Cattle prices rally at huge Ballarat sale
Feedlots and commission buyers jostled with southern restockers for a share of what was an impressive line-up of 6000 cattle today. See the results.
Feedlots and commission buyers jostled with southern restockers for a share of what was an impressive line-up of 6000 cattle today. See the results.
Angus heifer calves sold to more than $1500 at Wangaratta today, following a “hot” Wednesday sale that has them on track for a $9m week.
As Hamilton prices go to the top of the list to kick off week 2 of weaner sales, compare prices across all yards.
While weaner prices have been down on the previous two years, this vendor is instead focused on what his steers have made a day.
Gippsland farmers made “unbelievable” prices at the store sale, with The Ridge Pastoral selling about 300 cattle.
Weaners sold for $8/kg-plus at Casterton, where heated bidding pushed prices higher ahead of the key selling period.
Large lines of weaner cattle pushed prices up $100 to $150 dearer at the Wodonga store sale. See the top prices returned for a huge line of 500 steers.
Prices were buoyed at the latest Leongatha store cattle sale by extra competition with a 5000-head strong cattle market.
Travel restrictions did little to affect the latest week of bull sales, with many notable studs achieving over $10,000 averages.
Buyers have paid on average more than $10/kg for young cattle for the first time ever in early sales this week.
Calves continued to achieve over 800c/kg while heavy cattle pushed above 500c/kg at the latest Yea store cattle sale.
Favourable seasonal conditions are pushing cattle prices even higher including at Bairnsdale for a 3000-strong yarding. Top prices here.
Increasingly extraordinary prices are being achieved for cattle at Leongatha’s latest store sale. Here are the market toppers.
Many vendors made more money than they had ever seen. Breakdown of prices here – including who sold the top steers and heifers.
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