

This was published 8 years ago

Brexit poll: Why the British people will vote to remain in - or leave - the EU

By Nick Miller

London: After months of campaigning and endless polls, it's not hard to read the minds of Brexiteers and Remainers as they stood in the voting booths around Britain on Thursday.

The result, at the moment, is unknown. But whichever way it goes, we know why.


Anti-Establishment uprising

Just about every Western democracy is seeing an upswelling of anti-establishment sentiment ( Trump, Corbyn, Greece, France, etc). And you don't get much more establishment than the opaque wedding-cake bureaucracy of Brussels.

Citizens increasingly feel the institutions of government are making their lives worse, not better. As veteran Conservative campaigner Ken Clarke told Fairfax last week, "There's a strange, angry and uncertain mood out there... (an) anti-establishment, anti-political class feeling. The discontented older generation of every social background and class are angry about what's happened in their lives."

This factor has made it very hard for the Remain camp to warn of the dangers of Brexit. Experts from bodies such as the Treasury, the IMF, or economic think tanks are considered part of the establishment.

Leave voters don't like being lectured, hectored or "educated". Leaver Michael Gove said "people in this country have had enough of experts".



According to pollsters Ipsos MORI, the number of immigrants coming to Britain is the single most important decisive factor in how people will vote (33 per cent - plus another 7 per cent citing the cost of EU immigration on the welfare system).

Depending on which Brexiteer you ask, they're angry about EU migrants in general, EU migrants taking benefits, EU migrants taking British jobs, EU migrants "ahead in the queue" when it comes to housing, schooling or the local GP… or just migrants in general, not speaking English and quite possibly being terrorists.

Some Brexit campaigning has cited the huge flight of refugees into Europe last year from the Middle East (eliding the fact that they were mostly headed to Germany, and weren't EU citizens so Britain could turn them away).

Another factor has been Turkey's potential future entry into the EU, a subject of far more heat than light.


Another 12 per cent in the Ipsos Mori survey said a very important factor in helping them decide how to vote was Britain's ability to make its own laws.

This topic has been a tabloid favourite, citing the so-called "Toaster Unit" at EU HQ in Brussels, tasked with regulating down the power of British toasters and kettles in order to save the environment and cut power bills.

Red tape is also said to be "strangling" small business – though unions prefers to call such rules "workers rights".

While EU regulations (and the Toaster Unit) are real, and the EU itself admits there are too many and is trying to cut back, Leavers and tabloids have often been caught gilding the lily. It is not true that Eurocrats dictate how much cleavage barmaids can display, nor that British sausages will have to be renamed "emulsified high-fat offal tubes", nor that "too bendy" bananas will be banned. But memes are hard to kill and the list of Euromyths is long and viral.

There is another argument around the effect of European human rights laws on Britain, manifesting in a feeling of discomfort that the ultimate court of appeal for significant tests of British justice is now on foreign soil.


The EU membership fee is a hotly disputed figure, but a fair estimate is about £6.5 billion a year. Brexiters feel they could spend this money much more usefully. On hospitals, say.

The Boris factor

The charismatic, erudite and persuasive former London mayor Boris Johnson is very popular, and has used the referendum to increase his appeal outside London and within the right wing of the Conservative Party. If the vote is for Brexit it will be in no small part due to his work detoxifying and broadening the Leave brand.


The economy, stupid

The Ipsos MORI poll found that the second biggest issue helping decide votes was the impact on Britain's economy (28 per cent of voters).

Though a minority of economists say Brexit would unleash British ingenuity and entrepreneurship, the majority of economists, national and international economics bodies and business leaders only disagree over how much Brexit would hurt the British (and European and global) economy.

Up to 10 per cent of GDP would be lost, businesses would migrate to the continent, jobs go, the tax take would slump and the budget bleed red. The pound would plunge and prices in the shops would go up.

Even some Brexiteers concede a short-term hit to the economy, though they appeal to national pride in insisting it wouldn't last. They say Britain could negotiate new trade deals – and more quickly than inside the EU. But Remainers say Britain would be at the back of the queue and would lack negotiating power. And any trade deal with the EU comes with a demand for free movement of workers: exactly the thing the Brexiters want to be rid of.

The Jo Cox factor

After weeks of trending towards Brexit, the polls took a sharp turn late last week. This coincided with the murder of Labour MP and Remain campaigner Jo Cox, allegedly by a right-wing, Britain-first extremist with a penchant for Nazi memorabilia.

It may be a coincidence that this is when the polls turned. Electorates often only start to consider their votes around a week in advance. But some have argued Mrs Cox's death threw a stark light on some of the more extreme propaganda on the Leave side, highlighting its divisive and xenophobic flavour.

Brexiteers (and The Sun) said they should be allowed to discuss migration without being tagged racist. But a week ago, many in conservative, comfortable middle England would have taken a closer look at dark undercurrents beneath the Leave cause, and some recoiled at what they saw.

Little Britain

Much of the nationalistic chest thumping has come from the Brexit side, but Remain has also painted a Leave vote as a yearning for a bucolic, comfy, outdated and mythical dream of an England that never existed, and which certainly wouldn't be a major player on the modern world stage.

A Britain outside Europe would be sidelined politically, and relatively powerless economically, they say.

Also, it would be more of a hassle to go to the continent for holidays.

The Farage factor

UKIP leader Nigel Farage is talented at stirring up the Leave vote. But he is also a divisive figure, seen in some quarters as a perfect example of the sort of person they don't want running the country.


If Remain wins, it may well be because middle England could not bring themselves to give Nigel Farage what he always wanted.

Or as a fiercely Conservative-voting friend of mine on Facebook put it: "look at the loons that want to leave and then look at the loons that want to remain ... By far in a way, any self respecting person could not possible have any affinity with the loons that want to leave."

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