
Crops expected to be above average in Victoria’s Western District

A 50mm downpour of rain was welcomed by most grain growing areas in Western Victoria last week, according to an agronomist. Here’s how crops are tracking.

Positive outlook: Western Victoria grain growers are in for a good season.
Positive outlook: Western Victoria grain growers are in for a good season.

WESTERN District grain growers are expected to have an above average season this year, despite wild weather hitting crops last week.

WesternAG director Philip Hawker said about 4cm of snow fell on crops on Friday, around the Skipton and Beauford area.

“It did settle and we are not anticipating any negative impacts from that on crops as it wasn’t thick enough, “ Mr Hawker said.

And Westmere was hit with minus one and a half degrees and stayed cold at below zero degrees for about five hours, Mr Hawker said.

“We wont know the damage for about four to five days,” he said.

But crops were still on track for an above average year.

Mr Hawker said last week, the district got about 50mm of rain, which was welcomed by most areas.

“Some areas that had recovered (from water logging) were inundated again,” he said.

“But for most areas it was positive.

“Conditions are good at the moment and crops will be good for the next few weeks.”

Wheat is expected to get over six tonnes a hectare this season, according to Mr Hawker, with canola anticipated at about three tonnes a hectare.

An earlier variety of wheat was also planted in the area this season, which should get about eight to nine tonnes a hectare, Mr Hawker said, depending on how the rest of the season plays out.

For Hamilton grower Andrew Nagorcka, a few hail storms hit his crops recently, but no significant damage occurred.

“We had a terrific start to the year with an early break,” Mr Nagorcka said.

“We had a mild winter with low winter rainfall which helped potential water logging.”

Last week, Mr Nagorcka’s crops received about 40mm of rain, which finished his canola, and one more rain in October will finish his wheat, he said.

“We are expecting canola to get three tonnes a hectare or better,” Mr Nagorcka said.

“Wheat could potentially get seven to eight tonnes a hectare.”

Mr Nagorcka expects this season to be on par with last year’s above average yields.

“We had a great season last year with above average yields,” he said.

“So crops are shaping up to be as equally as good as last year.”

Next year, to boost yields, Mr Nagorcka said he would look at adding a shorter season winter wheat variety, which had a later planting.

“This is something we are prepared to change for next year’s season, as sowing in May drops the yield potential,” he said.



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