

This was published 4 years ago


Trump's America ushers in a 'new age of pogroms'

By CJ Werleman

Seven nights of Hanukkah and no fewer than 10 separate attacks on orthodox Jews in New York City culminated with a knife-wielding man bursting into a rabbi’s home on Saturday night, shouting, “I will get you” before stabbing five people, two critically. New York governor Andrew Cuomo described this attack as an act of “domestic terrorism.”

“The bad days are back. Orthodox Jews are living through a new age of pogroms,” says Batya Ungar-Sargon, an editor for The Forward, the longest running Jewish American magazine in the United States.

Orthodox Jews in Monsey, New York,  celebrate the arrival of a new Torah a day after an attack on their community.

Orthodox Jews in Monsey, New York, celebrate the arrival of a new Torah a day after an attack on their community.Credit: AP

These attacks on visibly identifiable Jewish Americans in the past week come on the back of an armed assault on a kosher supermarket in Jersey City in early December, which turned into a prolonged firefight between the attacker and police, leaving six dead, and as many as 50 Hasidic children terrified for their lives as they huddled together under tables and chairs.

On Sunday morning, US President Donald Trump tweeted, “We must all come together to fight, confront, and eradicate the evil scourge of anti-Semitism.” These words flow hollow and shallow from a man who has routinely shared and amplified conspiracies that place Jews at the centre of a secretive global quest for political power.

While anti-Semitism remains the oldest and most pernicious form of racism in Western societies, there’s no overlooking the fact that anti-Semitic crimes have reached record-high levels during the three years of the Trump presidency, with 2018 recording the third-highest number of attacks on Jews and Jewish institutions since the Anti-Defamation League began collecting data in the 1970s, representing a 100 per cent increase over the number of incidences recorded in 2017, a year also marked by the mass murder of 11 Jewish worshippers at a synagogue in Pittsburgh.


Whereas attacks on religious minorities are typically the sole domain of right-wing extremists, violent assaults on Jews tend to occur along the length of the political spectrum, with ancient and long-standing anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracies shared freely and easily by groups and individuals belonging to all political persuasions. However, there’s no denying that groups and individuals associated with far-right ideologies are responsible for the lion's share of anti-Semitism that is again ravaging the Western world thanks to the kind of racism and xenophobia that has been weaponised by Trump and other right-wing populists.

When neo-Nazis marched in the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia, chanting, “Jews will not replace us,” the President responded by describing them as “very fine people”. When Trump state media, otherwise known as Fox News, isn’t peddling debunked conspiracies about Jewish-American billionaire George Soros, it’s deploying anti-Semitic dog whistle terms such as “globalists”. "media elites” and "Hollywood elites” to stoke the worst impulses of its almost exclusively white audience.

Earlier this month, Trump peppered the 4000-member all-Jewish audience at the Israel-American Council’s annual gathering with anti-Semitic tropes and conspiracies by implying they were torn between their loyalty for Israel and the US, and that their primary concern and ambition in life was to acquire unlimited power and wealth.


“You’re brutal killers, not nice people at all, but you have to vote for me. You have no choice,” thundered Trump from the lectern in what can only be described as another of his many bizarre and incoherent demagogic rants. Jewish groups across the country denounced his remarks, describing them as “vile”, “deeply offensive” and tapping into “negative stereotypes that have been used historically to target Jews”.

Worse, Trump’s elevation and amplification of anti-Semitic tropes works hand-in-hand with the central theme of his presidency and case for re-election: that white Americans are locked in a do-or-die struggle with non-white immigrants. In this retelling of America, Jewish elites are conspiring with liberals to promote lax immigration laws, open national borders and turn the country a deep shade of brown. It’s the conspiracy that drove the gunman who attacked the synagogue in Pittsburgh, and the Australian-born terrorist who murdered 51 Muslims at a pair of mosques in New Zealand earlier this year. There’s a price for racist political discourse. In New York City, Jewish Americans are paying it.

CJ Werleman is a journalist and author.

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