

This was published 9 years ago

Refugee crisis: Squalid 'city' rises in Budapest as Europe seeks solutions

By Rick Lyman

Budapest: A metropolis of thousands of weary and bedraggled refugees and migrants continues to rise in the labyrinth of underground passageways outside Keleti train station.

The Hungarian authorities, saying they were merely obeying European migration regulations, continued to keep the refugees and migrants out of the station on Wednesday, despite having allowed thousands onto westbound trains on Monday.

Migrants camp under the Keleti train station in Budapest.

Migrants camp under the Keleti train station in Budapest.Credit: Mauricio Lima/New York Times

At the same time, the desperate migrants fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, Africa and Afghanistan - most of them hoping to reach Germany - continued to pour over the Hungarian border from Serbia. The construction of a razor-wire fence seems to have barely slowed them down.

And so, while European ministers squabbled and prepared for a series of meetings to discuss the crisis, vowing to move toward some sort of common and humane response, the squalid city outside Keleti grew and festered.

Police stand by as a few hundred people wait to take a train to Germany at the Keleti train station in Budapest.

Police stand by as a few hundred people wait to take a train to Germany at the Keleti train station in Budapest.Credit: Mauricio Lima/New York Times

"We are sleeping in trash," said Ramadan Mustafa, 23, a chef from the Syrian city of Qamishli. "We don't know what to do. It's a matter of human rights. If they don't do something about the situation, we are going to start walking."

In the stifling heat, migrants sprawled wherever they could: on the tiles of the underground plaza connecting Keleti to the nearest subway station; along the twisting passageways beneath the broad boulevards surrounding the station and, up at ground level, on the sun-baked concrete promenade at the huge station's main entrance. There, television trucks provided a few patches of shade and hundreds of police officers guarded every door.

Puddles of water smeared the tiles here and there, where people had tried to wash themselves. With temperatures in the 80s, the air smelled of sweat and human waste, and the chatter bouncing off the walls made it difficult to find a quiet spot.

"In Europe, they're treating us like [Islamic State] did, beating us up," said Ahmad Saadoun, 27, from Fallujah, Iraq. "Either take me to Germany or just send me back. I don't care anymore."

A group of migrants charge their phones using a TV station's generator outside the Keleti train station.

A group of migrants charge their phones using a TV station's generator outside the Keleti train station.Credit: Mauricio Lima/New York Times

At this, Mr Saadoun started weeping. A man standing next to him put his arm around his neck and kissed his cheek to comfort him.​

Knowing that migrants determined to get to Germany and other Western nations and unable to board at Keleti would probably try other routes, police officers from Hungary and adjoining nations conducted spot checks on trains for travellers who might be migrants.

Thousands wait at the Keleti station.

Thousands wait at the Keleti station.Credit: Mauricio Lima/New York Times

Similar checks were being made on vehicles trying to cross the border between Hungary and Austria.

Michael Mueller, the mayor of Berlin, said the authorities believed that as many as 14,000 migrants were now making their way through Europe, and the city was preparing hundreds of beds in tents, former army barracks and two hangars of the city's shuttered Tempelhof Airport.

Families sleep underneath the Keleti train station in Budapest.

Families sleep underneath the Keleti train station in Budapest.Credit: New York Times

In Budapest, throughout the afternoon squads of police officers wearing surgical masks and gloves roamed the streets near Keleti station, going into Internet cafes and minimarkets and asking people who looked like migrants for documentation.

If the migrants could not produce evidence that they had entered the country legally or that they had been fingerprinted at the border - the first step in the official registration process - they were taken behind the station and forced to be fingerprinted, according to several migrants and one police officer.

Refugees sleep underneath the Keleti train station in Budapest.

Refugees sleep underneath the Keleti train station in Budapest.Credit: Mauricio Lima/New York Times

Many of the migrants had valid tickets to board trains to the West, bought in a mad rush on Monday evening and Tuesday morning after the Hungarian authorities allowed some migrants to leave. But because they could not get inside the station, they could not board their trains. And because the tickets were nonrefundable, they watched as more of their precious resources evaporated into the muggy air.

Passengers with the proper passports and documentation were being allowed in to catch their trains, and disembarking passengers were fed through a side entrance to keep them away from the migrant throng.

A volunteer group called Migration Aid that was formed two months ago in Budapest had set up offices in an empty storefront at the north side of the hall, and dozens of refugees clustered at its doors trying to get news, supplies and reassurance. Another door a few metres away led to the group's makeshift clinic where six volunteer doctors and nurses tended to wounds and other ailments.

"At the beginning, a month ago or so, it was mostly foot problems from the long journey they had made," the group's co-founder Tamas Lederer said. "But now, there are so many, we get people with diabetes, various illnesses and, with the building of this wall along the southern border, a lot of slicing wounds from people cut on the razor wire."

Outside Hungary's parliament building, several thousand people marched on Wednesday evening to protest the government's treatment of the migrants.

"I find this government's refugee policy unacceptable," said Denes Nagy, 71, a physicist. "It goes against basic human values, European values and Hungary's true values."

New York Times

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