

This was published 9 years ago

Canadian Prime Minister breaks with tradition, calls election early

By Ian Austen

Ottawa: Prime Minister Stephen Harper of Canada called a federal election on Sunday, hoping to extend his Conservative Party's decade-long hold on power, despite questions about its ethics and a struggling economy.

By law, Mr Harper had to hold a vote in October. But he broke with Canadian political tradition by formally opening the campaign in the middle of summer during what is a holiday weekend in most of the country.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper at a rally in Montreal on Sunday. The sign reads: "Justin (Trudeau) not ready".

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper at a rally in Montreal on Sunday. The sign reads: "Justin (Trudeau) not ready". Credit: Reuters

The move appeared designed to give the Conservative Party an edge in campaign spending. The campaign period before the vote on October 19 will be the longest since Canadians all began voting on a single day in 1874.

Mr Harper said the state of the economy, which his opponents view as his weakness, was the main reason to re-elect his government.

Two-year-old Ella-Grace, daughter of Liberal candidate Justin Trudeau, holds her father's election postcard in 2011.

Two-year-old Ella-Grace, daughter of Liberal candidate Justin Trudeau, holds her father's election postcard in 2011. Credit: Reuters

"It's an election about who will protect our economy in a period of ongoing global instability," Harper said, after asking David Johnston, the governor general, to dissolve Parliament. "Now is not the time for the kind of risky economic schemes that are doing so much damage elsewhere in the world."

Thomas Mulcair, leader of the New Democratic Party, criticised Mr Harper for producing eight budget deficits in a row and increasing the federal debt.

"Mr Harper has the worst economic growth record of any prime minister since 1960," Mr Mulcair said. "Obviously, Mr Harper, your plan isn't working."

Harper's Conservative party first took power in 2006 and has won two elections since then, gaining a majority of seats in the House of Commons in 2011. But over the past two years, concerns over the economy and ethics issues have eroded the popularity of Harper and his party.

New Democratic Party leader Thomas Mulcair waves in Gatineau, Quebec on Sunday.

New Democratic Party leader Thomas Mulcair waves in Gatineau, Quebec on Sunday.Credit: Reuters

A collapse in oil prices has severely depressed Canada's energy industry, which is based in Mr Harper's adopted home province of Alberta. And despite a corresponding drop in the value of the Canadian dollar, there has not been the hoped for jump in exports of Canadian goods.

Mr Harper's party, which came to power partly because of a spending scandal involving a Liberal government, has also faced criticism over allegations of mis-spending by members of the unelected Senate, as well as the criminal trial of one of Mr Harper's appointees. And a former parliamentary secretary to Mr Harper was recently sentenced to a month in jail and house arrest and fined for breaking election spending laws.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper door stops at Rideau Hall after asking Governor General David Johnston to dissolve Parliament on Sunday.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper door stops at Rideau Hall after asking Governor General David Johnston to dissolve Parliament on Sunday.Credit: Reuters

While Mr Harper has promoted causes that have proved popular with some voters, including a tough-on-crime legislative program and unwavering support for Israel, the electorate may be tiring of him after more than a decade in office.

Mr Harper has a reputation as a micro-manager who is intolerant of critics, and critics say he has been overly aggressive with those who cross him, including opposition politicians, environmental groups and even the chief justice of the Supreme Court of Canada.

Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Sunday when Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper called elections for October 19.

Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Sunday when Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper called elections for October 19.Credit: Reuters

And after facing opposition parties short of cash and with weak leaderships in three previous campaigns, Mr Harper is facing a newly resurgent opponent this time.

After the last federal election, the New Democratic Party, the most left-leaning of Canada's three mainstream national parties, held the second-largest number of seats in the House of Commons, making it the official opposition for the first time. Its profile and credibility grew in May when the party's branch in Alberta ended 4 1/2 decades of Conservative rule in that province.

Recent polls have placed the New Democrats in the lead, slightly ahead of the Conservatives, although the three major parties have been roughly tied over the past few months.

In a country where summer can be all too brief, it is rare for politicians to call elections early unless forced to do so.

"It's against all the folklore of Canadian politics to call an election in the summer," said C.E.S. Franks, a prominent parliamentary scholar and professor emeritus at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario.

"Doing that when people are on their docks, not thinking about politics – I can see it being about as welcome as a root canal."

Canadians do not vote directly for prime minister but rather elect local members of Parliament in 338 electoral districts.

In addition to the three major parties, the Green Party plans to field a comparatively large number of candidates, while many Quebec voters will also have the option of electing candidates from the Bloc Quebecois, a once powerful but now ailing separatist group.

Yasmin Dawood, a professor of law and political science at the University of Toronto, said the timing of the elections appeared intended to enable the Conservatives, who overwhelmingly lead in fundraising, to outspend opponents.

Election law changes introduced last year set a minimum of 37 days for campaigns but do not impose a maximum. The law means that parties would in theory be able to spend a maximum of about $C25 million ($26 million), for the first 37 days of the election, plus an extra $C685,185 for every day afterward. Fundraising filings up until last month show that, barring a flood of funds for opposition parties, only the Conservatives would have the money to spend the maximum allowed.

Cristine de Clercy, a professor of political science at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario, said that even if Canadians were put off by a long campaign, it was unlikely to affect how they vote. She said the defining issue of the campaign was likely to be the economy.

"It's not necessarily fair to blame the federal government for the collapse in oil prices, but there are some deeper problems," Ms de Clercy said. "Where I live in Southern Ontario, we've been shedding manufacturing jobs for the last eight to 10 years."

This will be the first campaign as party leader for both Mr Mulcair and Justin Trudeau, the leader of the Liberals.

While Mr Mulcair, a lawyer from Quebec, has been widely viewed as an effective opponent of Mr Harper's in Parliament, he remains relatively unknown in the rest of the country and is seen as lacking in charisma.

Mr Trudeau, a son of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, a former prime minister, grew up in the public eye and shares his father's charisma.

Richard Johnston, a political scientist at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver who specialises in polling, said Mr Trudeau must overcome two blunders during the campaign.

Voters on the centre right, he said, were offended when Mr Trudeau made a joke about Canada's use of its fighter aircraft against Islamic State targets. And younger voters and centre-left voters, Mr Johnston said, were dismayed by his decision to support sweeping national security legislation introduced by Mr Harper, although Mr Trudeau said the Liberals would amend it if they came to power.

"It remains to be seen how he will withstand close scrutiny," Mr Johnston said.

Mr Franks said he disagreed with many of Mr Harper's positions and methods, but it would be a mistake to rule out another Conservative victory.

"I have an immense respect for Harper because he is just a really canny politician," Mr Franks said. "He knows what he wants and he gets it."

The New York Times

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