

This was published 6 years ago


Fascism 'goes unnoticed until it's too late': Albright sounds dire warning on Trump

By Nick O'Malley

If there is anything approaching a universal truth in online debate it is the acceptance of Godwin’s Law, which asserts that if any argument goes on long enough someone will eventually raise a comparison to Hitler, at which point they have lost their debate.

Godwin’s Law was first described by the author and lawyer Mike Godwin in the internet’s dark age, 1990. This, some will remember, was a happier time. The Berlin Wall had fallen and the Cold War was ending. Americans would soon be discussing the “peace dividend” to be enjoyed as funds once spent on weapons were redeployed to the public good. In his book The End of History, Francis Fukuyama would soon argue that the success of liberal Western Democracy might even signal an end to human socio-cultural evolution.

Donald Trump's administration resists definition.

Donald Trump's administration resists definition.Credit: AP

Such optimism seems almost impossible from today’s perspective, when it is commonplace for even the most sober analysts to wrestle in their writing with the rise of authoritarianism across the world.

Next week comes the release of Fascism: A Warning, a new book by former US ambassador to the United Nations and secretary of state, Madeleine Albright. It is in part a survey of the rise of authoritarian leaders and parties in Russia and the Philippines, in Hungary, Germany, Poland and Italy, and finally in the United States.

In a recent interview with American public radio NPR, Albright concedes that yes, the title is alarmist. It is intended to be, she explains. She was inspired by that phrase deployed across Western democracies in this age of terrorism, “If you see something, say something”. Albright has seen quite a lot in the Trump administration, and she has a lot to say.

“We have never had a president, at least in the modern era, whose statements and actions are so at odds with democratic ideals,” she writes in her chapter on the US.  “[Donald] Trump has spoken harshly about the institutions and principles that make up the foundation of open government, in the process he has systematically degraded political discourse in the US, shown an astonishing disregard for facts, libelled his predecessor, threatened to lock up political rivals, bullied members of his own administration, referred to mainstream journalists as enemies of the American people, spread falsehoods about the integrity of the US electoral process, touted mindlessly nationalistic economic and trade policies and nurtured a paranoid bigotry toward the followers of one of the world's foremost religions.”

Madeleine Albright joins Hillary Clinton on the presidential campaign in 2016.

Madeleine Albright joins Hillary Clinton on the presidential campaign in 2016. Credit: Bloomberg

There are those of course - not least in the Republican Party - who would dismiss this as hyperbole. But when you break it down, it is hard to challenge any assertion in that passage.

Fascism, she says in the interview, approaches us one step at a time, even in countries with strong democratic institutions and traditions, “and in many ways goes unnoticed until it's too late”.


Albright is not the only prominent commentator to sound such dire warnings about the Trump administration. Last year the polemicist Andrew Sullivan wrote an apocalyptic essay for New York Magazine in which he cast back to the first book on politics, Plato’s Republic, to illustrate what he saw as the potential for a contemporary American descent into tyranny.

Plato observed that the longer democracies existed - the longer their freedoms and equalities extended - the more incoherent they became, leaving them susceptible to the cynical corruption of a tyrant, who “offers himself as the personified answer to the internal conflicts of the democratic mess. He pledges, above all, to take on the increasingly despised elites. And as the people thrill to him as a kind of solution, a democracy willingly, even impetuously, repeals itself".

Sullivan’s argument was chilling and, set to stark graphics and a hypnotic soundtrack online, even darkly thrilling.


But applying ideas like Sullivan’s - or Plato’s or Albright’s - to contemporary America is difficult because the Trump administration resists definition. It is a twitching, impulsive tachycardic mess; a movement without substance or identifiable intent, let alone ideology. The journalists that have covered it - and this has been a golden era of American political journalism - have tripped over one another as they navigated the miasma of incompetence and trough-snuffling that Trump presents them with, allowing the administration to obscure each catastrophe with the next.

Amy Siskind’s new book, The List: A Week-by-Week Reckoning of Trump’s First Year, helps clear some of that thick air and reminds us of just how weird the last year has been. Siskind’s book is based upon her viral blog, The Weekly List, which she began when Trump was elected. Siskind, a Wall Street executive turned feminist activist, had been inspired by the suggestion by another shell-shocked liberal Sarah Kendzior, who had appealed to concerned citizens to keep lists of facts, beliefs and principles, of the minor changes they perceived in the nation under Trump, so they could better watch for what Albright would later describe as the steps towards fascism.

The book is a dry, heavily annotated compendium of the new normal under Donald Trump, a reminder of the weekly abuses of democratic standards and common understandings of truths and decency perpetrated over the past year by the Trump administration.

“Even for dedicated news junkies, it is remarkable how much we can forget, in the shock of the moment, about the previous shock of the moment,” Cass Suskind wrote of the book in The Washington Post. “Reading 'The List', I realised I’d forgotten that Trump went out of his way to give the announcement of his Supreme Court nominee a reality-television, who-will-he-pick, vibe (Week 12). I’d forgotten about the insidious incompetence of a $2 trillion double-counting error in Trump’s 2018 budget proposal (Week 28). I’d forgotten that Trump chose his son Eric’s wedding planner to oversee federal housing programs in New York (Week 31). And I’d forgotten about Kellyanne Conway’s invocation (Week 12) of the Bowling Green Massacre (Week Never).”

None of these writers suggest that America today is an authoritarian state, just that the only consistency of the Trump administration is its anti-democratic urges and impulses, that Trump himself has no regard for democratic institutions or traditions, that his greatest appeal to his core base is his willingness to demonise minorities. That is reason enough, perhaps, to reconsider Godwin's Law.

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