

This was published 4 years ago


Bloomberg is a difficult customer, so why is he polling so well?

On Tuesday night, former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg took his place on the Democratic debate stage. It was his first appearance at a debate, coming two weeks before his first appearance on the ballot (he skipped the first four primary states).

It did not go well.

Democratic presidential candidate and former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg.

Democratic presidential candidate and former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg.Credit: AP

The ill-prepared mega-billionaire withered in the face of attacks from his competitors, and a Morning Consult poll released on Friday showed a 20-point drop in his favourability ratings. But even if the Bloomberg experiment flops, his presence in the race has laid bare the deep fractures and thorny challenges facing the Democratic Party.

First and foremost, Bloomberg, who has self-funded his race to the tune of $450 million over 12 weeks, embodies the problem of wealth inequality. In Tuesday's debate one moderator wryly asked if he should exist – a reference to the left-wing contention that in a fair economic system, there would be no billionaires.

From left: Bloomberg, Warren, Sanders, former vice-president Joe Biden, former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg and senator Amy Klobuchar before the debate in Nevada.

From left: Bloomberg, Warren, Sanders, former vice-president Joe Biden, former South Bend mayor Pete Buttigieg and senator Amy Klobuchar before the debate in Nevada.Credit: AP

Senator Elizabeth Warren calls billionaires "a policy problem", a pithy summary of the opposition to wealth inequality that has flourished in the years since the global financial crisis. Ten years ago, "we are the 99 per cent" became a rallying cry for a left-wing movement that has profoundly influenced the Democratic Party, as Senator Bernie Sanders' strong showing in 2016 and 2020 proves.


But that view is held by only part of the party. Democrats also have a thriving technocratic-elite wing, where those who made fortunes in tech and finance find a home. Bloomberg isn't even the only billionaire running for the nomination – Tom Steyer, a hedge-fund billionaire, qualified for five debates. These men represent a part of the Democratic Party that sees extraordinary wealth as a positive value, particularly when it accrues to those with liberal politics.

President Barack Obama managed to paper over these divisions. He chose not to go after the financiers who had orchestrated the financial crisis, but he extended the social safety net and told voters that he viewed vast wealth inequality as a structural flaw in the US economy. He struck a balance that suggested, with the right policies in place, the 99 per cent could thrive alongside the 1 per cent.


That balance has been upended by Bloomberg, whose decision to self-finance this campaign and reject outside contributions leads to credible accusations that he is attempting to buy the Democratic nomination. At a time when faith in democratic institutions is faltering, Bloomberg is making Warren and Sanders' case for them: billionaires are a threat to democracy.


Bloomberg also highlights another fracture point in the Democratic Party: its commitment to racial and gender equality. Here, the former mayor has an appalling record. He oversaw the rapid expansion of stop-and-frisk, a policing technique that targeted black and Latino men for searches. A court ultimately deemed the policy as carried out in New York City unconstitutional.

And Bloomberg didn't just encourage the policy – he paired it with incendiary rhetoric. As recently as 2015 he falsely claimed that “95 per cent of murders, murderers, and murder victims” were “male minorities 16 to 25”. (He apologised in preparation for his presidential bid.)

His record on women is also a combination of troubling policy and rhetoric. At his company, he regularly required non-disclosure agreements as part of sexual harassment settlements, effectively muting the women who came forward about anti-women behaviour in the workplace. Nor was it just his employees' behaviour. Bloomberg himself used demeaning language toward women who worked for him.

And he's shown little evidence of growth. At Tuesday's debate, when Senator Warren pressed him on the non-disclosure agreements, Bloomberg shrugged her off, saying settlements involving his past sexist comments amounted to "maybe they didn’t like a joke I told".


Bloomberg's case is this: yes, he's been out of step with the party on cultural issues. But he has a history of political and economic success, and can beat Donald Trump, so Democrats should overlook his flaws and give him their vote.

That should be a tough sell. There are, after all, several candidates left in the race who don't have Bloomberg's baggage, and so far most of them do well in head-to-head polling with Donald Trump. And Bloomberg only became a Democrat a year and a half ago – he's barely even part of the party.

So why is he polling so well?

That too has to do with the challenging position the Democratic Party is in. Unlike the Republican Party, which is now comprised almost entirely of conservatives, the Democratic Party is ideologically diverse. Even more diverse these days, as moderate Republicans flee the party of Trump.

As a result, the party's presidential candidate is chosen by a diverse group of voters, all looking for very different things. No wonder so many candidates, representing so many different visions, remain viable. It is not a reflection of disorder but diversity, making a unity candidate hard to find.

Michael Bloomberg will not be that unity candidate. But his candidacy has helped clarify exactly why, at a moment when the party is united against Donald Trump, it is struggling mightily to unite for someone else.

Nicole Hemmer is associate research scholar, Obama Presidency Oral History Project, Columbia University.

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