

No-fault insurance injury scheme - frequently asked questions


MOTOR injury insurance is expanding from July 1. This means if you are catastrophically injured in a motor vehicle accident in WA after July 1 you will be covered for treatment, care and support.

Why is Motor Injury Insurance being expanded?

Every year in WA it is estimated that 92 people will suffer a catastrophic injury after being involved in a motor vehicle crash. The existing Compulsory Third Party insurance scheme does not cover all people catastrophically injured in motor vehicle crashes in WA. WA is the second last state to implement expanded motor injury cover in Australia. The expansion of cover will deliver treatment, care and support for people that have been catastrophically injured in a motor vehicle crash from July 1 that are unable to successfully claim against the existing CTP scheme.

What is a catastrophic injury?

Catastrophic injuries are defined as spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, multiple amputations, severe burns, and permanent traumatic blindness.

Why are only people with catastrophic injuries eligible?

The costs of providing treatment, care and support for people catastrophically injured in crashes are substantial and beyond the financial means of most families and individuals. People with non-catastrophic injuries can claim through the existing CTP scheme if they can find another driver at fault in the crash.

People with non-catastrophic injuries who can’t claim through the existing CTP scheme as they were either at fault in the crash or couldn’t find fault can access public health and disability services and private insurances such as income protection and disability insurance.

When will WA’s expanded motor injury insurance take effect?

All motorists will be covered from July 1.

Are people catastrophically injured before July 1, and unable to prove fault, eligible for cover?

No, insurance cover is not retrospective.

Who can make a claim?

2.8 million registered vehicles in WA will be covered by the expanded motor injury insurance. All people catastrophically injured in motor vehicle crashes in WA from July 1. This includes drivers, passengers, pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclists.

Will you be eligible if the accident occurs on private property?

Catastrophic injuries from motor vehicle crashes occurring anywhere in WA will be eligible for cover if a licensed motor vehicle is involved. Catastrophic injuries from crashes involving an unlicensed (but registrable) motor vehicles will be eligible, provided the crash did not occur on private property.

Is a WA motorist covered if they have a crash in another state?

The driver of a WA registered vehicle that is catastrophically injured in a motor vehicle crash that happens in another jurisdiction will be able to access that state’s no-fault lifetime care and support scheme.

What if you have interstate plates and have a crash in WA?

All states and territories have agreed to provide cover for catastrophic injuries that result from motor vehicle crashes in their respective jurisdictions. That cover will apply irrespective of the state or territory where the vehicle is registered. If an interstate vehicle is involved in a crash in WA (resulting in catastrophic injuries to the driver) and a WA registered vehicle is at fault, the claim will need to be pursued against the CTP scheme.

What am I currently covered for under the existing CTP insurance?

The cost of injury that you or your vehicle may cause to other people.

What is not covered by my CTP insurance?

The cost of my mistakes while driving, including medical and other costs where I have been at fault in the crash or unable to identify another driver at fault.

What is the cost of expanded motor injury insurance?

Motor injury insurance premiums will increase per vehicle by a maximum of $99 per vehicle and motorcycle in the first year. The total cost of motor injury insurance for a family car will be $409. No additional insurance premium will apply to caravans and trailers. The additional cost for most tractors will be $25, while the premium increase for mopeds, farm fire-fighting vehicles and vintage cars will be $30.

Why is the cost $99?

Cost is based on providing lifetime treatment, care and support for approximately 44 people who will be catastrophically injured each year and currently unable to access insurance cover. Cost of that care is estimated at an average of $4 million for one person. An independent actuarial assessment determined that the increase should be an additional $99 per family car and motorcycle for the first year of the new scheme. This figure is based on an independent actuarial assessment of historic and estimated future claims experience.

What about business vehicles?

Since 2003, business vehicles have paid higher premium rates for motor injury insurance than private vehicles. Business vehicles actually have fewer crashes than private vehicles, so from July 1, there will be a reduction in premium rates for business vehicles to match the private usage rate. This will also simplify the registration process as motorists will not need to select whether the vehicle is primarily for business or private usage.

Why not apply premiums to drivers’ licences?

Nowhere in Australia is it done like this. The insurance premium would need to be significantly higher due to fewer drivers compared to vehicles owned in WA.

Why do I pay an insurance premium on every vehicle?

West Australians have one of the highest multi-car ownership levels in Australia. If motor injury insurance was only applied to one vehicle per multi-owner the insurance premiums would have to increase significantly.

I have never had an accident, why should I pay for people who are reckless drivers?

People catastrophically injured need the same care irrespective of the cause of the crash. The principle of no­fault insurance is that people are covered even if no other driver is at fault

Indirectly, isn’t the State Government raising taxes by increasing premiums which is compulsory to pay for motor vehicles? I do not have a choice to not pay the premium increase.

Motor injury insurance premiums together with investment income are used to pay injured people in crashes. The cost of expanding the Motor Injury Insurance Scheme represents the cost to the Insurance Commission to fund the scheme.

What treatment, care and support will be provided?

Individuals will be provided the following services to the extent that they arise from the motor vehicle accident and are deemed necessary and reasonable. Treatment, care and support includes:

  • Medical treatment
  • Dental treatment
  • Rehabilitation
  • Ambulance transportation
  • Respite care
  • Attendant care services
  • Domestic assistance
  • Aids and appliances
  • Prostheses
  • Education and vocational training
  • Home and transport modification
  • Where can I get more information?

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