Milk2Market launches new milk exchange information platform
Since launching the original platform in October 2019, the Milk2Market group’s Milk Exchange has handled almost 100 million litres of farm milk trade. Now they’ve got a new site.
AN online milk trading platform has broadened its offerings to include a ‘click to contract’ initiative.
Since launching the original platform in October 2019, the Milk2Market group’s Milk Exchange has handled almost 100 million litres of farm milk trade with more than 500 farmers and food companies registered.
The Melbourne-based group has added a new component to the online platform — Dairy Trades @ Milk Exchange — which broadens the platform to encompass milk suppliers, dairy and food companies, wholesalers, traders, distributors and retailers.
Milk Exchange chairman David Green said the online tool was designed to make the process of buying and selling milk simpler and less costly.
“It’s a three-click process for dairy buyers and sellers to nominate their buy and sell requirements; accept that offer or make a counter-offer; and with the final click, the trade is accepted under standard terms and conditions,” he said.
“The use of standardised terms and conditions and a standard Milk Exchange contract avoids horse-trading and expensive and time-consuming legal processes.”
Mr Green said Dairy Trades @ Milk Exchange utilises the same Microsoft software solution used by 95 per cent of Fortune 500 companies, allowing access to the portal remotely and via mobile apps.