Shadow cabinet announced: Nationals grab six key roles
The Coalition has revealed its shadow cabinet. See which roles The Nationals will play.
National Party leader David Littleproud will retain the agriculture portfolio in opposition after confirmation of the Coalition’s shadow cabinet.
Mr Littleproud’s leadership predecessor Barnaby Joyce will also take a spot in shadow cabinet as the veterans affairs spokesman, while another former Nationals leader, Michael McCormack, has been handed the international development and Pacific brief.
The Nationals have six shadow cabinet positions including the return of the trade and tourism portfolio, which has been handed to Kevin Hogan.
Wannon Liberal MP Dan Tehan was in charge of tourism and trade in government.
Other Nationals shadow cabinet appointments include deputy leader Perin Davey (water and emergency management), Bridget McKenzie (infrastructure and transport), Andrew Gee (regional health and education) and Susan McDonald (resources and Northern Australia).
Mr Littleproud said his choices for front bench spots were about “renewal and generational change”.
“It’s about making sure we draw on those that have the experience to bring the harmony and peace within our party room, but bring the next generation through,” he said.
Gippsland MP Darren Chester, who increased his vote and then unsuccessfully contested the party leadership, has been overlooked.
But Mallee MP Anne Webster, who put her hand up for the deputy role, will be shadow assistant minister for regional development.
Mr McCormack, who lost the leadership in a spill to Mr Joyce a year ago, said he was pleased with his appointment.
“It is an important post, not only for our nation obviously but also closer to home, given Riverina and Central West’s multiculturalism and the value our region places on the Pacific workforce in so many areas across the economy.”
Deputy Liberal leader and Farrer MP Sussan Ley is taking on the shadow industry and women’s portfolios.