

This was published 9 years ago

Explainer: Difference between migrants, refugees and asylum seekers

By Marcus Strom

The refugee crisis that has reached Europe is unfathomable in terms of the extent of human misery. Not a day goes by without a story of desperation but, equally, tales of hope, humanity and generosity abound.

Hundreds of thousands of people from the wars in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere in the Middle East have been forced from their homes and are seeking refuge in the now peaceful continent of Europe, itself the origin of millions of migrants from previous wars and famines over the centuries.

However, what is the difference between migration, refuge and asylum?

In response to the heartbreaking image of little Aylan Kurdi, found dead on a Turkish beach, Prime Minister Tony Abbott told ABC radio: "We saw yesterday on our screens a very sad, poignant image of children tragically dead at sea in illegal migration."

A refugee holds his son as they wait for a train to leave Budapest, Hungary, on September 3.

A refugee holds his son as they wait for a train to leave Budapest, Hungary, on September 3.Credit: Mauricio Lima

But is seeking refuge or asylum in another country a criminal act?

The definitions for this are determined by the 1951 United Nations Convention on Refugees. Australia is a signatory of the convention.

In its explanation of the convention, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees says that "refugees are forced to flee because of a threat of persecution and because they lack the protection of their own country. A migrant, in comparison, may leave his or her country for many reasons that are not related to persecution, such as for the purposes of employment, family reunification or study."


Further, it says that "a migrant continues to enjoy the protection of his or her own government, even when abroad".

Syrian refugees cross into Hungary underneath the border fence on the Serbian border near Roszke.

Syrian refugees cross into Hungary underneath the border fence on the Serbian border near Roszke.Credit: AP

Asylum seekers have the right to seek, and enjoy in other countries, asylum from persecution, serious human rights violation and other serious harm, according to the UNHCR.

All asylum seekers are potential refugees until their case has been determined by the UNHCR or a government.

Refugees in Hungary waiting to board a train to Austria.

Refugees in Hungary waiting to board a train to Austria.Credit: New York Times

In a nutshell, a "migrant" is anyone who seeks to move overseas. A "refugee" does so in conditions where they have been forced from their homeland. And an "asylum seeker" is someone who says he or she is a refugee, but whose claim has not yet been definitively evaluated.

Sarah Dale of the Refugee Advice and Casework Service said: "Since 2009, approximately 90 per cent of asylum seekers who have arrived in Australia by boat have been recognised as refugees."

A further complication arises when very large numbers of people flee conflicts, famines or incidents of generalised violence.

When there are such mass movements of people, the UNHCR says they are often declared "prima facie" refugees.

The UNHCR says: "During mass movements of refugees (usually as a result of conflicts or generalised violence as opposed to individual persecution), there is not - and never will be - a capacity to conduct individual asylum interviews for everyone who has crossed the border. Nor is it usually necessary, since in such circumstances it is generally evident why they have fled. As a result, such groups are often declared 'prima facie' refugees."

By this definition, Fairfax Media uses the term refugee for the people currently fleeing Syria and entering Europe.

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