

Big prices amid tiny yarding at Wodonga store cattle sale

There may have been fewer cattle but steer rates have broken 600c/kg once again at Wodonga. See the rundown here.

Wodonga store cattle sale - May 27 2021

A tiny yarding was not enough to keep the lid on prices today at Wodonga where steers broke 600c/kg.

The small field of buyers was cashed up for the offering of just 840 cattle, far short of the advertised offering of 1500.

Agents said rainfall of 20-30mm in the district earlier in the week had encouraged some producers to hold stock, while others said it was as sign of the times leading into winter.

Brian Unthank Rodwell auctioneer Gerard Unthank said the results were very strong given the mixed lineup of cattle and the small field of buyers.

“The small offering had a bit to do with the rain but when the sale kicks off with black baldy heifers and calves making $3340, you know you are in for a good day,” he said.

“The rates were really good especially as we are going into winter and it’s hard to put weight on stock until spring.”

Selling underway at today’s Wodonga store cattle sale. Picture: Fiona Myers
Selling underway at today’s Wodonga store cattle sale. Picture: Fiona Myers

Older steers made 400-450c/kg, the best weaner steers with weights above 350kg made about 500c/kg, mid-weight steers weighing 250-330kg made 500-590c/kg while lighter Angus steers around 200-230kg sold from 600-665c/kg. Hereford weaner steers sold to 648c/kg.

Buyer Malcolm Carson from Docker paid $1570, or 602c/kg, for 262kg Angus steers, with the steers to replace bullocks he had recently sold to JBS Australia for “the most I have ever sold bullocks for”.

Mr Carson said even though he had a lot of cattle on, he was having an each way bet by buying more.

“I think about 600c/kg is a fair enough price considering the weight of the cattle — they are all frame, ready to go on,” he said.

“I will keep them for about 18 months and who knows what it is going to be like in 18 months but that is the worrying point but it’s a gamble you take.”

Cattle being sold at at Wodonga, May 27, 2021

Heifers sold from $950 for light Angus (204kg, 466c/kg) at the smaller end up to grown heifers, which topped at $1895 for a pen of Angus yearlings weighing 425kg and returning 446c/kg.

Most other heifers sold from 420-52c/kg with the best rate of 553c/kg paid for a pen of 12 Hereford and roan heifers which weighed 190kg and sold for $1050 or 553c/kg.

The best of the few pens of cows and calves was sold by Redhill, which had a pen of 10 black baldy heifers, 2½ years, with calves to one month, which made $3340 and sold to a Rutherglen buyer.

Bidding strength was mainly local with Ravesworth Feedlot active on selected pens of heavy steers and commission buyer Graeme Ward picking and choosing from the offering.

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