

This was published 9 years ago

Greste release means one down, 41,000 to go in Egypt's jails

By Ruth Pollard

Beirut: The hashtags now overlap each other on Twitter: #FreeBaher is retweeted by #FreeAlaa and #FreeShawkan while just below, a poignant video message from the husband of poet Shaimaa al-Sabbagh, killed last month by Egyptian security forces, is shared again and again.

With over 41,000 political prisoners held in Egyptian jails – most of them swept up in a campaign of mass arrests between July 2013 and May 2014 – families around the country are doing whatever they can to shine a light on the plight of their loved ones.

Female members of the Muslim Brotherhood during their trial in the Egyptian city of Alexandria in November 2013.

Female members of the Muslim Brotherhood during their trial in the Egyptian city of Alexandria in November 2013. Credit: AFP

Their increasingly agonising pleas for freedom, accompanied by photographs of young children growing up without their fathers and quotes from letters penned in the darkness of prison, mark a miserable new normal in Egypt.

Hunger strikes are tallied daily – the activist Alaa Abdel Fattah (#FreeAlaa) is now on day 96, while freelance photographer Mahmoud 'Shawkan' Abu Zeid (#FreeShawkan), who has been held in prison without trial since August 14, 2013, is on day 194.

Alaa Abdel-Fattah and his sister Sanaa Seif were briefly released from jail in August 2014 to attend the funeral of their father, civil rights lawyer Ahmed Seif.

Alaa Abdel-Fattah and his sister Sanaa Seif were briefly released from jail in August 2014 to attend the funeral of their father, civil rights lawyer Ahmed Seif.Credit: AP

His brother Mohamed says he is dying – physically and spiritually – with every day that passes.

"Shawkan is not guilty of the accusations against him, he was just doing his job, photographing the news on the streets," Mohamed says quietly. "Physically and psychologically he is very bad – he is innocent and yet we cannot get him freed."

Every week there is a new judicial low. In the last seven days, an Egyptian court upheld mass death sentences against 183 supporters of the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood who were found guilty of killing 11 police officers and two civilians during nationwide protests in 2013.

The only witnesses heard in original trial – in which 377 people were also sentenced to life in prison in absentia – were police officers or the families of police officers, Amnesty International said.

Imprisoned: Mahmoud Abou Zeid's brother says Mahmoud, also known as "Shawkan", is dying in jail.

Imprisoned: Mahmoud Abou Zeid's brother says Mahmoud, also known as "Shawkan", is dying in jail.Credit: Facebook

On Wednesday, prominent liberal activist Ahmed Douma - who played a significant role in the 2011 uprising against former dictator Hosni Mubarak - was sentenced to life in prison. He was convicted, along with 229 other defendants, of rioting, inciting violence and attacking security forces and fined £E17 million ($2.85 million).

The verdict against Douma was handed down by Judge Nagy Shehata, the same judge who jailed the three al-Jazeera journalists, including Australian Peter Greste, and sentenced 183 suspected Islamists to death on Monday.

Al-Jazeera journalists (from left) Peter Greste, Mohammed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed  in a Cairo court in June 2014.

Al-Jazeera journalists (from left) Peter Greste, Mohammed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed in a Cairo court in June 2014. Credit: Reuters

Egypt's 2014 constitution allows military trials for civilians and on October 27, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi issued a decree expanding military court jurisdiction to cover crimes that occur on any public, state-owned, or "vital" property.

Since the decree, prosecutors have referred at least 455 people – the vast majority of them Brotherhood members – to the military court, Human Rights Watch found.

A torn poster of deposed Egyptian president Mohamed Mursi is seen as riot police clear his supporters from a sit-in outside Cairo's Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque in August 2013. Human Rights Watch has said nearly 1000 people were killed in the operation, the vast majority of them civilians.

A torn poster of deposed Egyptian president Mohamed Mursi is seen as riot police clear his supporters from a sit-in outside Cairo's Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque in August 2013. Human Rights Watch has said nearly 1000 people were killed in the operation, the vast majority of them civilians.Credit: Reuters

Added to this, security forces have zealously enforced a 2013 anti-protest law, leading to hundreds of convictions, including of those of high-profile activists and human rights defenders such as Yara Sallam, Ahmed Maher and Alaa Abdel Fattah.

"The law allows the Interior Ministry near-total power to ban any gathering of more than 10 people that it has not authorised," Human Rights Watch says. "Security forces have used the law to repeatedly and violently disperse unauthorised demonstrations, resulting in a number of deaths", including that of 32-year-old poet and activist Shaimaa al-Sabbagh on January 24.

A stencil on a Cairo wall shows the moment that activist and poet Shaimaa al-Sabbagh was shot and died in a colleague's arms.

A stencil on a Cairo wall shows the moment that activist and poet Shaimaa al-Sabbagh was shot and died in a colleague's arms.Credit:

Despite a national outpouring of anger and grief at Shaimaa's death, officials arrested those who came forward with evidence about the shots that killed her – shots Human Rights Watch says were fired by security forces – rather than investigating the officers who pulled the trigger.

"The world is watching to see whether this case breaks the pattern of impunity for rights abuses that has marred Egyptian justice since the 2011 uprising," says Sarah Leah Whitson, HRW's Middle East and North Africa director.

The law gives military courts "the widest legal authority since the birth of Egypt's modern republic in 1952", Human Rights Watch warns.

In the 18 months since the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed president Mohamed Mursi by his then military chief Sisi, Egypt's society has divided into two main, warring camps.

"These camps are constantly being mobilised against each other in a climate of near-hysteria," says Issandr Amrani, the International Crisis Group's North Africa director.

"On the pro-Sisi side you have the mainstream media in Egypt that is constantly on the offensive and most of the time quite hysterical in its attack on all opponents of the regime – the Muslim Brotherhood and others – and permanently trying to rally people around Sisi.

"On the other side, especially in the Brotherhood-friendly media, you have what appears to be a campaign to undermine the new regime . . . and neither side is engaging in anything to calm down the situation."

The situation could not be more polarised, he says. There is a substantial minority that are profoundly against the current regime and the overthrow of Mohamed Mursi, plus a larger group – still less than 50 per cent of the population – that is 100 per cent pro-Sisi.

"The silent majority is just pro-stability, pro-getting on with life, they want economic prosperity and for life to go back to normal," Amrani told Fairfax Media.

The frightening return of the police state, with its heavy-handed security tactics and brutal program of mass arrests and detention, coupled with the constant division in society, has created an environment in which many of Egypt's best and brightest no longer want to live. Many young Egyptians – those who have the benefit of education and mobility – are leaving.

"The security crackdown is comparable in scope to what we saw in the 1960s under [president Gamal Abdel] Nasser . . . if you look at the large number of people who appear to have been detained it is probably the largest in modern Egyptian history."

There is no doubt, he says, that Egypt is facing a growing and real terror threat, particularly in its restive North Sinai province where last week at least 45 people – mostly police and security forces – were killed in a wave of deadly attacks by a group affiliated with the so-called Islamic State.

"That said, it is very difficult to make a distinction between what is a security threat and what is a political crime in Egypt," Amrani says. "If you call everyone a terrorist you are not being very efficient in your counter-terror activities."

The one bright moment in Egypt's recent human rights record – the release this week of Australian journalist Peter Greste from Tora Prison – still leaves at least 11 journalists in jail in Egypt, a country that is the world's sixth worst jailer of journalists and media workers.

In one of the many heartbreaking letters smuggled from prison, al-Jazeera producer Baher Mohamed (#FreeBaher), who was sentenced alongside Greste and their colleague Mohamed Fahmy, wrote an apology to his third child Haroon, born in August during his continued incarceration.

"Sorry because you were born where free people are behind bars, including your father. Sorry too because you have come into a society where its freedom is restricted."

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