
Sex monster truckie rapes young girl during Outback trips

Shocking details have emerged about a man who raped a nine-year-old girl as they criss-crossed north Queensland between Townsville and Mount Isa in his truck for work.

JUSTICE has finally been served for a north Queensland girl who was raped by a vile sex monster truckie on trips between Townsville and Mt Isa.

The youngster's former stepfather repeatedly raped, assaulted and exposed her to pornography during his two-year campaign of sexual degradation.

The man's brazen assaults happened in the child's home and in his truck as they criss-crossed north Queensland on work trips.

The truckie, who cannot be identified to protect the victim, began abusing the eight-year-old in April 2011 and continued assaulting her until she turned 10 or 11.

He pleaded not guilty in Townsville District Court to seven counts of rape and to five indecent treatment of a child charges.

A jury convicted him on all offences in October 2017.

He was sentenced to six years in jail with parole eligibility after serving just under three years.

The victim's trauma was extended a further two years after the man appealed the conviction.

He claimed the victim's mother's evidence relating to him exposing the girl to pornography on his computer and mobile phone was prejudicial to the jury.

The Queensland Court of Appeal disagreed, saying the trial judge had directed the jury appropriately.

The appeal was dismissed last week, meaning the little girl's fight for justice is finally over.

The rapist will be eligible for parole in September 2020.

- NewsRegional

*For 24-hour sexual violence and domestic violence support call the national hotline 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732.

Originally published as Sex monster truckie rapes young girl during Outback trips

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