Native logging to end in 2030: Log supply cut in half by 2025-26
Native log supplies for the Victorian timber industry will almost be halved by 2025-26, winding down to zero by 2030.
VICFORESTS has told timber contractors their supply of sawlogs will almost be halved by 2025-26, as it prepares to enact the Andrews Government decree that all native forest harvesting must end by 2030.
In a letter to contractors VicForests’ chief executive Monique Dawson said total harvest levels would be maintained at current levels to 2024, then cut by 25 per cent in 2025, and a further 25 per cent from 2026 to 2030.
“We will maintain current D+ sawlog harvest levels until mid-2024 (253,000 m3 per annum) then 185,000m3 in 2024-25 reducing to 140,000m3 per annum from 2025/26 until 2030,” she said.
“This new policy may be disappointing for you and your employees.
“It is important for you to know that this policy is not a reflection on VicForests’ operations or the native timber industry. The Government has decided that this change is necessary to provide clarity to industry while responding to community expectations about the management of environmental values.”