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The prime minister factory: How a UK uni is shaping Australian life

It’s famous as the finishing school for the British ruling class. But why has Oxford University had such an outsize influence on Australia’s political and business elite?

By Nick Bryant

Oxford graduates, from left, Malcolm Turnbull, Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott and Bob Hawke. A more recent Rhodes scholar notes of her male counterparts: “All of them were declaring they’d be president or PM one day, but not many women spoke like that.”

Oxford graduates, from left, Malcolm Turnbull, Kevin Rudd, Tony Abbott and Bob Hawke. A more recent Rhodes scholar notes of her male counterparts: “All of them were declaring they’d be president or PM one day, but not many women spoke like that.”Credit: Tanya Cooper/

This story is part of the June 24 edition of Good Weekend.See all 18 stories.

When the British journalist Simon Kuper needed a term to describe the outsized influence of Oxford graduates on Westminster politics, he came up with the perfect portmanteau: the Oxocracy. Britain’s last five prime ministers, Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, Boris Johnson, Theresa May and David Cameron, all studied in “the City of Dreaming Spires”. It is almost as if 10 Downing Street has been fitted with an Oxford lock.

Listing the alma maters of post-war prime ministers hammers home this elite institution’s near monopoly power. Oxford, no university, Oxford, Oxford, Oxford, Oxford, Oxford, Oxford, no university, Oxford, no university, Oxford, Edinburgh, Oxford, Oxford, Oxford, Oxford, Oxford. Only one other university, then, has had a look in, Gordon Brown’s Scottish alma mater. Cambridge, which likes to think of itself as Oxford’s academic superior, is nowhere to be seen.

If, as seems likely, the present Labour leader Keir Starmer wins the upcoming UK general election, he will extend the streak. Though his undergraduate years were spent at Leeds, a red-brick university, he was a postgraduate at ivy-clad Oxford.

Australia, of course, would never countenance such an exclusively educated cabal exercising such excessive political power. It prides itself on its egalitarianism, not a quality normally associated with an ancient institution that has spawned old-fashioned dining societies such as the Bullingdon Club, with its tailored tailcoats, foppish hair styles and drunken feasts. This country is too anti-elitist. Too anti-intellectual. Generally, it prefers an Australian everyman as prime minister. Someone, say, like Bob Hawke.

But the Silver Bodgie, of course, went to Oxford. It is where, sculling a yard of ale in just 11 seconds, he set his world beer-drinking record in the mid-1950s. Hawke’s predecessor as prime minister was an Oxford man, as well. Malcolm Fraser studied politics, philosophy and economics, the famed “PPE” degree, which has so often been a passport to Number 10. John Gorton, another Liberal PM, was at Brasenose College, Oxford, where he captained the boat club. Brasenose can also boast another Australian prime minister, Malcolm Turnbull, while a short walk away is The Queen’s College, the Oxford home of Tony Abbott.


Liberal Party Oxonian PMs outnumber Labor Party Oxonians. But Hawke is not the only Labor leader to hold an Oxford degree. Kim Beazley studied at Balliol, a college that has produced a string of British prime ministers, most recently Boris Johnson (it was also where I completed my doctorate). Kevin Rudd was recently awarded an Oxford doctorate – a DPhil, they are called – for his 420-page thesis on the Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s world view. Though Rudd blazed a different trail – a former prime minister who became an Oxonian rather than an Oxonian who became a future prime minister – he has still ended up with “Oxon” after his name, and is also now entitled, as he put it, “to wear a funny hat”.


Internationally, Oxford has produced a welter of heads of government. US president Bill Clinton was there in the late 1960s. Indira Gandhi and Manmohan Singh went on to lead India. Benazir Bhutto and Imran Khan, the star of the university cricket team, accomplished the same feat in Pakistan. The far right Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán studied at Oxford. Canada has had two Oxonian prime ministers, Thailand three. But no country, beyond the shores of the UK, has had a greater number than Australia.

Six of the last 13 incumbents of The Lodge hold degrees from Oxford. That is the same number as the University of Sydney, which is often thought of as the country’s prime minister ­factory. Oxford has also been the nursery for other high-flying politicians. The former foreign affairs minister, Gareth Evans, was there in the late 1960s. Former attorney-general George Brandis was a contemporary of Tony Abbott. Angus Taylor, the shadow treasurer, gained a master’s in economics. Andrew Charlton, the new Labor member for Parramatta, got his economics doctorate there. The former treasurer and one-time leadership hopeful, Josh Frydenberg, was at University College, which is where Bob Hawke also studied. Geoff Gallop went on to become the premier of Western Australia.

You get the picture. It is a long and horribly all-male list; its length a measure of the influence of Oxford on Australian life. So can we talk of an Ozoxcracy?

The stereotype of the hyper-ambitious Oxonian is the recent arrival who spends their freshers’ ­dinner peering up at the portraits of hunched clerics, bearded poets and Edwardian prime ministers – and then pictures their own image one day filling a vacant spot on the wood-panelled wall. When the then federal treasurer Josh Frydenberg visited his old Oxford college not long after the 2019 federal election, his host pointed to a portrait of Bob Hawke, and the gap on the wall next to it, and suggested that they were keeping it free for “Prime Minister Frydenberg”.

This is the recondite world that Simon Kuper, a ­columnist with the Financial Times and an Oxford graduate himself, explored in Chums: How a Tiny Caste of Oxford Tories Took Over the UK. At its heart is a student politics heavily infused with a Brideshead Revisited vibe. Much of it played out in the Oxford Union – a body quite distinct from the lowly, and lefty, Oxford University Student Union – with a debating chamber modelled on the House of Commons. It was during debate nights at the Oxford Union that Boris Johnson honed his rhetorical style, which was based, says Kuper, on “carefully timed jokes, calculated lowerings of the voice and ad hominem jibes”. Many who “took an ancient route through Oxford to power” became Tory Brexiteers. The Oxocracy, then, has come to be widely regarded as a malign force, something which contributed to Brexit, and thus to British decline.


My sense with Australia, however, is different. Here, Oxford has predominantly been an influence for good. This is partly because the competition for its international scholarship schemes, including the coveted Rhodes scholarship, is so rigorous, and partly because so many talented Australian Oxonians have not ended up in Canberra politics.

High-profile lawyer Jennifer Robinson completed a postgrad law degree at Oxford.

High-profile lawyer Jennifer Robinson completed a postgrad law degree at Oxford.Credit: John Davis

It is a storied group of high-achievers. Two of the country’s most internationally recognised lawyers, Jennifer Robinson, who represents Julian Assange, and Geoffrey Robertson, both completed postgraduate law degrees at Oxford. Justice James Edelman, another law graduate, is now a High Court judge. Professor Tim Soutphommasane, who recently returned to Oxford to become the university’s first chief diversity officer, served as Australia’s race discrimination commissioner. Tom Snow, the chair of Equality Australia, was a leading light in the successful marriage equality campaign. Jeni Whalan, who completed a doctorate at Oxford, heads up the Albanese government’s Strengthening Democracy Taskforce. At least three major universities – UNSW, Tasmania, and RMIT – are run by Oxonians. So, too, are some of the country’s leading think tanks. Michael Fullilove, a Balliol man, heads the Lowy Institute. The Sydney Policy Lab at the University of Sydney – my academic home for the past year – is run by Kate Harrison Brennan, an Oxford DPhil, who worked in Julia Gillard’s prime ministerial office.

The roll call includes the odd Olympian, such as the 400-metre hurdler Simon Hollingsworth, a few AFL luminaries, such as Mike Fitzpatrick who played for Subiaco and Carlton, the former CEO of British Airways Rod Eddington, the poet Lisa Gorton, the leading investment banker John Wylie, and the Booker Prize-winning novelist Richard Flanagan. In the media, there is a PPE graduate from the early 1950s who apparently kept a bust of Lenin in his room, and who ran the student publishing group, which included the university newspaper, Cherwell. His name was Rupert Murdoch.

“Politics is the assumed path,” says Sydneysider Angela Cummine, a Rhodes scholar who studied at Oxford in the noughties. “But it’s often influencing quietly that counts.” Her experience provides a case study in how academic work completed in Oxford can shape Australian life. A political philosopher, her ­doctorate explored the democratisation of sovereign wealth funds – state-owned investment funds that use their returns for the public good. On returning to Australia, she ended up managing a team across the NSW government to support the then NSW treasurer, Dominic Perrottet, and helped found the state’s sovereign wealth fund, the NSW Generations Fund. “That was exciting; working with policy experts across the sector to turn philosophical ideals into a practical real-world solution for my home state,” she says.


Freya Shearer, a “Rhodie” from Western Australia who completed her doctorate in 2014, has also ended up having a quiet but significant influence. At Oxford, she worked on how data analytics and modelling could ­assist the management of infectious diseases. So when COVID-19 struck at the beginning of 2020, her skills were in urgent demand. Soon she was working with a national consortium of scientists, which advised the Department of Health and national cabinet. “I’ve ­always been interested in policy-oriented research,” she told me, “and this was right at the intersection between politicians and scientists.”


Networking has ­always been ­integral to the Oxford experience, something its collegiate system encourages. Colleges bring together students from all the university faculties, so medics break bread with classicists, and geographers rub shoulders with physicists. “It’s a crucible for ambassador-like training,” says Cummine. “You’re sitting next to amazing political theorists, incredible historians. The collegiate system attracts this diverse array of people and embeds them in a residential setting. You’re discussing global challenges over dinner, representing the potential of your country, and looking to take back something with which to make a contribution.”

Angela Cummine put her political philosophy doctorate to good use in her home state.

Angela Cummine put her political philosophy doctorate to good use in her home state.Credit: Nikki McLennan

When, at the turn of the last century, the British mining magnate Cecil Rhodes first brought his eponymous scholarship into existence, it was partly to create an international network that could reduce the threat of global conflict. If future leaders forged relationships at Oxford, the diamond magnate believed, then their countries would be less likely to wage war. It is hard to assess whether the Rhodes scholarship program has yielded a peace dividend over the years – and more recently, of course, the scholarship program has been mired in controversy because Rhodes was a white supremacist imperialist and architect of apartheid in South Africa.

But being hardwired into the Oxford network has unquestionably delivered diplomatic dividends for Australia. When George Brandis became the Australian High Commissioner to the UK, he found that having Oxford on his curriculum vitae became something of a calling card. “Everybody looks you up on Wikipedia and Google, and I got the distinct impression that when people saw I had gone to Magdalen College, Oxford, there was the sense that he must be okay.” The tangible benefits became clear when Brandis helped negotiate a new trade pact between Britain and Australia with the then British trade minister, Liz Truss. They were first introduced by Don Markwell, an Australian academic who studied and then taught at Oxford, and who had tutored the young Liz Truss. Through his diplomatic match-making, they established a friendship.

Truss became a frequent visitor to the residence of the Australian High Commissioner in Kensington, Stoke Lodge, where she and Brandis would play croquet on the mansion’s manicured back lawn. “We used to joke about playing croquet at Oxford,” he told me, “and how the trade agreement had been negotiated on the ­croquet lawn of Stoke Lodge.” The Oxford connection proved crucial, he says: “I did leverage that, yes.” Certainly, the trade agreement between Australia and the UK might not have happened so quickly without it.

George Brandis, right, and Liz Truss, at left, playing croquet at the Australian High Commissioner’s Stoke Lodge.

George Brandis, right, and Liz Truss, at left, playing croquet at the Australian High Commissioner’s Stoke Lodge.

As a law student at Oxford in the late 1970s, Malcolm Turnbull befriended the future Conservative prime minister Theresa May. Indeed, she credits Turnbull for nudging her husband, Philip, another Oxford contemporary, into proposing.


At St John’s College, Oxford, the future Labor ­politician Geoff Gallop became close friends with a long-haired member of the student rock band, Ugly Rumours, called Tony Blair. “Tony really likes Australia,” says Gallop, who was part of a friendship group, which also included the Australian Anglican theologian Peter Thomson, that had a formative influence on the future UK prime minister. “Some would argue that Blairism was Australianism.”

Tim Soutphommasane, who studied at Balliol, carried on that tradition of forging ties with Labour leaders. Through a tutor at Oxford, he was introduced to the then Labour leader Ed Miliband, whom he ended up advising on how the party could reclaim patriotism, something which the British left had long seen as ­jingoist and Thatcherite. The New Statesman dubbed Soutphommasane “Miliband’s new guru”.


It is not just the Anglo-Australian relationship that has benefited. Washington is full of American Rhodes scholars, such as Senator Cory Booker, the former UN ambassador Susan Rice and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, making it another network to tap into. When Michael Fullilove ­attended Oxford in the late 1990s, one of his fellow Rhodes scholars was Jake Sullivan, and the two remained close friends as the American served as an adviser to Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden. In 2017, Sullivan became a distinguished international fellow at the Lowy Institute, and during his time in Australia did the rounds in Canberra, meeting government figures and shadow ministers – useful alliance-building connections. Now Sullivan is Joe Biden’s national security adviser, the top foreign policy adviser in the White House.

“International linkages are crucial,” says Don Markwell, who served as warden of Rhodes House, which runs the scholarship program: “That sort of network has been helpful for Australia.”

Tim Soutphommasane, Oxford’s first chief diversity officer: “Debates about diversity here aren’t reduced just to gender, as they often are back home. It’s more multifaceted, and ethnicity and race features more prominently.”

Tim Soutphommasane, Oxford’s first chief diversity officer: “Debates about diversity here aren’t reduced just to gender, as they often are back home. It’s more multifaceted, and ethnicity and race features more prominently.”Credit: Wolter Peeters


Is there a peculiarly Oxford mindset? Are students encouraged to think in a different way? For young Australians, did going there alter their outlook? At a time when the White Australia policy was in place, studying at Oxford was often the first time that many young Australians experienced a multi-ethnic setting. For some, this proved formative. Malcolm Fraser is thought to have become an active anti-apartheid campaigner in South Africa and Rhodesia partly because of the time he spent with black Africans at Oxford.

It was this internationalism that appealed to Michael Fullilove, who returned from his first stint at Oxford to write the feasibility study for the Lowy Institute. “You can’t help but imbibe a global perspective. You’ll be sat next to someone from Uganda or Germany or California. You have these beautiful collisions with different people from all over the world.” For Fullilove this was life-changing. “The most important person I met at Oxford was my wife, Gillian, who was a Canadian historian.” The son of a “ten-pound Pom”, whose forebears would never have even thought of attending university, let alone Oxford, he loved being in what felt like a film set. “It was the quintessential English experience but it was also a totally all-encompassing international environment. It was also incredibly intellectually liberating, and I made lifelong friends.”

Jeni Whalan agrees. “For me, Oxford felt like having the blinkers blown off, blinkers I’d never realised were there,” says Whalan, who took up her new role in the Home Affairs department late last year. “I’d grown up in the suburbs and public schools of Australia, the first in my family to go to university, and I thought I had a pretty ambitious view of what was possible. But then you hit Oxford and are immersed in this community of restless, visionary, earnest folks, whose ambition for their contribution to the world seemed stratospheric. It was terrifying but exhilarating.”

“For me, Oxford felt like having the blinkers blown off, blinkers I’d never realised were there.”

Jeni Whalan

Markwell reckons the university encourages free thinking, and believes it may have helped nurture the maverick streak of politicians like Malcolm Turnbull and Gareth Evans. “It gives you a confidence to think for yourself,” he attests, “and a confidence to say what you think. Oxford encourages and refines that capacity.”

Powerhouse universities in the UK and US also have a critical mass of leading thinkers in their fields, an unusually well-stocked intellectual blood bank from which to draw. Rachel Swift, a South Australian who completed her doctorate in clinical medicine at Oxford, recalls sitting next to a scientist who had written the chemistry textbooks she used at the University of Adelaide, and a venerable professor, Sir Richard Doll, a pioneer in linking smoking and cancer. “That was not a special event,” she recalls. “That was just a weekly college dinner at Oxford.”

China specialist Amy King.

China specialist Amy King.Credit: Dion Georgopoulos

Amy King, a China specialist at the Australian National University, who completed her doctorate at Oxford, was supervised by Professor Rana Mitter, something of an academic rock star on Chinese nationalism who also worked with Kevin Rudd. “Leaving this region helped me understand this region better,” says King. “It got me out of the day-to-day Canberra thinking about China.”

Soutphommasane says you get a richer perspective on your country from having some distance from it. “Distance doesn’t diminish the love for your country: I never felt more Australian than when I lived here [in the UK] as a student,” he says. “What distance does give you is greater clarity.”

For a group of Australian women who attended Oxford towards the end of the noughties, the experience appears to have made them think more deeply about gender equality. Not until 1977 had women been allowed to apply for Rhodes scholarships, and the 30th anniversary of that belated breakthrough had a galvanising effect. “This was a highly motivated community that sought to convert a reflective milestone into action,” says Angela Cummine, who was heavily involved in those commemorations. Many female students were also taken aback by the self-certainty of the male scholars, who looked on Oxford as their gateway to power. “All of them were declaring that they’d be president or prime minister one day,” says Amy King, “but not many women spoke like that.”

Particularly irksome was a group of American male scholars, led by Pete Buttigieg, who ran for president in 2020. They formed a political group, the Democratic Renaissance Project, which made it look like they were rehearsing for life in the West Wing. At that time, there was even an Oxford version of the G8, which acted as a training ground, rather presumptuously, for international summitry later in life.

Jeni Whalan, who says she “became a feminist” because of the remarkable women she met there.

Jeni Whalan, who says she “became a feminist” because of the remarkable women she met there.

The women of that era especially formed a tight sisterhood, which also included Jennifer Robinson, Jeni Whalan and Anna Oldmeadow, who is Penny Wong’s deputy chief of staff. “I’ve often said that I ­became a feminist at Oxford,” says Whalan, “and I credit that to the remarkable women I encountered in the Rhodes ­community.” That group also included Hannah Tonkin, a human rights lawyer who ended up working for the United Nations at its headquarters in New York, The Hague, and in Gaza, Sierra Leone and Rwanda. “There was a really strong cohort of Australian women at that time, and we became very close,” says Tonkin, who went to a public school in South Australia and studied at the University of Adelaide. “It was an amazing group.” Now, after ­returning to Australia, she has been appointed the first Women’s Safety Commissioner for NSW, a groundbreaking role focused on tackling the epidemic of ­violence against women.

Tonkin took longer than most of her university friends to return to Australia after Oxford. As an international lawyer, who occupied high-level positions at the UN, a move back to Australia was once regarded as a retrograde career step. But, like others of her generation, she does not see it that way. “You can have a global impact here in Australia that you probably could not have had 20 years ago. There are so many more ­opportunities for global collaboration.”

What is also striking about the younger ­generation of Australian Oxonians is that so many do not regard electoral politics as the target of their ambition. “We still need to challenge the idea that you’re only fulfilling the idea of the scholarship if you have a public and ­visible office,” says Angela Cummine. “It’s part of the diversity discussion more generally that success is being measured differently.”

“Oxford is the birthplace of so much colonial thinking, and it was really like going into the belly of the beast.”

Tamara Murdock

Rachel Swift is thought to be the only female Aussie Oxonian to run for office so far, as the Liberal Party candidate in the marginal Adelaide seat of Boothby at last year’s federal election – she ended up losing to Labor. “My focus was always on health, and that’s what motivated me to run: the healthcare catastrophe facing the country,” she says. The infectious diseases expert worked on polio eradication and the 2014 Ebola outbreak in Africa, and advised the South Australian government during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Health is what I did at Oxford, and that’s why I ran for office. I was never interested in seeing my portrait hung on a dimly lit wall.”


Oxford is also becoming a driver of greater racial equality as well as diversity. Since 2010, Aurora Education Foundation scholarships have been sending Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Oxford, Cambridge and other top UK and US universities. It has been a game-changer. Twenty years ago, no Indigenous Australian had graduated from full-time study at Oxford.

Now, 24 First Nations Australians have been awarded degrees. “Oxford is the birthplace of so much colonial thinking, and it was really like going into the belly of the beast,” says Tamara Murdock, a Noongar woman from Western Australia, who in 2017 completed a Master’s of Philosophy in geography at Oxford and now works as the deputy CEO of the Aurora Education Foundation. “But there was a critical mass of Indigenous students, and it became not just a case of surviving there but thriving there.”

Soutphommasane says Australian students at Oxford are being plugged into a debate about diversity that takes place at a ­different level of intensity compared with back home. “Debates about diversity here aren’t reduced just to gender, as they often are back home. It’s more multifaceted, and ethnicity and race features more prominently.”

Strangely, an upside of the British Oxocracy is that an ancient institution, once firmly associated with ­upper-class privilege, has contributed to diversity at the top of UK politics. True, Boris Johnson and David Cameron were products of Eton. But recently Downing Street has also been occupied by a woman who went to a state school in Yorkshire (Liz Truss), a vicar’s daughter (Theresa May), and the country’s first prime minister of colour, the son of immigrants of Indian descent (Rishi Sunak). Maybe sometime in the near future the Ozoxcracy will produce a similar harvest, not just in Canberra but across Australian life.

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