

This was published 2 years ago


Why is Biden pursuing the ‘Holy Grail’ with a regime targeting its sitting ducks?

We’d almost forgotten about the fatwa issued against the life of author Salman Rushdie 33 years ago. Indeed, Rushdie himself had become pretty relaxed about it, apparently.

“That’s all a long time ago,” he told Germany’s Stern magazine in an interview about two weeks ago. After years of living in hiding and under police protection, he said: “Nowadays my life is very normal again.”

 Illustration: Dionne Gain

Illustration: Dionne GainCredit:

Rushdie, born in India, spent much of his life in Britain and in 2000 moved to the US, where he was stabbed up to 15 times on Friday as he was about to give a lecture on “the US as asylum for writers and other artists in exile and as a home for freedom of creative expression”.

Joe Biden said that Rushdie “stands for essential, universal ideals. Truth. Courage. Resilience. The ability to share ideas without fear. These are the building blocks of any free and open society.”

And in his interview with Stern, Rushdie deplored the fact that violent intolerance had risen worldwide since the then supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, issued the death decree against him for supposed blasphemy in his novel The Satanic Verses.


But the fatwa’s issuing authority, the Islamic Republic of Iran, is doing much more than propagating intolerance. We should note that there’s no evidence at the moment that Rushdie’s assailant, 24-year-old US resident Hadi Matar, was working for Iran’s authorities.

But multiple US media outlets report that Matar had contacts and sympathies with the regime. Vice News, for instance, reports that he’d been in direct contact with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps on social media. It cited a NATO counter-terrorism official as saying that the stabbing had the hallmarks of a “guided” attack.

Matar’s mother disowned him after the assault and said that she’d never heard of Salman Rushdie till now. The New York Post reported that Matar had “made social media posts in support of Iran and its Revolutionary Guard, and in support of Shi’a extremism more broadly”.


Certainly, the Tehran regime didn’t disavow the near-fatal attack on Rushdie. The Kayhan newspaper, whose editor-in-chief is appointed by Iran’s supreme leader, offered “a thousand bravos” to the “brave and dutiful person who attacked the apostate and evil Salman Rushdie”.

The attempted murder of Rushdie is just one of a number of Iran-sponsored plots that have emerged in recent days. A New York-based Iranian dissident, journalist and women’s rights activist Masih Alinejad, has been targeted. Last year, US authorities foiled a kidnapping plot against her. Last month, police arrested a man with an AK-47-style weapon in front of her home.

Former US national security adviser John Bolton.

Former US national security adviser John Bolton. Credit: Leigh Vogel

Separately, Iranian government efforts to murder the former US national security adviser John Bolton and the former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo were unveiled last week.

American prosecutors issued an arrest warrant for a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. He’s accused of offering a would-be assassin $US300,000 to kill Bolton and $US1 million to kill Pompeo. Both officials were part of the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign of sanctions against the Tehran regime.

Bolton tells me that, as a former senior official, he’s “in the good hands of the Secret Service” and is not worried, although he does say he was a little “embarrassed” at the low value of the contract on his life; there was a bounty of $US3.3 million for Rushdie’s.

But Bolton points out that “there are something like 60 Americans who’ve been sanctioned by Iran and in theory all are at risk” of assassination. Tehran’s active pursuit of the lives of current and former US officials “shows that Iran believes it can do what it wants”, says Bolton, who is visiting Australia this month as a guest of the Centre for Independent Studies.

The targeting of serving and former US officials “is a line that has not been crossed before,” says Behnam Taleblu, an Iran analyst at the Foundation for Defence of Democracies, a non-partisan think tank in Washington. “I think it’s quite clear they won’t stop till a US official has been killed.”

Strikingly, this is under way even as Iran is negotiating with the US and European governments over a possible new deal to manage Tehran’s nuclear development program.

Bolton criticises the Biden Administration for pursuing a nuclear deal with Iran even as it attempts to murder Americans and people under US protection on US soil, and he’s not alone. Dozens of US senators have written to Biden in opposition but he persists. “For Biden, reviving the nuclear deal is the Holy Grail,” Bolton says.

But isn’t Biden’s calculus understandable, I put to Bolton. If he can potentially protect entire cities and countries from nuclear coercion or even attack, wouldn’t that justify the risk of assassination of some individual Americans?

“His deal won’t work,” replies Bolton. “It was bad when it was signed” under the Obama administration before Trump withdrew from it. “And it hasn’t gotten any better. Even without them cheating on the deal, the fact they’re allowing them to enrich uranium at all is a huge concession. Add this [assassination program] on top of it, it shows how brazen they are.”

Taleblu agrees that the deal under negotiation for the past year and a half constitutes pursuit of “dogma” by Biden: “They believe process is more important than outcomes. We went from fighting over 3.5 per cent uranium enrichment to now arguing over 60 per cent enrichment – talk about a backslide.


“And during these negotiations, Iran has stepped up its terrorism activities, its missile program and its nuclear development.”

If a deal is agreed, Iran stands to win major relief from economic sanctions. A much wealthier Iran, contends John Bolton, will only increase its co-operation with Russia and China to defeat the international sanctions against Moscow over the Ukraine war.

Salman Rushdie has not been silenced. But, on Iran’s current trajectory and its cooperation with the bigger autocratic powers in Moscow and Beijing, it will be just one small victory against a much larger threat.

Peter Hartcher is international editor.

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