
Nationals: Nuclear option, net-zero in and call to halt big renewable projects

An internal push for the Nationals to drop its climate pledge has been defeated, while members called on Labor to temporarily halt new large-scale energy projects.

Nationals to decide on 2050 net-zero target this weekend

Nationals leader David Littleproud has reassured voters that the party remains committed to its 2050 net-zero targets after staring down internal pressure to punt the pledge.

But he said he will be “accelerating the conversation” to ensure nuclear energy is a cornerstone of the Coalition’s net-zero emissions policy at the next federal election.

Mr Littleproud made the comments in a keynote speech at the party’s federal conference on Saturday in Canberra, where a motion put forward by Barnaby Joyce’s New England federal electorate council to scrap the net-zero commitment was defeated.

Meanwhile, a separate motion was carried calling on the Albanese government to place a moratorium on all-large scale renewable energy projects.

The Queensland branch motion said a pause would allow time for amendments it says must be made to the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act, to ensure all commercial-corporate renewable energy projects automatically go through a stringent approval processes.

Leader of the National Party David Littleproud addresses The Nationals' 2023 Federal Conference in Canberra. Picture: Martin Ollman
Leader of the National Party David Littleproud addresses The Nationals' 2023 Federal Conference in Canberra. Picture: Martin Ollman

Mr Littleproud told The Weekly Times before the conference that the “unintended consequences” of some approvals was “destroying the thing the renewables are meant to protect”.

“It’s not just the impact on farmers and food security but also the environment,” he said.

“They’re knocking down remnant vegetation, not only for transmission lines, but for the wind towers and solar panels and pumped hydro.

“So, there’s just the need to pause the plan to get it right and understand the alternatives and the options that are available.”

Following the passing of the Nationals motion, Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek said all energy projects were already assessed under the EPBC Act.

However, under current settings, while all projects are assessed only those deemed “controlled actions”, or having the potential to damage things such as protected environment or species and water stocks, automatically go through a full assessment process.

Wind turbines across Victorian countryside. Picture: Zoe Phillips
Wind turbines across Victorian countryside. Picture: Zoe Phillips

A government source said changing the Act as demanded by the Nationals would require all new developments, including for gas and housing projects, and not just renewables, to be fully assessed.

Mr Littleproud also used his speech to promise increased spending on regional health and child care under a Coalition government, and flagged the reinstatement of the ag visa dumped by Labor last year after it won government.

Among the 41 motions carried at the conference were calls for Labor to undo its looming ban on live sheep exports and for it to bring forward a review of the Murray Darling Basin Plan while developing a management plan that takes the focus off water recovery.

Former leader Barnaby Joyce at The Nationals' 2023 Federal Conference in Canberra. Picture: Martin Ollman
Former leader Barnaby Joyce at The Nationals' 2023 Federal Conference in Canberra. Picture: Martin Ollman

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