

This was published 8 years ago

Merkel lets Turkey press case against German comic who mocked president Erdogan

By Alison Smale

Berlin: Chancellor Angela Merkel, caught in a bind by Turkey's bid to silence a German satirist who lampooned President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has said that her government would allow the case to go forward, but that the outdated law that permits it would be repealed with effect from 2018.

Announcing the decision to allow the court case against Jan Böhmermann, the comic, to proceed, Ms Merkel repeatedly insisted that Germany backs the freedom of press, opinion and culture and believes in the rule of law. "Not the government, but the courts and the legal system will have the last word," she said.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.Credit: AP

Pointedly referring to Turkey as a partner and a NATO ally, Ms Merkel said that Germany expects the government in Ankara to heed democratic norms and that Berlin has observed attempts to restrict freedom of media and the justice system in Turkey "with great concern".

But her decision also made clear that she cannot afford to antagonise Mr Erdogan after striking an accord with him to keep illegal migrants from proceeding to western Europe in exchange for billions of euros in aid.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel.Credit: AP

Her gamble in making that deal appears to have paid off, with the migrant flow reduced to a trickle since the agreement was reached in late March. But increasingly, Mr Erdogan seems intent on exerting the new leverage that the agreement has given him over Europe.

After the chancellor warmly welcomed the migrants last year, she faced the greatest pressure in her decade in power, from conservatives in her own bloc and a rising anti-immigrant party, as well as from European Union allies wary of the tide of migrants.

Her decision to make a deal with Mr Erdogan has now helped her relieve some of that political pressure, as well as some pressure on the European Union's system of open borders, which last year was cratering under the weight of the pell-mell migration of hundreds of thousands, many fleeing wars in Syria and Iraq.

Those gains, however, have come at the price of criticism that the chancellor is being forced in return to overlook the increasing authoritarianism of Mr Erdogan, who has similarly tried to silence critics in the media at home.

Controversial cult comedian Jan Boehmermann.

Controversial cult comedian Jan Boehmermann.Credit: AP

Ms Merkel announced her decision on the comic's case on Friday in a brief statement and took no questions. She did however make clear that her "grand coalition" of centre-right and centre-left parties was divided over the case, and thus implied that she had decided on the matter.

The centre-left Social Democrats had already urged repeal of the law they called antiquated under which Mr Erdogan can now proceed to sue the comic. Thomas Oppermann, parliamentary leader of the Social Democrats, said the decision to allow the suit was wrong.

Foreign heads of state cannot get special rights to sue German citizens, Mr Oppermann said.

Boehmermann, an impish-looking 35-year-old, is known for pushing the boundaries of satire. Last year he claimed to have manipulated a video of Greece's then-finance minister Yanis Varoufakis in which he is shown giving the middle finger - known as the "Stinkefinger" in German - to Berlin for its tough stance in the debt crisis. The video infuriated German politicians.

If the case goes forward, the law stipulates that Mr Böhmermann could face up to three years in jail, or an unspecified fine. Most legal experts have said it is highly unlikely he would go to jail as the court is likely to rule that his poem was permitted as freedom of expression.

The Turkish president, who has brought almost 2000 suits against perceived insults against him in Turkey, has also filed a private lawsuit against the comic, Mr Böhmermann.

Both suits will be pursued through prosecutors and courts in Mainz, which is the seat of the public broadcaster ZDF, which broadcast the show in which Mr Böhmermann read his poem.

Media and cultural figures in Germany have united behind the comic and his satire. After Ms Merkel's statement, she was widely criticised on Twitter.

Earlier on Friday, one of her crucial allies had indicated that she would permit the prosecution and leave the matter to the justice system. "Satire can do anything," Ms Merkel's ally, Volker Kauder, told the Passauer Neue Presse, a Bavarian newspaper. "But not every degradation is satire."

That statement recalled the words of Ms Merkel's spokesman on April 3, when he announced that the chancellor had agreed in a telephone call with Turkey's prime minister that the comic's poem was "deliberately insulting".

Her criticism of the comic set off a wave of protest against Ms Merkel and a wave of support for Mr Böhmermann, who is now living under police protection after what the police have described only as unspecified threats from Turkish nationalists.

Two Social Democratic ministers who took part in government discussions about the legal dilemma said they had opposed issuing the permission, arguing that Mr Erdogan's private case would anyway proceed through the courts.

Using identical words, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the foreign minister, and Justice Minister Heiko Maas said: "The freedom of opinion, media and culture are the highest treasures of our Constitution."

In Germany, someone who offends a foreign leader or an accredited ambassador can be prosecuted under an article of the law which all now agree belongs more to the 19th century world of majesties and czars. It has been used, among others, by the Chilean strongman Augusto Pinochet.

It is nicknamed the "Shah paragraph" after the Iranian leader Mohammed Reza Pahlavi used it several times to try and silence criticism. In 1964, journalists at the Cologne newspaper Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger had to pay a fine after they were deemed to have offended the Shah in a caricaturistic montage of photos.

When the Shah tried to sue demonstrators after protests during his visit in 1967, the German interior minister at the time went to Tehran and persuaded him against taking action, according to German media.

In 1977, a court in North Rhine Westphalia ruled that a banner outside the Chilean embassy in Bonn, then the German capital, which said "Band of Killers" was illegal. The ambassador had said he was offended by the banner.

The New York Times, Reuters

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