

This was published 8 years ago

GamerGate meme war shares DNA with pro-Donald Trump trolls

By B.J. Bethel

Ohio: GamerGate didn't start the alt-right -- but shares some of the DNA of the online racist movement.

What they have in common tells us a lot about disaffected university students drowning in debt before they graduate; working and middle class whites who feel they have been forgotten or sold out by the political and business establishment.

 A meme comparing the Hitler Youth to modern gamers and mocking criticism from feminists, created by gamers who said they were being compared to the Junior SS.

A meme comparing the Hitler Youth to modern gamers and mocking criticism from feminists, created by gamers who said they were being compared to the Junior SS.

What they have in common, in other words, says a lot about the state of white America today, a segment of society whose fate is central to the 2016 election.

For many, GamerGate began on August 16, 2014 when a man named Eron Gjoni published what has come to be known as "The Zoe Post".

A meme based on the movie <i>The Princess Bride</i> mocks those gamers who insisted  "ethics and gaming journalism" were their chief concern.

A meme based on the movie The Princess Bride mocks those gamers who insisted "ethics and gaming journalism" were their chief concern.

At over 9000 words - nearly a fifth of the length of F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby - the blog post explored the alleged infidelities of Gjoni's then girlfriend Chelsea "Zoe Quinn" Van Valkenburg.

Gjoni collected chat conversations, text messages, private social media message and video recordings as evidence of what a horrible person his ex-girlfriend was. In that way, it's like the thousands of breakup messages that adorn Instagram and Facebook walls the world over.

What made this post different was what it begot – directly or indirectly, depending on who you ask.

The aftermath of Zoe Quinn (now her legal name) and Eron Gjoni's lovelife was GamerGate, which left scorched earth across social media, women forced from their homes because of constant rape and death threats from internet trolls, a gaming community that felt scapegoated and betrayed, and a culture war that continues - with some of the main players now involved in the 2016 US presidential election.

Controversial alt-right figure Milo Yiannopoulos.

Controversial alt-right figure Milo Yiannopoulos.Credit: WikiCommons

What does a romance gone badly wrong have to do with video gaming and internet madness?

Gjoni alleged one of Quinn's dalliances was with Nathan Grayson, of online media company Gawker's gaming site Kotaku.

A scene from the movie <i>Conan the Barbarian</i>, modified by a gamer. SJW stands for "social justice warriors", often derided by gamers.

A scene from the movie Conan the Barbarian, modified by a gamer. SJW stands for "social justice warriors", often derided by gamers.

Prior to the Zoe Post, video game enthusiasts were sceptical of many gaming sites because of alleged "pay-for-play" or dishonesty with their ratings and reviews.

When word got out that Quinn – who developed a game called "Depression Quest" – was linked to Grayson romantically, gamers expected a mea culpa from the websites covering their hobby while admitting such quid pro quo was the norm.

Former Breitbart editor Stephen Bannon was present in the meeting.

Former Breitbart editor Stephen Bannon was present in the meeting.Credit: AP

According to various accounts from gamer-friendly sites such as Encyclopedia Dramatica and others, the websites instead went to war with their users, calling gamers misogynist and anti-woman on the whole.

Finding facts and balance in reporting on the event is nearly impossible.

Zoe Quinn was one of the main targets of Gamergate attacks.

Zoe Quinn was one of the main targets of Gamergate attacks.

Wikipedia scrubbed any reference to Gjoni in Quinn's entry, while a May 2015 story in Boston Magazine based on interviews from both Quinn and Gjoni called him a stalker. Theories and conspiracies about Quinn could take a lifetime to catalogue, and Reddit forums remain dedicated to further expose Quinn and gaming sites like Kotaku, which was recently bought by Univision in the Gawker sale.

Amid the uproar , feminist Anita Sarkeesian jumped into the political fray and immediately received death and rape threats and was forced from her home on one occasion. The same happened regularly to Quinn and to fellow game developer Brianna Wu, who tweeted about the single-digit number of women involved in game development and was met with a torrent of hate.

SJW raid of 4chan that went awry.

SJW raid of 4chan that went awry.

GamerGate quickly became political.

Sarkeesian and Quinn would be invited to speak at the United Nations to a committee about cyber violence. The pejorative use of SJW (social justice warrior) and "PC policing" continues unabated.

Anita Sarkeesian, in a cut from her appearance on <i>The Colbert Report</i>, on a meme. The segment didn't include the actual quote or exchange.

Anita Sarkeesian, in a cut from her appearance on The Colbert Report, on a meme. The segment didn't include the actual quote or exchange.

On the other side were liberal gamers who felt "mugged" by their own fellow progressives, as well as the website 4chan. 4chan isn't political, but politically incorrect, and populated by the merry but scary pranksters of the internet.

Both sides hammered each other with "memes" making their own political point of view, mocking the other side, or spreading misinformation.

Pro-Trump trolls on the alt-right have made internet memes an art, with a ridiculous amount of success flooding Facebook feeds and spreading Trump's message or lack thereof. Trump's constant Twitter presence and the memes that the Trump troll crowd push have evolved from the meme wars between the opposing sides of Gamergate.

Today, the sizeable Trump fan base linked to 4chan makes sense, given Trump's combative nature and lack of political correctness.

If anything, the biggest political winner in the aftermath of GamerGate was

Milo Yiannopoulos was Breitbart's London correspondent when his fellow Breitbart writer Adam Baldwin coined the name "GamerGate".

Yiannopoulos began covering the movement. His star continued to rise and he became a face of the alt-right during Donald Trump's political rise. Yiannopoulos' boss, Stephen Bonner, is now head of the Trump campaign and could be in the White House cabinet in 2017.

GamerGate and Breitbart's approach to social media and the wider world were made for each other.


Two years later, Twitter is uglier on both sides of the aisle, as is all of social media during this unprecedented election in the US.

And the origins of some of this vitriol, the outrageous memes and gender-based anger can be traced back in part to a relationship between two gamer types going sour online.

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