
Farmer frustration boils over

In an open letter to the Prime Minister, the National Farmers’ Federation has detailed their grievances with the government’s handling of farming issues.

National Farmers Federation President David Jochinke

Anthony Albanese is leading an “anti-farming” government dictated by the decisions of niche interests, Australia’s peak farm lobby group says.

In an escalation of a crusade against the federal government, the National Farmers’ Federation has today issued an open letter to the Prime Minister telling him farmers “have had enough”.

“Decision by decision, your government is pushing farmers away and eroding their trust,” NFF president David Jochinke wrote.

Mr Jochinke’s letter details the grievances the NFF has with the government’s handling of issues impacting the industry, from its ban in four years’ time of the live sheep export trade, to being “steamrolled” on water buybacks, a tightening of the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Scheme, the biosecurity protection levy – shelved last week due to a lack of support in the parliament – and planned changes to superannuation.

Mr Jochinke called on Mr Albanese to work together to restore farmers’ confidence in his Labor government. “I don’t believe you want to lead an anti-farming government, but the facts lay bare that you are. Let’s work together to change that,” he said.

The letter comes after the NFF last Friday issued a vote of no confidence in the Albanese government over its live sheep export ban.

It was only the second time the farm lobby has issued a vote of no confidence in the government of the day, the last in 1985 when 45,000 farmers rallied on the steps of Parliament House in Canberra over high taxes and interest rates they said were destroying their industry.

The vote took place in Canberra on Friday at a meeting of NFF council members, the motion was passed on the voices.

While no “no” votes were recorded, it was not a unanimous decision. The Weekly Times understands that a number of council members abstained from voting.

When asked whether this sentiment would be carried into next year’s federal election, NFF chief executive Tony Mahar said: “We don’t want to take this to the election, we want the government to start working with the agricultural sector now”.

Australian Dairy Farmers president Ben Bennett said he was among those who voted in favour of the motion.

“We see this as the thin edge of the wedge. Our dairy farmers get their 13th cheque from the export of dairy heifers. If you don’t stand up for yourself no one else will in this world. We have to take a page out of the animal activists’ book,” Mr Bennett said.

NFF horticulture council president Jolyon Burnett said he hoped the federal government didn’t see it as an attack, but an indication of the level of frustration among farmers.

“Coming on top of the biosecurity levy, some of the issues around the Murray Darling Basin, the national water plan, the situation with the Great Artesian Basin, all these things added up to create a sense that perhaps the government wasn’t listening to the sector,” Mr Burnett said.

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