
Victorian Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford feels heat after crowing about hot weather

VICTORIAN Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford is copping heat from farmers over a social media post celebrating forecast hot weather.

Cow Moo-Tel Rooms The Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) is opening some "cow moo-tel rooms" to monitor and observe dairy cattle on different diets. They want to see which feed combinations produce high level of milk while reducing methane production. They will mointor different feed types combined with different weather conditions. The cows will be monitored 24 hours a day during the trials. Pictured is Ag Minister Jaala Pulford PICTURE: ANDY ROGERS
Cow Moo-Tel Rooms The Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (DEDJTR) is opening some "cow moo-tel rooms" to monitor and observe dairy cattle on different diets. They want to see which feed combinations produce high level of milk while reducing methane production. They will mointor different feed types combined with different weather conditions. The cows will be monitored 24 hours a day during the trials. Pictured is Ag Minister Jaala Pulford PICTURE: ANDY ROGERS

VICTORIA’S Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford is copping heat from farmers over a social media post celebrating the hot weather forecast for the weekend.

The comment, posted by Ms Pulford on Monday, said: “Oh my, that’s good looking long weekend weather — perfect for a trip to regional Vic. #springst #GrandFinalFriday”. It included a screenshot of Ballarat’s forecast of 28 degrees on Sunday.

The post comes as farmers throughout central Victoria, the Wimmera and Mallee face the prospect of failed crops or poor harvests.

The forecast warm weekend weather is expected to be the final straw for many crops already struggling due to poor spring rain.

Victorian Farmers Federation grains president, Quambatook farmer Brett Hosking, pointed out in a tweet that many farmers were having a tough time due to the unseasonably hot, dry conditions.

In response to the Minister’s post, Mr Hosking tweeted: “Lots of growers having to make tough decisions ahead of this weekends weather forecast @JaalaPulford @VFFGrains”.

In his tweet, Mr Hosking also embedded a tweet from VFF vice president and Horsham farmer David Jochinke in which he had a photo of the Jochinke family’s grain crops which are today being cut down for hay, an indication that there was not enough moisture in the soil, or rain forecast, to enable the crops to make it to harvest.

Mr Jochinke posted on Twitter that he was cutting almost all of his wheat crops, but hoped the barley, lentils and chickpeas could hold on and he may be able to harvest them.

He added that he had “written off” all of his beans and canola crops.

Mr Hosking told The Weekly Times today that he did not believe there was any malice in Ms Pulford’s tweet. “She is also Minister for Regional Development, so it is part of her job to promote the benefits of visiting regional Victoria,” Mr Hosking said.

“But maybe she could remember (in her tweets) that what is good weather for some is challenging for others.”

“I think the minister is well aware of the challenges that are growing fast (in relation to the dry conditions).”

Mr Hosking said he planned to meet Ms Pulford tomorrow in Ballarat to discuss what more the Government could do to support growers hit by the dry conditions.

“It is a rapidly changing beast at the moment; we knew it was going to be a tough year, but this hot weather that is forecast is now going to make it exceptionally challenging for a great many growers, it has just come on us so fast,” he said.

“The rainfall deficiency of the past month means the whole state will be hit by this weather and all farmers will feel the impacts, it is really widespread, but Wimmera, south and eastern Mallee and central Victoria would be amongst the worst hit.”

Nationals leader Peter Walsh also criticised Ms Pulford’s tweet, questioning why she wasn’t hoping for rain for desperate farmers.

In response to Ms Pulford’s tweet, Mr Walsh today posted: “@JaalaPulford As Ag Min I would’ve thought you’d want rain for desperate grain farmers, rather than promote the Premier’s parade holiday.”

The Minister replied that she was: “Most definitely wanting and hoping for rain for our grain farmers @PeterWalshMP. As well as a busy wk’end in the regions with Melb visitors.”

Ms Pulford’s office has been contacted for a response.

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