
Strong restocker, feedlot competition push Wodonga cattle prices above 600c/kg

There have not been any price spikes, but steers have still broken 600c/kg and heifers 500c/kg at the latest store cattle sale at Wodonga. READ THE FULL REPORT

Wodonga store cattle sale, May 13, 2021

Steers broke the 600c/kg mark several times at Wodonga’s store sale today as the market showed a steady trend on recent sales.

Bidding for the offering of 2500 cattle was dominated by commission buyers, with Andrew Lowe buying for several accounts, alongside Graeme Ward, Duncan Brown and Peter Toohey.

Feedlot competition, including from Ravensworth feedlot at Hay, was also a factor in the sale where steers topped at 670c/kg and heifers made above 500c/kg.

Agents take bids for Hereford steers in a market that pushed above 600c/kg at Wodonga today. Picture: Fiona Myers
Agents take bids for Hereford steers in a market that pushed above 600c/kg at Wodonga today. Picture: Fiona Myers

Corcoran Parker auctioneer Leigh McEvoy said the market was not quite as strong for some lines and attributed it to the bigger than advertised yarding.

“We had some quality runs of good cattle and they attracted strong competition,” Mr McEvoy said.

“The prices may have slipped a bit for some lines, but I haven’t heard anyone complaining.”

The feature of the offering was a draft of 600 cattle from Fairyknowe Farms at Tallangatta. Their draft of Angus steer weaners weighed 232kg-309kg, with the heaviest pen making $1660 or 537c/kg and the lightest $1555 or 670c/kg.

Justin Keane from Corcoran Parker at Wodonga with the run of Fairyknowe Farm Angus steers that sold up to 670c/kg at the Wodonga store sale today. Picture: Fiona Myers
Justin Keane from Corcoran Parker at Wodonga with the run of Fairyknowe Farm Angus steers that sold up to 670c/kg at the Wodonga store sale today. Picture: Fiona Myers

Other drafts of Angus steers made 500c/kg-600c/kg, with higher rates paid for lighter steers.

This was seen in the draft from one vendor — the heaviest Angus steers at 349kg made $1750 (501c/kg); the next draft weighing 331kg made $1715 (518c/kg) and the lightest steers at 262kg made $1500 or 573c/kg.

Hereford steers sold from 460c/kg to 507c/kg, with P Day Nominees from Oaklands, NSW, selling the tops of his draft of Herefords, 353kg, for $1735 (492c/kg) and the next 13 weighing 295kg for $1725 (507c/kg).

Light steers made to 641c/kg for a pen of 237kg Shorthorns.

The top rate for heifers was $1955, paid for the Day’s Herefords which were rising two years, weighed 509kg and returned 384c/kg.

Other heifer rates settled into a range of 450-490c/kg for lines above 330kg.

Agents take bids in a strong cattle market at Wodonga today. Picture: Fiona Myers
Agents take bids in a strong cattle market at Wodonga today. Picture: Fiona Myers

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