

Vic election Mildura canva a

Nationals take Mildura

Nationals candidate Jade Benham leads the two-candidate preferred vote, reclaiming the seat from independent Ali Cupper.

Daniel Andrews supporters at the Village Green Hotel in Mulgrave the headquarters for the Victorian Labor Party on state election day November 26. Picture: Jason Edwards

Andrews claims third victory

As Labor celebrates a historic third term, Ag Minister Gayle Tierney and Animal Justice MP Andy Meddick are in danger of losing their upper house seats.

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End the Darling River myths

End the Darling River myths

A 20-year-old, one-off calculation is being used by opponents of flood plain harvesting to exaggerate the value of the Darling River’s flow to Murray River communities.

PORTLAND, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA - NewsWire Photos MARCH 19, 2021.The Hon. Scott Morrison MP Prime Minister visits the Portland Aluminium smelter, to announce funding. PM Scott Morrison and Dan Tehan speaking to the press. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Nicole Cleary

Wine, seafood spat could escalate

The relationship between China and Australia is as tense as ever, with industry still discussing its next steps on key commodities affected by the trade war.

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