
Townsville women improving kids’ diets with Fruit Shoot

Fruit Shoot is aiming to empower kids to make better decisions when it comes to their diets through education and fun-filled photo shoots.

Two mums have teamed up to bring healthy eating education to schools with a fun twist helping families to savour the memories forever.

Nutritionist Kate Pearce and photographer Josephine Carter, want to empower kids when it comes to fruits and vegetables.

Ms Pearce is the founder of Nutrition Queensland and the creator of the Healthy Little Eaters Game.

She said her background as a registered nurse and a desire to learn how nutrition impacted the body took her on a journey to delve into the world of health and wellbeing.

“We believe that educating children about nutrition at a young age sets the foundation for a lifetime of healthy choice,” Ms Pearce said.

Fruit Shoot is offering an educational experience about healthy eating with fun photos. Picture: Josephine Carter
Fruit Shoot is offering an educational experience about healthy eating with fun photos. Picture: Josephine Carter

“What better way to make learning fun and memorable than by integrating a professional photo shoot into the process?”

Josephine Carter moved from Germany 11 years ago and said she hasn’t looked back since.

Her passion for photography and videography led her to join up with Ms Pearce to help spread the word.

Josephine Carter from Josephine Carter photography and Kate Pearce from Nutrition Queensland.
Josephine Carter from Josephine Carter photography and Kate Pearce from Nutrition Queensland.

“Capturing the children’s enthusiasm in each photo is magical,” Ms Carter said.

“We add a dash of creativity by using props like cool clothing and, of course, the very fruits and vegetables they’ve learned about. It’s a unique blend of education and art.”

Students who participate are able to dress up, receive a personalised nutritionist certificate and get professional photos available to purchase for parents.

The Fruit Shoot program has received positive feedback for the light-hearted learning experience it provides students.

“Fruit Shoot is more than an event; it’s a canvas of learning, health, and creativity, and it’s changing the way kids view their diets,” Ms Pearce said.

Originally published as Townsville women improving kids’ diets with Fruit Shoot

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