

This was published 9 years ago

Syria's despair: why the US-led military campaign is failing

By Tom Allard

After months of training, the carefully selected recruits of Division 30 slipped across the border of Turkey into Syria, ready to do battle with Islamic State and the other militants that now control most of this tortured nation.

A team of some 54 fighters, Division 30 was at the vanguard of a US effort to raise thousands of secular Arab Sunni fighters to capture territory bombed by coalition forces and drive Islamist fighters from northern Syria.

A Syrian refugee tends to her daughter while cooking inside her tent at an informal tented settlement near the Syrian border on the outskirts of Mafraq, Jordan.

A Syrian refugee tends to her daughter while cooking inside her tent at an informal tented settlement near the Syrian border on the outskirts of Mafraq, Jordan.Credit: AP

Led by Syrian Army defector Colonel Nadim al-Hassan and whittled down from 1200 experienced Syrian insurgents who applied to join the program, Division 30's first foray on the battlefield was brief.

It was also an unmitigated disaster.

Syrian refugee Huda Alsayil, 20, holds her newborn son Mezwid at an informal settlement on the outskirts of Mafraq, Jordan.

Syrian refugee Huda Alsayil, 20, holds her newborn son Mezwid at an informal settlement on the outskirts of Mafraq, Jordan.Credit: AP

Just days after arriving at the Syrian border town of Azaz, Division 30 was ambushed by the Nusra Front, an al-Qaeda affiliate believed by intelligence agencies to be harbouring an elite cell of hardened al-Qaeda terrorists in northern Syria plotting attacks against the West.

Colonel Hassan was kidnapped along with one of his deputies and at least another four fighters.

The next day, Division 30's headquarters was attacked, with five of its cadres killed, 18 wounded and 20 more taken prisoner.


The prisoners were released, but only after Division 30 released a statement praising Nusra Front as "holy warriors", vowing never to fight them again.

A young Syrian migrant girl is held by her mother next to railroad tracks where migrants wait to cross into Macedonia in Idomeni, Greece.

A young Syrian migrant girl is held by her mother next to railroad tracks where migrants wait to cross into Macedonia in Idomeni, Greece. Credit: Getty Images

It was a stunning capitulation from a group of fighters who benefited from top-level Pentagon training and equipment, as well as air support from the US-led coalition.

It is also a damning indictment of the failed military strategy in Syria that relies heavily on air power, and one that Australia is preparing to join, with cabinet's national security committee due next week to extend the area of operations of its six Hornet fighter jets bombing IS targets in Iraq.

A young Syrian boy cries as his father carries him up a steep hill as they walk to a border crossing on the Greek and Macedonian border near Idomeni, Greece.

A young Syrian boy cries as his father carries him up a steep hill as they walk to a border crossing on the Greek and Macedonian border near Idomeni, Greece.Credit: Getty Images

Almost 12 months since US President Barack Obama announced the air campaign in Syria and Iraq to "degrade and destroy" IS and cripple the Nusra Front, both groups and their jihadist fellow travellers have expanded their reach dramatically.

While Kurdish forces have succeeded in repelling IS along Syria's northern border, IS has marched further south and now controls more than 50 per cent of Syria's land mass.

Why are we doing it now after six or nine months after the raids of the Americans and Jordanians and the others have proven to have no effect?

Ross Burns, former ambassador to Syria

This week, it captured a neighbourhood in the Syrian capital Damascus, taking it closer to the heart of the power base of the Assad regime than ever.

In the north-east, the Nusra Front and another Islamist group Ahrar al-Sham – under the banner of the Army of Conquest – have taken control of Idlib province, pushing back Syrian government forces, routing smaller secular rebel groups armed by the US and co-opting others along the way.

Meanwhile, the Syrian armed forces loyal to dictator Bashar al-Assad continue to use brutal and indiscriminate force to suppress the rebels, Islamist and secular alike.

The end result for Syria's population is unprecedented misery. The human toll of the 4½-year conflict has only worsened, producing the worst refugee crisis in a generation.

The exodus of some 400,000 Syrians overwhelming Europe this year represents just 10 per cent of those who have left the country, mostly for squalid camps in Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon.

Seven million more Syrians have been forced to move from their homes. In total, half of Syria's population has been displaced. Up to 320,000 have died.

Into a hellhole riven by sectarian and ethnic divisions, Australian fighter jets are likely to soon enter the fray.

In a battle space of extraordinary brutality and complexity, the Australian mission is meant to be straightforward – target IS fighters as an adjunct to its existing operations in Iraq.

From an operational standpoint, there is certainly a tactical logic to the move. As the Chief of the Defence Force Mark Binskin said in Canberra on Wednesday, it makes little sense for Australian planes to have to wait until the militants cross into Iraq before they can target them.

It will also give Australian fighter pilots the flexibility to chase IS fighters should they retreat from Iraq across the border into Syria.

But, says former Australian ambassador to Syria Ross Burns, the expanded operations won't make "the slightest bit of difference" in degrading IS, let alone turn the tide of anguish in Syria.

"Why are we doing it now after six or nine months after the raids of the Americans and Jordanians and the others have proven to have no effect?" he says.

"[IS] base themselves among the civilian population … you simply can't get at them easily from the air."

"The only solution is a diplomatic and political one and you don't hear the government talk about that at all."

The Abbott government has not only failed to articulate a coherent strategy for bringing stability to Syria, it has suggested it doesn't even care to formulate one.

Asked what a future, more stable Syria might look like should IS be routed, Defence Minister Kevin Andrews replies: "That's a complex question beyond what we are considering at the present time … that's not part of our consideration...

"We're not involved in the broader conflict in Syria. We are not involved in the conflict involving the Assad regime."

Rodger Shanahan, a former Australian military officer who served with the United Nations in Syria, says the government isn't levelling with the public about the impact of expanding the air campaign to Syria and the possible pitfalls.

"All they talk about is bombing Islamic State in Syria. They tie in bombing in Syria with the ground campaign in Iraq.

"Yet they have not said how they will sequester targets in Syria that are just impacting upon Iraq.

"There's several Syrian army brigades fighting battles in eastern Syria … By destroying Islamic State targets in Syria, there's a real possibility you might be relieving pressure on Assad's forces."

Indeed, the fact that the despised dictatorship of Assad shares with Australia, the US and its allies a common enemy in IS lies at the heart of the coalition's strategic dilemma.

Secular Syrian Arab rebels won't rally and join the US-led campaign and provide it with the essential ground forces because they are told that they can't attack Syrian government forces.

More fundamentally, it is the intractable, violent chaos in Syria – rooted in the rebellion against Assad – that allows IS and other jihadist groups to flourish. While Assad remains in power, that chaos won't end.

"It will only be through a political solution in the shape of a managed transition [of power from the Assad regime] that Syrians can begin to take back control of their territory from groups like IS," says analyst Charles Lister, of the Doha Brookings Center.

But, while a political settlement is the only chance of bringing peace to the benighted Syria people, it will be extremely difficult to bring about, even if there is a glimpse of progress.

"We are seeing the very early beginning of the process where the Saudis, the Iranians, the Russians, the Americans and the Gulf states are finding the broad parameters of a political solution for Syria," says Bob Bowker, another former Australian ambassador to Syria.

The broad plan, Bowker says, is for Assad to be removed but for his political loyalists to remain in power. Assad's government draws support from one-third of the population, at most, so a coalition will need to be formed with some of the less odious Sunni Arab leaders.

The problem is that moderate Sunni Arab leaders are hard to find. The major Islamist groups who hold sway and control territory have all expressed genocidal intent towards Alawites, Christians and other minority groups who support Assad, Bowker says.

And the idea of replicating the strategy of the Iraqi surge, of co-opting some of the Sunnis in Syria to support the US-led effort and a new inclusive government – as suggested this week by former US commander in Iraq David Petraeus – is fraught, Shanahan argues.

That shift of support from al-Qaeda in Iraq largely relied on appealing to tribal loyalties that don't exist among the Islamist insurgents in Syria.

As Shanahan puts it: "You can't negotiate with these Islamist groups. They take their orders from God."

Any chance of success will rely on bringing together the regional and world powers that support the various factions battling in Syria and have ruthlessly pushed their own interests in Syria regardless of the misery it has reaped.

But there is little evidence so far that Iran and Russia, Assad's backers, are seriously considering forcing him to step down. Turkey appears more interested in quashing the stateless Kurds than combating Islamists in Syria.

Crushing Iranian proxies in Yemen is the priority for the Saudis and the Gulf states, which are believed to have ceased deploying their fighter jets against Islamist insurgent targets in Syria.

The US itself is a reluctant player, scarred by its failed experiments of regime change in the Middle East - from arming Osama bin Laden's mujahideen to overthrow the Soviets in Afghanistan, to the toppling of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Muammar Gaddafi in Libya.

Its focus is to push IS from Iraq and restore stability there, a task that is hugely challenging and mostly foundering but, says Shanahan says, "a walk in the park compared to Syria".

Containing IS and al-Qaeda in Syria appears the extent of its ambition, and one that has failed spectacularly so far.

Even if a peace deal can be forged, Syria will remain divided, Bowker says.

"Syria is gone. There's no way it can be reconstructed on a basis where there is complete political authority out of Damascus. Any political deal will involve the disaggregation of Syria. Enclaves will remain under the control of the various factions."

The violence and conflict, he says, will likely continue, although perhaps at a lower level.

Even so, the influx of refugees from Syria has brought the problem - and the scale of the human tragedy - to the doorstep of Europe, creating a new dynamic and engaging its leaders and citizens in the crisis like never before.

In the end, the best hope may well be the outrage of the global community, driven by heart-wrenching images such as that of Aylan Kurdi, the Syrian toddler photographed lifeless and alone on a Turkish beach after a failed boat crossing to Greece.

If nothing else, perhaps regional and world powers can be shamed into action.


Population 23 million

Sunni Muslim Arabs 59.2%

Alawites 11.3%

Christians 11.2%

Kurds 8.9%

Druze 3.2%

Other 6.2%

The Players

Assad regime President Bashar al-Assad's government is backed internally by Alawites, Christians and a dwindling number of minority groups; now controls less than 25% of Syria. Supported by Russia and Iran.

Islamic State The Islamist group has seized vast tracts of territory. Its self-proclaimed caliphate with its capital in the Syrian city of Raqqa.

Nusra Front (Jabhat al-Nusra) The Syrian branch of al-Qaeda holds sway in north-west Syria. It is believed to shelter the Khorasan group, a cadre of hardened al-Qaeda operatives allegedly plotting attacks in the West. Bitter enemy of IS.

Ahrar al-Sham A homegrown anti-Assad group with thousands of Sunni fighters. Grounded in militant Islam, it has co-operated with the Nusra Front to rout Assad forces. Targeted by US air strikes last year but has recently been mooted as a possible US ally.

Kurds The most potent anti-IS fighting force, seizing territory in northern Syria and Iraq this year with the assistance of US-led air strikes. They now control more than half of the Turkey-Syria border.

US-aligned Sunni rebels Holds territory in Syria's south. Mostly in disarray after battlefield losses to Islamist rebel groups. Efforts by the US to train and arm new units have failed.

US-led coalition US, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Gulf states began bombing jihadists in Syria last year. Canada followed. In July, Turkey joined and allowed jets to use its strategically vital Incirlik air base. But Turkey's bombs fell heaviest on the Kurds, allies of the US.

Sources: Columbia University, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, UNHCR

with David Wroe

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