
Man raped stepdaughter 1800 times, beat her after she fell pregnant

A Queensland man who raped his stepdaughter daily for six years, getting her pregnant, has been sentenced. The court heard that after learning she had fallen pregnant but it was too late to abort, he beat her, saying: "There are always ways to kill it".

Prime Minister apologises to sex abuse victims

A QUEENSLAND man who raped his stepdaughter daily for six years, getting her pregnant and then bashing her in an attempt to make her miscarry remains unrepentant.

After the child was born he continued to rape the victim, often in front of their young son but he has no regard for his victim, a court has heard.

The 41-year-old Kingaroy man sat emotionless in Brisbane District Court on Friday as Judge Deborah Richards sentenced him to 15 years on multiple charges of maintaining a relationship with a child as well as multiple rapes and assault.

The brutal rapist started violating the girl when she was 10 years old and continued the assaults until the day his victim ran away from home at the age of 16.

It is estimated he raped the girl up to 1800 times from 2010 to 2016.

The attacks for which the former Gladstone resident was charged happened in the family home at Kingaroy but Judge Richards said he also assaulted the girl when the family lived in South Australia.

He was not charged for the abuse that happened interstate but it was taken into account during his sentencing.

The offending was so violent and so distressing that NewsRegional has decided not to publish them in detail.

"The fact that she was impregnated by you and you still offended against her - there were rapes from 10 years of age - this was persistent, brazen, violent," Judge Richards said.

"The offending escalated when she was starting to be big enough to resist your advances.

"You then used the rapes to punish, control and humiliate her."

The victim, now aged 19, struggles to survive, often feeling suicidal while raising the child that was borne of his abuse without support from her estranged siblings, mother and other family.

It is not clear if the girl's mother knew about the abuse, but the court heard the rapes happened when the woman was out or in an another room.

When the girl was 15, she fell pregnant.

After telling him about the baby, the man tried to force her to have an abortion but she was too far along for that to happen.

So he brutally beat her around the stomach, saying: "There are always ways to kill it".

The baby survived and is now around four years old.

"All I wanted was a normal life," the victim said in her statement to court.

"All I wanted was to be a normal teenager."

When she was 16, the girl made the decision to find safety for herself and her little boy.

"The victim told you that you ruined her life, so you raped her," Judge Richards said.

"Later that same day she was watching TV with her son - your son.

"You took the child away and said you didn't get to finish and raped her again."

After that last assault the victim fled the house and called a friend's grandmother for help, Judge Richards said.

The man was charged shortly afterwards and the victim has not returned home

The rapist sent a letter to the victim's mother urging her to reconcile with her daughter because he felt sad that his victim was suicidal, the court heard on Friday.

Judge Richards said the man had no regard for his victim but noted the defendant was struggling with mental health issues that emerged after he was charged.

The man was jailed for 15 years and will be eligible for parole in September, 2030. - NewsRegional

*For 24-hour sexual violence and domestic violence support  call the national hotline 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732.

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