AWI elections to bring in three new faces this week
There are new faces at WoolProducers Australia, while the AWI board will look very different by Friday, as the wool industry’s next generation takes shape.
The board of Australian Wool Innovation will have three new faces by the end of the week after elections are held for directors at the organisation’s annual meeting.
And the industry’s peak grower body – WoolProducers Australia – is encouraging all those who have registered to vote to have their say on the makeup of the research, development and marketing board.
WoolProducers Australia chief executive Jo Hall said this year’s election “provides wool growers with a real opportunity to vote for a much needed cultural change for the AWI board”.
WPA backed three candidates Ed Storey, Steve McGuire and George Millington.
This was different to the people recommended by AWI’s board nomination committee who selected George Millington, Neil Jackson and Emma Weston.
Ms Hall said it was important the growers chose people who would represent their best interests.
“AWI is responsible for the expenditure of one of the highest rates of levies in Australian agriculture,” Ms Hall said.
“With seasonal and market conditions tightening for producers leading to careful investment decisions on-farm, the same should be expected of the industry’s research development corporation.
“This is your money so to ensure that growers are getting the best bang for your buck in the areas of research, development and marketing we believe that these candidates will ensure that your money is spent wisely.”
The AWI annual general meeting will be held in Sydney on Friday.
Meanwhile, WPA held its annual general meeting last week with new directors joining the peak body.
Elections for independent directors drew five candidates, with Angus Hobson, Skye Ward and Simon Riddle all gaining places on the board.
NSW grower Stacey Lugsdin, the former vice president and Victorian grower Helen Carrigan were unsuccessful.
Mr Riddle is acting vice president of WPA until February.