

This was published 2 years ago


‘The equivalent of 1000 Hiroshima bombs’: World watched a tremendous explosion in Tonga

By Brian Schmidt and Richard Arculus

On Saturday evening, Tongans witnessed a catastrophic explosion of the volcanic vent that had grown a few metres above sea-level between the small islands of Hunga Tonga and Hunga Ha’apai, some 50 kilometres north of their capital Nuku’alofa on the main island of Tonga, Tongatapu.

In a unique first, the rest of the world watched the tremendous explosion in real-time from the new generation of high-resolution weather satellites, which showed in devastating detail its power and scale.

The whole world could watch the eruption in Tonga in real time thanks to a new generation of weather satellites.

The whole world could watch the eruption in Tonga in real time thanks to a new generation of weather satellites. Credit: Himawari-8 satellite via Japan Meteorology Agency

The rapidly expanding mushroom cloud covered the distance from the explosion site to Nuku’alofa at twice the speed of sound, and the sound wave could be seen spreading out across the Pacific at 1200 kilometres an hour.

In Fiji – 800 kilometres away, the sounds of the explosion were impressive, but even in Auckland, 2000 kilometres away, they were easily audible. Sound is a pressure wave, and weather stations picked up the signal in the barometric pressure measurement in Canberra three hours after the eruption; the signal was later measured on the other side of the Earth in Europe.

Hunga Tonga and Hunga Ha’apai are remnants of an older volcanic edifice. In 2004, the Australian Marine National Facility’s research vessel mapped the submerged portion of the volcano of which these islands are an above-water fraction.

With most of the volcano underwater, the eruption generated a significant tsunami that has created havoc in Tonga. Tsunamis also travelled across the Pacific from Australia to the US west coast. The scale of these suggests a significant part of the uppermost portions of the underwater caldera was destroyed during this eruption. The eruption likely formed a transient hole at the Earth’s surface, into which the ocean rushed and then rebounded radially away from the vent.

An accurate measure of the total energy of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption will emerge as data from many sources come together, but it is already clear this was a significant eruption. Probably not at the scale of the infamous 1883 Krakatau eruption in Indonesia, whose sound waves measurably circumnavigated the globe seven times with the instruments of the day, but probably larger than any volcano since Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991.

The Krakatau eruption was enormously destructive largely due to the tsunami it generated with 36000 people killed in the islands of Sumatra and Java adjacent to the Sunda Strait, where the volcano is located. The energy of the Krakatau 1883 eruption has been estimated as equivalent to a 200 megatonne nuclear bomb – or four times larger than the largest hydrogen bomb ever detonated on Earth. The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano might not match Krakatau, but the energy of its explosion will likely be of the order of the largest nuclear bombs ever made – the equivalent of 1000 Hiroshima bombs.


It will be particularly interesting to see when satellite measurements of the ash plume of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai are made available. From these, we can estimate the total amounts of individual gases such as sulphur dioxide that the volcano has put into the atmosphere. Sulphur dioxide is the opposite of a greenhouse gas – and in the vast quantities that a volcano can put out, an eruption is capable of cooling the Earth in a way that is measurable.

This was seen in Pinatubo in 1991-92, but especially following the truly massive eruptions of Tambora (Sumbawa, Indonesia; 1815) and Krakatau, which lead to global crop failures in the following years. Satellite measurements made of the volcano’s eruption on January 13, a major eruption in itself – but just a pre-cursor to the January 15 eruption - showed very little sulphur dioxide was injected into the atmosphere. But the eruption on the 15th was very much larger. However, if you are hoping Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai might be an antidote to climate change, you will be disappointed. It will only be a temporary blip.


University of Auckland vulcanologist Shane Cronin and collaborators have shown Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai has a history of violent eruptions – every 1000 years or so, and past eruptions haven’t just been single events, but seem to be part of a series of eruption over many months.

A further potential hazard for the population of Tonga is a “sector collapse” of the volcano. In simple terms, this is an underwater landslide – many of the submarine volcanoes of the Ring of Fire generally, and Tonga specifically, have experienced these types of tsunami-generating events.

Given the scale of this most recent eruption, let’s hope it is largely finished and its history does not repeat for the sake of the people of Tonga, who have our best wishes, and will need our strong support over the coming weeks and months as they endure the aftermath of the eruption.

Brian Schmidt is a Nobel prize-winning scientist and vice chancellor of the Australian National University. Professor Richard Arculus is an emeritus professor in the Research School of Earth Sciences at the ANU College of Science.

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