
The Weekly Times’ View: Farmers to pay for ‘vista’

Planning Minister Richard Wynne’s push to “protect” farming within 100km of Melbourne is set to slash land values, argues The Weekly Times in this editorial.

New planning proposals will lock up more farm land. Picture: Alison Wynd
New planning proposals will lock up more farm land. Picture: Alison Wynd

RURAL Victorian landholders face having properties devalued by a group of muddle-headed bureaucrats and their Planning Minister, Richard Wynne, in a naive bid to “protect” the state’s rural vista.

Removing the right to build a dwelling on 40ha or more will strip millions, if not billions, of dollars off the value of land within 100km of Melbourne

Mr Wynne says planning reforms must be introduced to “guard against the gentrification of vital farmlands — and protect farming activities close to our urban centres”.

But he fails to understand the agricultural landscape cannot be maintained as some static picture postcard for the pleasure of Melburnians, roaring past at 100km/h.

The rural landscape needs to evolve, with farmers able to realise the equity they have built — to reinvest in the business, for succession or retirement.

What Mr Wynne and his bureaucrats are proposing is to lock down landholders under even more restrictive planning laws, which they are calling “better controls”.

Landholders should be asking if the minister is going to compensate them for the massive devaluation of their land and erosion of their equity.

Will the state government offset the impact by waiving rural rates on all farming zoned land within 100km of Melbourne, and compensate councils for the lost revenue?

Of course, Mr Wynne and his Premier, Daniel Andrews, will do no such thing.

And do not believe for one moment these proposals are mere thought bubbles.

Mr Wynne wants a legacy, and it is clear he wants to take the next step in preserving the green landscape within 100km of his “most liveable city”.

Never mind the farmers.




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