. Forgotten monuments. Scattered artefacts.

There’s a fair amount of these about.

But, for each given point in time, not so much.

What we’re left with is a few clues presenting enticing ‘connect the dots’ challenges for all those who seek to know more.

Every item is fascinating. They were touched by ancient hands. They tell long-lost tales.

But each fragment is a piece of evidence. As is the context they are found in.

“Without context every artefact is just a nice piece of art (at best), every monument is just an impressing piece of architecture. But in the end it’s the context: Where was this artefact or monument found? What other finds were associated? Was it a settlement, a burial, a deposition? All this information helps us as much (probably even much more) to understand a find’s story than the object itself.”

And archaeologists much approach the task of interpreting the past with the same rigour as a court-of-law seeking to pass judgment on a person’s future.

“There’s a lot of projection going on in the whole ‘ancient aliens’ debate, I assume. Apparently some people need a supernatural retreat from everyday insecurities, leaving control to someone else — to some degree maybe replacing religious and other esoteric narratives,” Mr Notroff says.

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The big problem with finding an “advanced civilisation” is knowing what that is.

“Without explaining and discussing the complex concept behind this term, there’s not much left beyond an empty shell to be filled with all kinds of (probably misleading) expectations,” Mr Notroff says.

Besides, assuming another civilisation would be similar to our own is … lazy.

Our concept usually involves urban settlements, monumental architecture, states and social hierarchies, agriculture and writing, Dr Gorman notes.

“Civilisation is contrasted to hunter-gatherer non-urban non-agricultural people who may have land tenure systems that are communal rather than individual.”

Savagery. Barbarism. Civilisation. It’s all a matter of perspective.

“It’s all very caught up with European colonisers finding justifications to steal land from indigenous people,” Dr Gorman says. “Archaeologists and anthropologists have pretty much moved away from all this terminology.”

And then there’s industry.

Sounds simple? Not exactly …

Could we be misinterpreting objects as natural when they are actually manufactured?

“The question at hand would be *how* to tell the difference,” Mr Notroff says. “Can we find what we’re looking for if we have no idea what we’re actually looking for?”

Dr Gorman adds that industry itself is driven by ideologies and is not an inevitable outcome of intelligence.

But it is something that can be observed. Archaeology can identify signs of resource extraction, mass production, and technological change.

“The kinds of evidence they might look at includes artefacts which would survive well geologically, such as slags which are by-products of metal production,” she says.

Mass production is another thing entirely: the mass manufacture — and mass disposal — of plastics, for example, has left virtually no corner of the planet untouched.

“Of course some of the most durable artefacts in the archaeological record are not ‘industrial’ at all — they are stone tools and ceramics [we have to note here, though, that in lithic studies we do indeed talk of a ‘industry’ here — of course with a different meaning],” Dr Gorman says. “So if you are going to look for a signature of technological life in the deep Earth past or on exoplanets, then perhaps you just look for siliceous rocks first.”

So what do archaeologists want when looking for intelligent life?

“They’re not looking for the evidence of technology necessarily, they’re looking for evidence of symbolic behaviour,“ Dr Gorman says. “When did ‘modern’ human behaviour, with language, symbolic communication, concepts of the past and future, emerge? It used to be thought that these behaviours were confined to Homo sapiens. But it’s increasingly being found that Homo neanderthalensis was behaviourally ‘modern’. So archaeologists are working at the boundaries of this as well.”

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Mother Earth has a long memory.

Our trash. Our toxins. Our consumption has deeply scarred our environment.

But for how long?

We know archaeologists seek signs of abandoned structures and tools. Even middens (ancient rubbish dumps and toilets) can tell them an awful lot.

And such things have the potential to last an awfully long time.

Long enough to rule-out the existence of an advanced early human civilisation.

Mr Notroff works on the oldest known human-made monument — a series of stone circular enclosures with distinctive T-shaped pillars — at Göbekli Tepe, near the Turkey-Syria border.

“Arguably there are older natural sites used by humans,” he says. “Göbekli Tepe’s built structures, however, may be considered the oldest yet known monumental architecture we have encountered. Its oldest phase so far excavated and dated goes back to the 10th millennium BC and was probably abandoned (and backfilled) about a thousand years later,” he says.

Archaeologists already sift through similar evidence as geologists and palaeontologists for the same reliable clues — preserved remains within a datable context.

“I think the question here is the boundary between human and animal behaviour, and the boundary between ‘natural’ and ‘cultural’ processes,” Dr Gorman says. “We’re increasingly finding evidence of how animals use tools, so it’s conceivable that in deep geological ages they did as well.

“You could call this a culture, but you would have to find a site where the evidence was preserved and archaeologists have only really started looking at what this might look like — through studies of chimpanzee sites, for example.”

So that accounts for the 300,000 years of Homo sapiens.

But what about something much older, like the hypothetical Silurians?

“Looking at the fossil record we have to admit we only know incredibly few finds: the more we go back in time, the more sparse gets the preserved and yet found material we can work with,” Mr Notroff says. “This is understandable given the amount of time and filters the material went through geological and other environmental processes. But a large, globe-spanning culture with advanced technology comparable to ours certainly should have left at least something.”

Earth is geologically active. Its surface is constantly refreshing itself as the continental plates slide back into the magma as part of the tectonic cycle.

This puts an upper limit on the survival of any evidence — be it artificial or fossilised.

There are patches of very ancient rock. Some fossils found in Greenland are 3.7 billion years old. The oldest known rock deposit — in the Pilbara, Western Australia — dates from 4.4 billion years ago

But no known natural surface structure dates beyond the Quaternary period some 2.6 million years ago. Everything older than that has been crushed by glaciers, drowned by rising seas or washed away by erosion.

So we’ll never likely find a Silurian temple, or shopping centre.

Instead, we’ll have to search for much more subtle clues.

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Our industrialised civilisation has produced rapid and dramatic climate change. This can be seen in everything from ice cores to stalagmite stains.

Has this happened before?

“The clearest class of event with such similarities are the hyperthermals, most notably the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (56 Ma),” the astronomers write, “but this also includes smaller hyperthermal events, ocean anoxic events in the Cretaceous and Jurassic, and significant (if less well characterised) events of the Palaeozoic.”

NASA’s Gavin Schmidt has written and published a short piece of fiction, called Under the Sun , exploring the idea of an environmental scientist stumbling over evidence of a 55-million-year-old civilisation amid the wreckage left behind by the Palaeocene — Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) mass extinction event.

It was a time when Earth warmed to a point some 8C higher than it is now.

But, this in itself is not evidence of civilisation.

Much more is needed.

Can we identify non-naturally occurring by-products of industrial processes? Are there traces of materials that could only be synthetic? Are there signs of uniform mass cultivation? What about remnants of radioactive fallout, be it from weaponry or power plants?

“It would have to be repeated patterns,” Dr Gorman says. “Just one occurrence may not be enough. It would have to be something found in situ and sampled or removed properly, not a random item found by an enthusiast. We would really need a secure stratigraphic context.”

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So what would our own civilisation look like to some cockroach-descendant archaeologist-come-ecologist in the distant future?

The evidence will be there. But will they recognise it?

Our industrial, agricultural and chemical legacy is printed deep on the planet’s geological record — deep enough for the era we live in to be named after us, the Anthropocene.

“Our monuments probably won’t remain,” Mr Notroff says. “Concrete and steel and glass are not exactly made for eternity. Ironically the best preserved proof of our own existence may be found outside planet Earth with the Voyager space probes and the traces we left on the Moon.”

The LAGEOS 1 satellite launched in 1976 to provide a stable point against which to measure movements in the Earth’s surface with lasers is predicted to stay up there for some 8.4 million years.

That’s many times longer than any surface structure would survive. But it’s still a fraction of the 635 million years life has existed on our planet.

Dr Gorman (aka Dr Spacejunk) says our spacecraft carry elements and minerals from Earth which are rarely found naturally in space.

“It’s possible that future archaeologists from truly space-faring cultures may look at our junk and wonder whether it is natural or cultural too, as it will seem incredibly ‘primitive’ compared to their technology,” she adds.

But Dr Gorman says even what we leave on the Moon will be erased by time, through influences such as UV light and cosmic rays.

“The materials and footprints will wear away eventually but we really know so little about this,” Dr Gorman says.

However, there are attempts to preserve evidence of our existence for eternity, Mr Notroff says.

“The Memory of Mankind project, for instance, collects all kinds of data and information burned into ceramic piles deep in an old salt dome. It’s open to everyone, you just need to write down a reason why exactly you want this piece of info preserved”.

But, then, he may have an ulterior motive: (This is a great idea, since it will help future historians a lot with source criticism), he added.


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