
Australia launches its first biosecurity strategy

Australia now has a nationally co-ordinated plan to tackle an incursion of a foreign pest or disease.

Murray Watt announces 'third prong' to govt's response to FMD and lumpy skin disease

Australia will have a national strategy to protect itself from the arrival of foreign pests, weeds and disease.

The nation’s first National Biosecurity Strategy has been agreed to by the Federal Government and state and territory agriculture ministers amid the looming threat of a biosecurity incursion.

Indonesia is grappling with foot and mouth and lumpy skin disease outbreaks that, if landed on Australian shores, could derail the nation’s $80 billion livestock industry, while NSW is hastily trying to extinguish varroa mite, first detected in a hive at the Port of Newcastle in June but now feared may have come in on goods delivered to an RAAF base near the port.

Agriculture Minister Murray Watt addressed the National Rural & Press Clubs of Australia in Canberra on Tuesday, when he released the first National Biosecurity Strategy. Picture: Gary Ramage
Agriculture Minister Murray Watt addressed the National Rural & Press Clubs of Australia in Canberra on Tuesday, when he released the first National Biosecurity Strategy. Picture: Gary Ramage

Agriculture Minister Murray Watt announced the strategy in his address to the Nation Press Club on Tuesday, adding the Albanese Government was committed to providing long-term, sustainable funding for biosecurity.

He was unable however to guarantee this would be a feature of the upcoming federal budget.

“It will take a bit of time, but fulfilling this commitment is integral to the growth of our farming sector,” Mr Watt said.

“Strong and efficient biosecurity is even more important as we respond to emerging challenges including diseases on our doorstep including foot and mouth disease, African swine fever, lumpy skin disease and xylella,” Mr Watt said.

“This strategy has been under development for more than a year and I’m really pleased that a new spirit of co-operation between Federal, State and Territory Agriculture Ministers has seen the strategy finalised and released so soon after the change of government.”

A reference group has been established to help inform the strategy made up of representatives from the National Farmers’ Federation, Invasive Species Council, CSIRO, Australian Banana Growers’ Council, Freight and Trade Alliance, rural and research and development corporations, Seafood Industry Australia and Torres Strait Regional Authority.

Invasive Species Council chief executive Andrew Cox said this was the first time a clear direction had been set to protect Australia from unwanted pests and diseases.

“The spirit of collaboration that helped create this strategy will be a fundamental element of the modern biosecurity system that will help us withstand the growing challenges that we will all face this decade,” Mr Cox said.

Mr Watt also announced the Federal Government would give Indonesia an additional $10 million to help contain its foot and mouth disease outbreak.

The funding will compliment $14 million Australia is directing to Indonesia’s vaccination and disease mitigation efforts.

Shadow Agriculture Minister David Littleproud welcomed the national biosecurity strategy, but criticised the Albanese Government for taking the credit for what he said was “effectively completed” by the former Coalition government before the federal election.

“The only initiative this government can lay claim to is the one million FMD vaccines offered to Indonesia a month ago but they are yet to administer a single one of them. It’s not much help promising an extra $10 million to Indonesia if they can’t even deliver vaccines needed immediately,” Mr Littleproud said.

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