
Why this mum will miss her little baby's big milestones

A Darling Downs mum will miss her child's biggest milestones after pleading guilty to drug trafficking charges. 

Drug dealer Kirsha Leigh Welldon.
Drug dealer Kirsha Leigh Welldon.

A DARLING Downs mother will miss three years of her new baby's milestones after copping a lengthy term for her involvement in a significant drug trafficking ring that preyed on a small regional community for almost two years.

Kirsha Leigh Welldon on Monday pleaded guilty in Brisbane Supreme Court to five trafficking and possession charges.

Welldon's sentencing was delivered while her own mother took care of Welldon's very young baby at the rear of the courtroom.

Welldon was second-in-charge of a Tara-based drug ring that sold a "significant" amount of ice and cannabis to at least 35 street-level customers across the region from March 2015 to October 2016, the court heard.

Police conducted a number of raids at Welldon's home, finding 820g of the drug ice, 1.61kg of cannabis, 65g of a methamphetamine cutting agent, a weapon and $3000 in cash.

Justice Soraya Ryan noted Welldon was not the ring leader but she was very much involved, often running the business while her co-accused was out of town and also obtaining the drugs from their storage location, packaging them ready for distribution and selling the product.

The man with whom the 28-year-old allegedly sold the drugs is yet to complete the court process.

Justice Ryan said Welldon had form for not obeying court orders, with the woman breaching bail, probation and suspended sentences in order to feed her drug habit.

"Police found a huge amount of methamphetamine," Justice Ryan said.

She said Welldon was subservient to her co-accused, only "taking action only with his permission".

Welldon was sentenced to eight years in prison and will be eligible for parole on February 23, 2022.

- NewsRegional

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