Popular car hit with urgent recall
Australians have been buying this car in huge numbers but now thousands of owners have been told to get a safety issue fixed.
Australians have been buying this car in huge numbers but now thousands of owners have been told to get a safety issue fixed.
A new breed of electric cars threatens to shake up Australian roads with a daring approach to personal transport.
A global car giant has revealed the new version of one of Australia’s favourite SUVs and it is almost unrecognisable compared to the current model.
More power and exclusive features take this turbocharged hot hatch into new territory for a popular performance brand.
One of the big selling points of electric cars is the low running costs, but in a shock move Tesla has destroyed one of its biggest advantages.
The world’s rich and famous love to standout from the crowd, and their over-the-top rides mean they’ll always be hogging the limelight.
New road user survey data shows almost 65 per cent of Australians want to stop bicycle riders from doing one thing on the road.
State treasury accused of ‘turning its back on the topic of climate change’ as opposition mounts to controversial new levy on green tech.
A young man has miraculously escaped with non-life-threatening injuries after a crash that tore his car into two pieces.
If you have been interested in buying an electric car but have been turned off by the sky-high prices, this could be the car for you.
A new carpooling app claims most drivers won’t have to declare income tax but the ATO says otherwise in a warning to all rideshare motorists.
The truck driver has had his licence suspended after he allegedly blew more than five times the legal limit in Sydney’s inner west.
Female car enthusiasts are being sought for a television ad about their ‘dream car’ – but they must have one particular skill.
Lexus is sure to rattle a few cages when it launches its all-new SUV in Australia next year, giving buyers a cheaper alternative to big rivals.
Original URL: https://www.weeklytimesnow.com.au/machine/motoring/motoring-news/page/197