

This was published 9 years ago

Yemen's president flees as Houthi rebels move on the country's second largest city

By Ali al-Mujahed and Brian Murphy

Sanaa: Houthi rebels have moved on Yemen's second-largest city, overrunning two key airfields, forcing the president to flee and threatening the last remnants of the country's Western-allied leadership.

Some parts of Aden remain held by forces loyal to President Abed-Rabbo Mansour Hadi - who abandoned his last-ditch refuge in the seaside city - but the domino-style rebel gains raised questions about how long Hadi's troops could hold their ground.

Yemenis run from gunfire at an army base in Aden.

Yemenis run from gunfire at an army base in Aden.Credit: Reuters

The fall of Aden to the Shiite rebels would give the insurgents control of both the capital, Sanaa, and the country's main sea gateway.

It also could be the end of Hadi's bid to cling to power, and the beginning of a fiefdom-versus-fiefdom civil war in a country once hailed as a critical front in the US-led war against al-Qaeda.

Troops loyal to Yemen's President take positions on the frontline.

Troops loyal to Yemen's President take positions on the frontline.Credit: Reuters

Yemen's branch of al-Qaeda holds patches of the country and views the Houthis as foes in a battle for influence and Yemen's modest oil wealth.

On a broader level, Yemen represents a potential proxy battlefield for the wider regional rivalries between Shiite power Iran and the Gulf Arab states backed by Washington, which had counted on Hadi as a partner in coordinating drone strikes against al-Qaeda.

Amid the widening chaos, Hadi's whereabouts remained unclear.


Senior security officials told The Washington Post that Hadi had left his residence in Aden, where his government sought a foothold after being driven from the capital, Sanaa, by the Houthi rebels.

If Aden falls, it could spell the unravelling of Abed-Rabbo Mansour Hadi's presidency.

If Aden falls, it could spell the unravelling of Abed-Rabbo Mansour Hadi's presidency.Credit: AP

Yemen's foreign minister, Riyadh Yaseen, told Al-Jazeera from Egypt that Hadi was in a "secure" place in Aden. Later, however, officials told the Associated Press that Hadi and top aides had escaped by sea on two boats.

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to brief journalists.

Neighbouring Saudi Arabia - which has massed troops on its border with Yemen - offered haven to Hadi's predecessor, Ali Abdullah Saleh, after he was driven from power by Arab Spring-inspired uprisings in 2012.

Houthi-controlled state television said a nearly $US100,000 bounty was offered for the president's capture.

Some members of Hadi's inner circle, meanwhile, appeared to run out of room. Rebels said they had captured the country's defence minister and a top aide near Aden.

Security officials said Hadi fled his compound just hours after the rebels announced they had taken the important al-Anad air base, located less than 32 kilometres from Aden. The airfield was once a main link in the US-directed drone missions against al-Qaeda.

Later, the rebels reported taking control of Aden's civilian airport.

Hadi's government has appealed for military intervention from the Gulf's military alliance, which is anchored by neighbouring Saudi Arabia, and has called on the United Nations to authorise foreign armed forces to enter Yemen.

But Gulf states have given no signals of plans for an immediate mobilisation to aid Hadi, and the last units of US and British commandos have been pulled from Yemen amid the widening instability.

Saudi Arabia reinforced troops and tanks on its southern border with Yemen. Yet any ground intervention would require a long and difficult trip through the heart of Houthi-held territory to reach Aden.

A Saudi official was quoted as saying the frontier deployment was "only to defend the country" and not a prelude to a push into Yemen.

The unravelling of Hadi's power over the past months has dealt a significant blow to US-led efforts to wage drone attacks and other pinpoint strikes against suspected strongholds of the Yemen-based branch of al-Qaeda, which is considered among the terror group's most active networks.

The Houthi rebels have claimed increasing territory since taking control of the capital in January. Hadi's government, backed by loyalist forces, relocated to the southern port of Aden.

Last week, suicide bombers killed at least 137 people at two Shiite mosques in Sanaa linked to the Houthi rebels.

Washington Post

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