
'Greedy' mum stole $150k from doctors for luxury lifestyle

A "greedy" mum-of-three stole $150,000 to "keep up with the Joneses" in what a Brisbane judge has described as despicable offending that was a "gross breach of trust".

Tammy Chriee Rose stole $150,000 to fund a life of luxury
Tammy Chriee Rose stole $150,000 to fund a life of luxury

A "GREEDY" mum-of-three stole $150,000 from a south-east Queensland business to "keep up with the Joneses" in what a judge described as despicable offending and a "gross breach of trust".

Tammy Chriee Rose pleaded guilty to two dishonesty charges and was sentenced to 11 months in jail when she faced Brisbane District Court on Wednesday.

The 45-year-old stole $150,000 from the Medeco Medical Centre in Inala by filtering Medicare and rental payments into her personal bank account between June of 2013 and October of 2014.

Rose, named the 2012 Queensland Medical Practice Manager of the Year, was a co-director of the business and practice manager at the centre.

She spent the money on luxuries including wrinkle removal treatments, a trip to Europe and a beach-side unit.

Judge Julie Ryrie said the embezzlement was far from complex but Rose was able to use her position of trust to steal the money and that it was an act of  "greed".

"It is not evident that this was related to a drug addiction or gambling," Judge Ryrie said.

"It was ... to fund a lifestyle that you could ill afford and (the lifestyle) was only available to you because it was money that you felt you were entitled to.

"It was a gross breach of trust.

"It is unfortunate that someone who has a good work ethic, who became part and parcel of the company, ultimately let themselves be lured into what you described as a lifestyle that you wanted to have.

"You were keeping up with the Joneses."

Judge Ryrie described Rose as "greedy", saying the fraudster kept her criminal behaviour from her husband and only stopped embezzling money when her business partners discovered something amiss with the accounts.

In sentencing her to four years jail, to be suspended after 11 months, Judge Ryrie noted Rose suffered depression before the offending and one of her adult sons had a medical condition that was cause for stress.

Judge Ryrie said Rose had not re-offended in the five years since she was charged and had since repaid about $33,000.

Australia's Court System

Judge Ryrie also noted Rose had been, up until she was sentenced, managing another medical practice and her employer had provided a reference for the court's consideration.

Rose cried throughout the sentencing and was allowed to hug her husband before being taken into custody. Her three adult sons were also in the court.

Rose will be due for release from prison in April of 2020.

- NewsRegional

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