

This was published 9 years ago

Iran nuclear deal: what is it about?

By Ruth Pollard

Beirut: Iran and six major powers – known as the P5+1 – have reached an agreement that places limits on Iran's nuclear program in return for lifting sanctions that have crippled its economy. Those major powers are the US, Germany, France, Russia, Britain and China.

The US Congress has 60 days to approve the deal, and there is expected to be significant opposition from the Republican Party. Yet an agreement that would see Iran return as a normal player in international politics has far-reaching implications. Following is an explanation of what's changed, what's at stake and what the world may expect.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif gestures as he talks with journalists in Vienna where the deal was reached.

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif gestures as he talks with journalists in Vienna where the deal was reached. Credit: Reuters

The crisis

Relations between the US and Iran have been in trouble for decades. But in 2002 the situation worsened when it was revealed that Iran had two secret nuclear sites – Natanz​ and Arak – raising fears it was secretly developing a nuclear weapon.

In the face of an intensifying diplomatic standoff, then US president George W. Bush described Iran, along with Iraq and North Korea, as the "Axis of Evil".

But it is not just the US and Iran who've been on the brink of war. For decades, Israel and Iran have declared each other sworn enemies. Israel, with its own undeclared and unmonitored stock of nuclear weapons, sees Iran as an existential threat and has vowed to fight the agreement.

The Middle East

There is hope that as diplomatic relations normalise with Iran in the US and Europe, that the Middle East's Sunni-majority states such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar may also work out a way of coexisting with their Shiite-majority competitor – ultimately resulting in a de-escalation of sectarian violence in the region.


Iran, the main Shiite power in the region, is supporting the Assad regime in Syria as it enters its fifth year of civil war, leading to indescribable misery for the country's civilian population.

Tehran is also backing Hezbollah in Lebanon and intervening in neighbouring Iraq to back its Shiite-led government in the fight against the so-called Islamic State. In Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East where millions are close to starvation, Iran is sponsoring the Houthi insurgency.

In each of these battles, particularly Syria and Yemen, Saudi Arabia and its allies are backing the opposition forces with cash and weapons, in a contest that has only escalated as the possibility of a deal with Iran drew closer.

The formula

Experts from the Arms Control Association say the agreement – known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action – establishes an effective formula for blocking all pathways by which Iran could acquire material for nuclear weapons.

They say it will allow for the prompt detection and deterrence of possible efforts by Iran to covertly pursue nuclear weapons in the future.

The deal is "a net-plus for nuclear non-proliferation and is clearly in the interest of both the United States, its allies and partners in the Middle East, Iran, and the international community".

It will establish long-term, verifiable restrictions on Iran's sensitive nuclear fuel cycle activities, some lasting for as long as 25 years.

They say Iran's potential to "break out" and amass enough bomb-grade uranium for one bomb will be expanded from about two to three months to at least 12 months.

It includes a layered monitoring regime, involving International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections under Iran's additional protocol to its comprehensive safeguards agreement.

The snapback

The "snapback" mechanism is designed to deal with fears that Iran might not stick to the deal once sanctions are lifted. Under this mechanism, the punitive sanctions are automatically reintroduced if Iran fails to comply with the deal.

The sanctions

The United States, United Nations and European Union have imposed sanctions on Iran for its nuclear program since the IAEA found Tehran was not complying with its international obligations.

They include sanctions on finances and banking, on oil exports, trade, assets and travel bans and weapons development.

The sanctions have hit ordinary Iranians hard – the economy has been crippled and essentials like lifesaving medications have been harder and harder to source.

The sanctions relief that Iran will receive in return as it meets its key nuclear restrictions and non-proliferation commitments are designed to serve as an incentive for Tehran to follow through on its obligations in the long term.

The winners

The Iranian people have been filmed dancing in the streets in celebration of the agreement, which they hope will end years of economic hardship.

US President Barack Obama says the agreement has been a key plank in his foreign policy agenda. It has been widely hailed as one of the most significant diplomatic breakthroughs in years. "This deal is not built on trust, it is built on verification," Mr Obama said on Tuesday.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, said the deal brought with it "a day for our youth to dream again for a brighter future".

The losers

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been campaigning against any nuclear deal with Iran for years, even addressing the US Congress on Israel's objections to the dismay of the Obama administration.

He failed to stop the deal and yet still seriously damaged Israel's relationship with its major supporter, the United States.

The BBC's Lyse Doucet​ tweeted: "Asked @JZarif [Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif] for his response to criticism from @netanyahu – "I think peace is an existential threat for him at this point."

Saudi Arabia has been engaged in several proxy wars with Iran, and Iran's warming diplomatic relations with the US, a key Saudi ally, will be the cause of significant concern.

An unnamed Saudi official was quoted in state-run media as saying there was support for an agreement to stop Tehran gaining nuclear weapons, emphasising the importance of a strict inspections regime and the ability to reimpose sanctions.

Sources: Arms Control Association, Council on Foreign Relations, Reuters, US statement on Iran agreement

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