
$4m amended development application for a five-storey residential building in Ballina CBD

The original plans proposed an 18.6m tall, six-storey building for Ballina housing 14 units. But those plans have now changed.

An artistic impression of what the five-storey amended project for 8 Grant St, Ballia, could look like.
An artistic impression of what the five-storey amended project for 8 Grant St, Ballia, could look like.

A controversial application for a residential flat building in the Ballina CBD has been re-advertised, with modifications to the original design.

The application for a multistorey building meant the demolition of the current two-storey structure at 8 Grant St in Ballina.

The amended application proposed a five-storey mixed-use development, containing 10 dwellings on levels one to four, two ground floor commercial spaces plus associated carparking areas.

The new application differed from the original project by reducing in the number of storeys — the original application proposed a six-storey building and the amended application proposed only five.

The new project also included a reduction in the building’s height, from 18.6m to 16.95m.

The new proposal also involved a reduction in the number of dwellings, from 14 to 10, plus the inclusion of two separate commercial spaces on the ground level, with floor areas of 22.59 sqm and 18.56 sqm.

The site of a proposed five-story residential and commercial development in Grant St, Ballina.
The site of a proposed five-story residential and commercial development in Grant St, Ballina.

The previously advertised proposal included a gross floor area of 1254 sqm, which was revised in the amended application to 554.55 sqm.

The project, originally submitted to council on February 2018, has an estimated cost of $4.2 million.

Back in 2018, when the original project was unveiled and exhibited for feedback, the idea was criticised as “too much, too soon”.

The original proposed height was 1.3m over the 18m limit for the Ballina CBD.

An artistic impression of the original six-storey building proposed for 8 Grant St, Ballina.
An artistic impression of the original six-storey building proposed for 8 Grant St, Ballina.

Feedback from residents in 2018 about the project included that the proposed six-storey building would be better reduced to a four-storey one.

Submissions on the new proposal close with Ballina Shire Council on July 30.

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