

‘Stand by it’: Michael McCormack defends himself over accusations of pork barrelling

The man responsible for a $1.15 billion scheme has responded to a damning report about where a big chunk of the money ended up.

Nationals benefit from federal grants program

Former Nationals leader Michael McCormack has rejected accusations he engaged in pork-barrelling as minister, despite a scathing audit office report.

The Australian National Audit Office found almost two-thirds of the $1.38bn fund went to projects that did not have merit and ministers routinely ignored departmental advice.

It also found there was little documentation to support the funding decisions under the Building Better Regions Fund.

Michael McCormack says he stands by his decisions. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
Michael McCormack says he stands by his decisions. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage

Speaking on Sky News, Mr McCormack said he stood by decisions he made and insisted there was proper documentation to back it up.

“They’re all done on the right guidelines, they were all scored appropriately,” he said.

“I stand by every decision I made.”

The fund was set up by the Coalition in 2016 and offers grants for projects outside of capital cities.

So far, $1.15bn has been spent on almost 1300 projects across five rounds.

Barnaby Joyce was a member of the panel that rejected applications. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
Barnaby Joyce was a member of the panel that rejected applications. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage

But while the program was well designed, the ANAO said the panel of ministers, which included former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce and Mr McCormack, overrode decisions made by the department.

“This reflects the extent to which the ministerial panel has increasingly relied upon the ‘other factors’ outlined in the published program guidelines when making funding decisions,” the report said.

It resulted in an additional $100m being funnelled into Nationals-held seats.

Over 160 applications recommended by the department were rejected by the panel and 179 decisions were not properly documented.

Applications located in non-Nationals-held electorates were awarded less funding than would have been the case had funding been awarded based on the merit criteria.

Infrastructure Minister Catherine King said Australians had no tolerance for pork barrelling. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage
Infrastructure Minister Catherine King said Australians had no tolerance for pork barrelling. Picture: NCA NewsWire / Gary Ramage

Infrastructure Minister Catherine King said the regional grants process will now be redesigned.

“There's bit of work to do to try and clean this up to make it much fairer and much more transparent for regions across the country,” she told Sky News.

But conceded the government would not do away with discretionary grants altogether.

“There are always discretionary grants programs … What I want to see is a much more transparent process and Ministers being accountable,” she added.

Originally published as ‘Stand by it’: Michael McCormack defends himself over accusations of pork barrelling

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