

This was published 9 years ago

Fall of Ramadi: why it matters

By Ruth Pollard

The city of Ramadi – the capital of the Sunni-majority Anbar province that lies just 112 kilometres west of Baghdad, Iraq – is the first major city to fall to Islamic State militants since last June, when they stormed across the border from Syria and took first Mosul and then Tikrit.

What happened?

Ramadi has been under fierce attack from IS militants since Friday when they stormed key infrastructure such as a military base and the police headquarters. Being the capital of the province and so close to Baghdad, Ramadi is a major win for IS.

Iraqi security forces withdrew from the last of their posts on Sunday, forced out by waves of suicide bombings and other attacks they say they were ill-equipped to resist even with the support of air strikes from the US-led international coalition against the Islamic State. Terrified civilians have fled towards Baghdad while a shaken government attempted to regroup after the shock defeat.

A car is engulfed by flames during clashes in the city of Ramadi on Saturday.

A car is engulfed by flames during clashes in the city of Ramadi on Saturday.Credit: Reuters

As in their sudden retreats from Mosul and Tikrit in June, Iraqi forces reportedly left US-supplied military hardware to fall into the hands of the extremists.

How could Iraqi forces lose control of Ramadi?

For Iraqi Security Forces, the loss of such an important city represents the bitter end of an 18-month struggle.

Iraqi fighters of the Shiite militia Asaib Ahl al-Haq (The League of the Righteous) stand guard outside their headquarters in the Iraqi mainly Shiite southern city of Basra on Monday.

Iraqi fighters of the Shiite militia Asaib Ahl al-Haq (The League of the Righteous) stand guard outside their headquarters in the Iraqi mainly Shiite southern city of Basra on Monday. Credit: AFP

"The fighting in the Anbar province has been very difficult," says Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi, a researcher at Israel's Interdisciplinary Centre Herzliya who specialises in the study of militant groups in Iraq and Syria.

"There have many Sunnis fighting alongside the government forces to hold back [IS] . . . but it was not enough to break the stalemate and turn back to the tide.

Iraqi families, who fled the city of Ramadi after it was seized by Islamic State militants, talk to journalists at a camp in Bzeibez, on the south-western frontier of Baghdad on Monday.

Iraqi families, who fled the city of Ramadi after it was seized by Islamic State militants, talk to journalists at a camp in Bzeibez, on the south-western frontier of Baghdad on Monday. Credit: AFP

"It started with the fall of Fallujah in January 2014 and just went downhill from there . . . it's either been stalemate or Islamic State gains."

And while much of the government's hopes of regaining Ramadi rest on the deployment of Shiite militia, it is important to recognise they have long been operating in the province, Tamimi says.

"They have been involved on multiple fronts and they do not have a great track record so getting them involved in Ramadi now may not really change the situation on the ground," he warns.

Were there warnings a Ramadi attack was imminent?

The warnings of a fully-fledged assault on Ramadi came last week via the audio recordings of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi that were widely seen as his latest rallying cry to militants around the world.

"This call for mobilisation had been on the ground for some time ... the fall of Ramadi coming just after it is a fulfilment of exactly what he wanted," Tamimi says.

Does Ramadi's fall indicate the US strategy is failing in Iraq?

After days of obfuscation, US officials finally conceded on Monday that Ramadi had indeed fallen to the Islamic State, although Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren insisted there were no plans to rethink the US strategy in the wake of such a defeat.

Iraqi security forces backed by international coalition air strikes would win back Ramadi and that the United States' anti-IS strategy in Iraq is working, officials said.

How has the Iraqi government responded?

Rattled by the speed of the Iraqi forces' collapse and the troubling similarities with the IS overthrow of Mosul inJune last year, Iraq's Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi called up thousands of Shiite militia who operate under the alliance known as the Popular Mobilisation Committees.

They are believed to have gathered in Habbaniya, about 20 kilometres from Ramadi, and are ready to participate in "the liberation of all Ramadi areas in which IS militants took positions", Reuters reported.

Thousands of Sunni tribesmen from Anbar are also reportedly gathering in the area. They are, local media reported, ready to fight to take back Ramadi even though their loyalties have been sorely tested by years of neglect and arbitrary arrest by the Shiite-led government in Baghdad.

But the arrival en masse of the Iran-backed Shiite militias also complicates matters for the US-led coalition against IS, although it appears the US will not raise any objection to their inclusion in the fight to regain Ramadi.

"As long as the militias are controlled by the central Iraqi government there is a place for them," Colonel Warren said.

What's happening now that Ramadi is under Islamic State control?

In the chaos that followed their assault on Ramadi that reportedly left at least 500 dead, up to 10,000 civilians fled towards the western suburbs of Baghdad, leaving the city an empty, smouldering shell.

About 114,000 residents of Ramadi and its surrounding villages fled the fighting in April as the city, once home to 850,000 people, quickly emptied, the United Nations says. It is unclear how many remain.

Video released by IS militants shows militia raising the black flag along deserted streets scorched by the fighting. There have been reports of summary executions and of IS militants going door to door to identify "pro-government collaborators".

"Where there is chaos it goes in [Islamic State's] favour," Tamimi says. "We are already seeing some worrying developments in Ramadi where [IS] has been able to free around 400 prisoners, some of them likely [IS] veterans."

Is the Iraqi government to blame?

Ultimately, Iraq's crippling corruption and poor political leadership, combined with the "hatred, intolerance and sectarianism" that has plagued the country since 2003 has rendered it incapable of fighting back, says Zaid al-Ali, an Iraqi lawyer and author of the book The Struggle for Iraq's Future.

"If the government had managed to build a competent and relatively effective security force there is no way that irregulars [such as IS militants] should represent a threat to them," Ali says. "But when you have security forces that are as corrupt as they are in Iraq and Syria it becomes so much easier."

The state's performance is not much better, he says, warning "corruption is as bad as it was before".

But, he says, the blame does not all rest at the feet of Abadi, who unsurprisingly has not been able to turn the government, security forces or the country around in just nine months as leader.

"The problems he is facing in 2015 are a very different situation to what [former prime minister Nouri] al-Maliki was facing in 2008 when the security situation was nowhere near as bad it is today," Ali says.

"He not only has to face the IS onslaught on so many different fronts but he has also had to try to repair the damage" of Maliki's divisive rule.

He too warned of an over-reliance on Shiite militias, pointing to the devastation left behind following the liberation of Tikrit last month.


"They are responsible to no one," Ali says. "They are sometimes able to push IS out of Iraqi territory, but at what cost ... they leave scorched earth behind them."

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