

This was published 4 years ago

Europe's 'let's think about it' coronavirus response can't last much longer

By Bevan Shields

London: The most striking part of how Europe has responded to the economic threat posed by coronavirus is the lack of any actual response.

So far, central bankers are holding their nerve as the US Federal Reserve and Reserve Bank of Australia fire their own monetary cannons. America's surprise interest rate cut - its first unscheduled reduction since 2008 and largest in the years since - is raising expectations of an imminent similar slicing across the Atlantic.

The messages coming from Europe's top bankers suggest otherwise. For the time being, they are prepared to let the stock market convulse while a considered policy response is formulated and the economic impacts of the outbreak are properly calculated.

It's a risky strategy for such a rapidly escalating crisis but it could make sense. For a while on Tuesday, the Fed's decision to cut rates sent the market skyward. But investors soon reached the view that the decision may have been made too early and will only really work in combination with some sort of yet-to-materialise stimulus from the White House. The gains evaporated and the market went backwards. The result gave some credibility to Europe's approach but the go-slow can't hold much longer.

The coronavirus outbreak has hit Europe particularly hard. Italy has more than 2500 cases, France 191, Germany 188 and Britain 51. More than two dozen European countries are affected and tourists are fleeing. The OECD predicts that a major outbreak that exceeds its already gloomy projections could push the Euro zone into recession.

Formally, the European Central Bank says it is "closely monitoring" developments and stands ready to take "appropriate and targeted measures". Behind the scenes it is working on a package that is likely to be released at its scheduled meeting on March 12. There is a small chance the response could be brought forward but most analysts believe the muted response to date will see the ECB hold fire until next week.


The Bank of England also has a scheduled meeting at the end of March, although outgoing governor Mark Carney has not ruled out an emergency cut before then and even ahead of his departure on March 15.

The problem facing policy makers is that coronavirus presents unique challenges that cannot be sorted by monetary policy alone. The ECB's rate for refinancing is already at 0 per cent, its marginal lending facility stands at a paltry 0.25 per cent and its deposit rate is already -0.5 per cent. A cut of 10 basis points, or 0.1 per cent, is likely, sending the main rate into negative territory.


A cut of that magnitude might give a boost to the market but its impact will be minimal because the bang for buck of monetary policy is so much smaller in this low-rate environment. Australia has the same problem. Rate cuts will also do little to fix the unique economic challenge of coronavirus: that it is not only strangling demand, but also the supply of goods from key markets like China.

"The economic shock caused by the virus is unusual insofar as it affects both the supply and the demand-side of the economy," says Capital Economics group chief economist Neil Shearing.

"There’s not much that monetary or fiscal policy stimulus can do to address the former. And it’s doubtful that it can do much to support demand in the very short term either, given the time it takes for looser policy to filter through to the real economy."

European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde is formulating a response.

European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde is formulating a response. Credit: AP

Shearing argues there is a "genuine case" that coronavirus is best dealt with through fiscal policy because it can be more targeted and suspects the ECB is taking its time because it is formulating some measures to boost liquidity. Carney also says the Bank of England is considering measures to prop up firms that have been hit by the sudden downturn.

ECB president Christine Lagarde will also be weighed down by the need to corral its 19 member nations behind a coordinated response. The bank struggled in the wake of the global financial crisis as it was torn between austerity hawks in Germany and doves in the south who feared the depression-afflicted Greece would be a forerunner to nations including Italy, Spain and Portugal.

Fiscal stimulus presents its own complications. Many European countries are up to their eyeballs in debt. Already teetering on the brink of recession, Italy has promised a €3.6 billion ($6.1 billion) stimulus package for the worst affected areas in the country's north but that is a drop in the ocean for a G7 member and one of Europe's largest economies.

How much can realistically be spent if the crisis worsens? We don't know but probably not as much as is needed. How bad will the outbreak get and how long will it last? We won't find out for weeks.

There are no easy answers for Europe - especially when we still don't even know what many of the questions will be.

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