
Evil bush rape monster belongs on a 'desert island'

Rapist Kym Spoehr brutalised a Japanese tourist in a forest. Now he is trying to convince a court he is safe for release.

Kym Spoehr raped a woman at Noosa then fled to Coffs Harbour.
Kym Spoehr raped a woman at Noosa then fled to Coffs Harbour.

A MAN who raped, bashed and tortured a tourist on Christmas Day in Noosa National Park is so dangerous that he would best be placed on a desert island without any other humans present, a psychiatrist says.

Kym Spoehr brutalised a Japanese woman who was visiting Australia on holidays in 2001.

During the brutal night of violence, the now 67-year-old held the woman captive in an illegal bush camp where he repeatedly violated her, beat her with a stick and tortured her.

The following morning he shaved her pubic hair and forced her to bathe in a river before letting her go.

He fled the campsite and was caught in Coffs Harbour some three weeks later.

Spoehr pleaded guilty to seven charges of rape, deprivation of liberty, torture and assault occasioning bodily harm.

He was sentenced to 14 years in jail in 2003 and was due for parole in 2015.

When he first applied for release four years ago, his application was rejected because he refused to agree to undergo sexual offender treatment.

However, he was allowed to leave jail in late 2017 after agreeing to comply with a strict supervision order.

He breached that order 14 months later by assaulting another offender with a lump of wood in the secure prisoner housing precinct where he was living.

He also refused to provide urine samples and damaged property.

He has now been in custody for six months.

On Monday, Brisbane Supreme Court Justice Martin Burns was asked to consider releasing Spoehr again.

Psychiatrist Andrew Aboud said the only way to guarantee Spoehr would not attack anyone again was to stick him on a desert island.

"If he was on a desert island with nobody else present, he would not be harming anybody, he would not be behaving in a problematic way," Dr Aboud said.

"When you introduce him to other people, that's where the difficulties start."

Dr Aboud said Spoehr brutalised the female tourist because he was angry at a man over money and she was the person who happened to cross his path at that moment.

Dr Aboud said Spoehr did not react well to authority, especially when being told what to do.

"His displaced anger was taken out on the isolated female," Dr Aboud said.

"The anger was just anger but it became perverse, sexualised and pathological due to the nature of the victim being female.

"It is highly unlikely that he feels sexualised when he becomes angry - it is a combination or feeling angry, disempowered and having access to a vulnerable female."

Dr Aboud said if he was released on a five to 10-year supervision order and forced to take anti-psychotic medications with intense therapy, there was a chance his volatility might be reduced.

"I don't think he has mellowed in the past 15 or so years," he said.

"He is rather a recalcitrant individual and whatever is put before him he reacts poorly.

"He would need at least a further five years on a supervision order."

Justice Burns will make a ruling at a later date. - NewsRegional

*For 24-hour sexual violence support  call the national hotline 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732.

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