

This was published 6 years ago

What does Perth want to be when it grows up?

By Heather McNeill

Perth has traditionally been a sprawling suburban city, with homeowners favouring detached family homes on quiet streets over inner city apartment living.

Over time the city's population has grown and so too its urban fringes, but as the greater Perth region braces to nearly double its population over the next 30 years, one question remains unanswered.

As the NIMBY ideology continues to delay many new housing developments in Perth, what does the community want its city to look like when it 'grows up?'

As the NIMBY ideology continues to delay many new housing developments in Perth, what does the community want its city to look like when it 'grows up?'

What do people want their city to look like when it grows up?

A quick scour of Perth's housing landscape reveals the different approaches local councils are taking in attempts to increase Perth's density.

Inner suburbs like Nollamara have been rezoned to allow blocks to be split into duplexes and triplexes, increasing density but eliminating the traditional backyard and reducing the level of tree canopy cover in the suburb.

South Perth has a mix of high-rise, medium and low density living but in recent years has become a battle ground for communities at war with developers over high-rise apartment blocks towering over neighbouring low density dwellings.

In contrast new suburbs such as Alkimos meet the demand for affordable spacious family housing on the urban fringes, but stretch resources 45 kilometres from the CBD, leading to increased infrastructure costs and traffic congestion.

So what is the solution to Perth's density identity problem?

One solution: Saving suburbia by creating urban dense pockets


Committee for Perth chief executive Marion Fulker, the former executive director of the Urban Development Institute of Australia WA Division, claimed the answer was in creating urban dense pockets within suburbs near major public transport links.

She said communities, however, were often reluctant to embrace change due to a lack of understanding of the bigger picture and poor examples of density projects in other areas across Perth.

"We don't have this shared vision of what future Perth looks like and that is a stumbling block for us because a lot of other cities have had something they're working towards and as part of creating the shared vision, you get an understanding then as a community what are the trade-offs we are making," Ms Fulker said.

"If we can't do density, there's actually a cause and effect of doing that as well... low density living is actually going to cost Perth, not only in terms of biodiversity and environmental values, but we are going to create a sprawling city with probably a lot of traffic congestion."

We don't have this shared vision of what future Perth looks like and that is a stumbling block for us because a lot of other cities have had something they're working towards

Increasing density within Perth's existing suburbs to contain its urban sprawl has been an ambition for the state government for more than 15 years, and statistics show it is heading towards the 47 per cent new homes as infill target.

A Department of Planning spokesman said the Perth and Peel regions infill rate was 41 per cent in 2016, an increase from 32 per cent in 2011.

"Infill dwelling development will vary from year-to-year due to the ongoing churn of the housing stock, the impacts of major infill projects and Greenfield land releases, economic activity, interest rates and access to finance," he said.

An additional 1.5 million people are expected to live in the Perth and Peel areas in the next 32 years, requiring an estimated 800,000 new homes.

The state government's pet transport project, Metronet, aims to accommodate the subsequent urban infill and better connect Perth through a circular rail network.

In collaboration with that project, its Metrohub plan intends to create "smart and sustainable" density around major public transport links and areas of high social and commercial activity such as hospitals and universities.

'Once bitten, twice shy': Perth's poor density track record stifling growth

City of Bayswater planning and development services committee chairman and councillor Brent Fleeton, however, was concerned the Metrohub plan could be stalled by community opposition.

Speaking independently from the council, he said Perth had significant opportunities to increase density within its inner suburbs, but the 'not in my backyard' ideology was stifling development at a local council level.

"People rightfully have seen very poor examples of density in their backyards before so when the state government comes along and says, 'density is not a bad thing', people have so many examples to point to," he said.

"We've got to be building liveable hubs, not just be putting up 3000 people in a certain area.

"An area like Bayswater where we've got three train stations existing and absolutely no density around it whatsoever apart from one apartment building in Maylands is a missed opportunity.

"You can speak to quite a few bigger developers and they won't touch Bayswater because unfortunately we're known to be too time consuming, too difficult and too much of a fight with the local community."

Mr Fleeton said creating thoughtful and quality density projects around key transport links would support sustainable growth within a suburb, and would allow the traditional suburban house to remain untouched.

"The problem we've got in Bayswater is everyone's focused on trees and when people have blocks of land subdivided into a duplex, that destroys a lot of trees," he said.

"What we're saying at the moment is if we focus our density around train stations, then people will be planning to live there and we can leave the suburban block alone."

Despite the council's planning blueprint offering a mix of considered low, medium and high density options, Mr Fleeton believed the state government could be forced to create a new legislative planning body to approve increased density zoning and developments around its Metrohubs in order to bypass the frequent road blocks and delays associated with local council approvals.

"I just hope the state government has some backbone here and pushes through, because if they don't, we're going to be talking about planning a certain zone for the next 10 years and we won't see any progress," he said.

"Hopefully they pull together the best and brightest in this new framework they're setting up for Metrohubs and they will tell us where they think things should go and how things should run and involve the community through councillors and local MPs to have input that way.

"If you live in a city, you have to accept that comes with certain parameters. Everyone is entitled to enjoy the amenities of the area, but what you're not entitled to do is to stifle reform and development of an area that's so clearly in need of it.

"It can't be put into the too hard basket for 2018... if we don't act to arrest this situation, we should expect taxes, local rates and charges for all government services to grow far too quickly."

'High density must be built around transport links to avoid local traffic congestion'

Ms Fulker said community objection to change often came out of fear and uncertainty, with residents believing greater density would change their suburb for the worse.

"We need to find appropriate locations for density, rather than just trying to put density wherever you can get it because if you do it badly, the community will be outraged and they will remain outraged because they will always have that example to point to," she said.

"To make medium and high density work you need to have some sort of transport solution, because one thing South Perth residents, for example, are complaining about and I'm sure Scarborough residents will complain about as development occurs there is traffic congestion gets worse, there's nowhere to park, it takes time to get out of your driveway, South Perth residents have been suffering that for a long time.

"Keeping suburbia as it is is very important to Perth people, but it's about how we create pockets of urbanicity within the suburban nature of Perth."

South Perth is arguably Perth's most spectacular example of how conflicted planning policies can lead to communities being at war with developers.

In recent years, residents have fought proposals for high-rise apartments being built alongside low to medium density buildings without setbacks or height limits, with numerous residents set to be cocooned in by neighbouring towers up to 44 storeys high.

The local council has been a trail blazer for increased inner city density, but has also been an example of how developer designs can exploit planning policy loopholes, leading to disastrous outcomes for neighbouring residents and creating a feeling of negativity towards density.

Ms Fulker said the Perth and Peel @ 3.5 million planning document set out a clear direction for Perth's future growth, but in order to be successful, must be filtered down through all levels of government and to the community to create a shared vision.

The plan has remained in its draft stages for three years.


Planning Minister Rita Saffioti has previously said the report was expected to be finalised in the coming months.

Ms Saffioti was contacted for comment.

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