Woolworths announces fund for dairy farm improvements
A new fund has been set up by Woolworths for dairy farmers across Australia who are seeking to improve facilities on their properties. Check out the details here.
A FIVE million dollar fund for on-farm improvements will be opened up for dairy farmers who supply Woolworths from tomorrow.
All Australian dairy farmers who contribute milk to Woolworths’ dairy supply chain, directly or through processors, can apply for up to $100,000 each through its dairy innovation fund.
The cash grants will be awarded to farmers who want to invest in technology and infrastructure that will increase on-farm efficiency, sustainability and ability to manage seasonal variations.
Woolworths buying director Paul Harker said the company recognised that dairy farmers had faced tough conditions in recent years through droughts and bushfire.
“The dairy innovation fund will help farmers invest for the future, while also increasing resilience to withstand these types of challenges,” he said.
“This fund will assist in turning long-planned farm improvements into a reality, so we’re inviting dairy farmers to tell us how they would use up to $100,000 to improve their operations.”
Research from Dairy Australia this year showed that about 80 per cent of dairy farmers intended to make investments in their business in the coming two years.
The fund is set to support about 60 businesses over the next three years.
The first round of applications closes February 16.
More information is available at: woolworths.com.au/dairyinnovationfund