

This was published 9 months ago

How Australia borrowed from China’s playbook in dealing with smaller nations

By Eryk Bagshaw

Honiara: For many Solomon Islanders, the equation is simple. China offers them something they have not had for too long: aspiration.

“It’s the first time the local people see this kind of event happening here,” said market worker Sarisha Aiti outside Honiara’s new national stadium last week, where everything from the toilets to shipping containers to the main grandstand had been emblazoned with “China Aid” for the Pacific Games.

Solomon Islanders attend the Pacific Games in Honiara.

Solomon Islanders attend the Pacific Games in Honiara.Credit: Eryk Bagshaw

The stadium is next to Solomon Islands National University, where China has also built the dormitories, just a few kilometres away from the road to the airport built by a Chinese-state-owned company, and around the corner from the country’s first dedicated cardiac unit – all funded by Beijing.

“I’m so happy because other Pacific countries don’t have this type of stadium we now have,” said Lemuel Kalei as he sold bandanas in the middle of the daily bedlam of potholes, traffic and people that is Honiara’s high street.

He’s right. Not even Fiji, a Pacific powerhouse with an economy more than three times that of Solomon Islands, has flashy facilities like this.

Kalei, like some locals in Solomon Islands, isn’t thinking about geopolitics, the diplomatic implications of Chinese investment or whether the facilities will be sustainable after the end of the Pacific Games.

Lemuel Kalei is grateful for Chinese investment in Solomon Islands.

Lemuel Kalei is grateful for Chinese investment in Solomon Islands. Credit: Jack Donohoe

“Solomon Islands is a third-world country,” he said. “We are living in poverty. China will give more valuable things.”

It’s a template China is exporting to other Pacific nations. Unbridled by elections or parliamentary scrutiny at home, the Chinese government is free to splash its chequebook in countries that it views as strategically important.


Beijing hopes that for the right price, these countries will support it in the United Nations, distance themselves from Taiwan, and perhaps, when it comes to the crunch, not stand in the way of an invasion of its democratic neighbour.

After years of wasteful spending, China is learning how to better target its aid and get maximum influence in return.

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare alarmed Australian policymakers by signing a security pact with China.

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare alarmed Australian policymakers by signing a security pact with China.Credit: Reuters

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s push to rebrand “democracy with Chinese characteristics” is already gaining praise from business and political leaders in Honiara. Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare skipped an invitation from the White House in September because he did not want to be “lectured” about China’s intentions in the region.

Meanwhile, Australia’s contribution is noble but diminishing. The most visible Australian presence in the capital, just three hours from Brisbane, is through the Australian Federal Police. Since 2008 Australia has spent more than $3 billion in aid in Solomon Islands, making it by far the country’s largest contributor.

But for the average Solomon Islander who has not had direct experience with Australian education, health and policing programs, it remains an abstract benefactor that is far harder to find than the ubiquitous Chinese branding that now blankets Honiara.

Years of marketing failures have compounded intelligence failures that now pose a risk to regional stability.

A market stall in Honiara.

A market stall in Honiara.Credit: Jack Donohoe

When Australia realised that China’s influence was growing beyond shopping malls and mining and into a security deal last year, it was already too late.

Celsus Talifilu, a political advisor who left Sogavare’s office after becoming dismayed at the diplomatic switch from Taiwan to China in 2019, was the first person to publicly post the draft security deal between Solomon Islands and Beijing last year.

Talifilu received it from a source in Solomon Islands police force who had just been training in Australia. The last-ditch intervention was aimed at scuppering a vaguely worded security agreement that at worst could have allowed China to establish a military base in one of Australia’s closest neighbours, and at best allowed Chinese police to protect Beijing’s investments.

Australia was too late. Sogavare signed the agreement, and the world still does not know its final contents.


The Albanese government does not want to allow a similar situation to evolve again. So when it offered the tiny Pacific nation of Tuvalu a deal this month to resettle residents affected by climate change it took a leaf out of China’s book and inserted a clause giving it de facto veto power over security deals it wants to sign with any other country.

Tarcisius Kabutaulaka, a Pacific diplomacy expert at the University of Hawaii, said Australia had securitised climate discussions, turning an existential threat to the region’s survival to its advantage.

“Every global power’s action towards others is not simply a benevolent act. They have to have a stake in it as well. And for Australia, it’s Australian security,” he said.

“I think that in the longer term, that’s going to affect the image of Australia in the Pacific Islands.”

It might. But as Beijing muscles up, Australia’s old strategy of quiet aid in the Pacific is no longer fit for purpose.

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