

This was published 8 years ago

Brazil crisis: Choose your colours carefully or face public fury

By Sabrina Valle and David Biller

Rio de Janeiro: Raquel Varjao, an advertising professional in Sao Paulo, had just picked up her seven-year-old daughter from school when three passing motorists cursed her. The offence: wearing a red shirt.

"They felt entitled to verbally attack me and in front of her," Ms Varjao, 35, said after dressing recently in the colour associated with President Dilma Rousseff's Workers' Party. "Why do ideological disagreements need to get to this point?"

Demonstrators wave red flags in favour of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and the Workers' Party (PT) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Demonstrators wave red flags in favour of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and the Workers' Party (PT) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Credit: Bloomberg

Ms Rousseff's impeachment saga is disrupting the rhythm of everyday life across Brazil, a nation with a largely peaceful history and political tolerance since its return to democracy in 1985. In barrooms, chat rooms and above all on the streets, the debate over her possible ouster is growing more hostile and bringing latent class and partisan divisions back to the fore.

"The country is polarised," Ricardo Ribeiro, a political analyst at business consulting firm MCM in Sao Paulo, said.

Demonstrators hang a red banner in favour of Dilma Rousseff in Rio de Janeiro on March 18.

Demonstrators hang a red banner in favour of Dilma Rousseff in Rio de Janeiro on March 18.Credit: Bloomberg

At the heart of the crisis are corruption allegations pointed at the administration and politicians, and a new generation of Brazilians who are tired of graft. Darkening the public mood is the worst recession in at least a century that's threatening a fledgling middle class in Latin America's largest economy.

Ms Rousseff's fate was thrown even further into doubt on Tuesday as the Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB), the nation's biggest party, formally left the governing coalition.

PMDB took just a few minutes to decide unanimously in a packed leadership meeting on Tuesday that its six ministers in Ms Rousseff's cabinet and all other party members with government appointments must resign immediately.


Under Brazil's presidential system, Ms Rousseff will remain in office but the break cripples her fight against impeachment proceedings in Congress, which could put Vice-President Michel Temer, leader of the PMDB, in the presidential seat. Mr Temer is himself the subject of corruption allegations which he denies.

A sea of green and yellow: people demonstrate against President Dilma Rousseff and the ruling Workers Party (PT) in Brasilia on March 13.

A sea of green and yellow: people demonstrate against President Dilma Rousseff and the ruling Workers Party (PT) in Brasilia on March 13.Credit: Bloomberg

Pro-government protests are planned for Thursday in Brasilia, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Porto Alegre – following anti-government marches that drew millions just a few weeks ago.

Ms Rousseff's supporters are likely to stage more counter-protests afterwards. They continue to insist any movement to oust her equates to a coup against the government, a notion the president and her predecessor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, are happy to further in speeches and rallies.

Dilma Rousseff (PT) talks with Vice-President Michel Temer (PMDB), in Brasilia.

Dilma Rousseff (PT) talks with Vice-President Michel Temer (PMDB), in Brasilia.Credit: AP/File

Even for those uninterested in politics, choosing the wrong colour can draw them unwittingly into the fray.

Red has been associated with union members, landless movements and other leftist activists who think there is no reason to oust Ms Rousseff without a proven crime. (It is also associated with Communism, which Ms Rousseff and her government are constantly accused of supporting). The Workers' Party has been in power since 2003.

Demonstrators on Paulista Avenue in Sao Paulo on March 13 demand President Dilma Rousseff's ousting.

Demonstrators on Paulista Avenue in Sao Paulo on March 13 demand President Dilma Rousseff's ousting.Credit: AP

Growing in numbers are wealthier, educated elites who have adopted yellow and green – the colours of the Brazilian flag and a symbol of patriotism – as a show of opposition to the government.

"When I go for a walk along the coast, I now avoid wearing red," Joao Studart, a public official who describes himself as a Workers' Party militant, said by phone from Rio.

Dilma Rousseff inspects the Olympic torch as it's presented during a ceremony ahead of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Brasilia, Brazil.

Dilma Rousseff inspects the Olympic torch as it's presented during a ceremony ahead of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games in Brasilia, Brazil. Credit: AP/File

"I'm 60 years old. It's not only me; people are afraid of being attacked."

Larissa Grutes, a 31-year-old English teacher, said she intentionally wore red for three straight days this month in Rio's upscale beach neighbourhoods of Ipanema and Leblon. A stranger yelled "corrupt whore!" in her face, she said on Monday.

A sea of red: A demonstration in favour of Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff and the ruling Workers' Party (PT) in Sao Paulo on March 18.

A sea of red: A demonstration in favour of Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff and the ruling Workers' Party (PT) in Sao Paulo on March 18.Credit: Bloomberg

So far, the country has been spared the kind of social unrest that has plagued neighbours such as Venezuela. But anger is spawning more violence. There were scuffles in Brazil's Congress this week, and tear gas was lobbed at street protesters this month as both sides harden their views.

Several district offices of Ms Rousseff's Workers' Party were ransacked and vandalised around the country, as was the building of the Lula Institute, the foundation started by the former president. Physical confrontations occurred outside a university campus in Sao Paulo, although crowds on both sides have been mostly peaceful.

"Brazil is going through a big transition," said Priscila Minervino, 25, a psychologist who took part in a demonstration on March 23 in Brasilia calling for a peaceful resolution.

Stories of people getting drawn into the strife are spreading on social networks such as Facebook, a shift Ms Minervino said has its pros and cons.

"People are more informed and have more ability to express themselves, they can understand and think," she said, sitting among a group dressed in all-white clothing. "At the same time, it's a lot of conflict, a lot of hatred and fighting. Rather than uniting, it divides."

Bloomberg, Reuters

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