By Emma Young
Planners risk a fierce "density hangover" unless they keep people on-side in the push to combat Perth's urban sprawl through infill, says a Perth sustainability expert.
The comments follow the story of Hellen Barnaby of 100 Mill Point Road South Perth, who last week said her home had become a "concrete coffin" after her balcony was walled in by new high-rise being built next door.
Several years ago, planning laws were changed to allow increased density on the Mill Point Peninsula. Public consultations were done, but now the high-rises are going up, residents are horrified by a result they say they did not expect.
The laws allow zero-setback of high-rises' podiums (the wider part at the base) so they are flush with street and side boundaries.
Zero-setback policies mean while the 'towers' of high-rises are spaced out, the podium or lower levels are sandwiched together.Credit: Emma Young
The result is a continuous edge on the street, allowing for cafe strips to develop as the new developments' ground floors are filled with commercial tenants.
While the 'towers' are thinner, so there is a gap between apartments higher up, first-floor residents already living there face a shock if they are unprepared.
The South Perth story sparked social media debate, with similar situations pointed out in in East and West Perth.
Before becoming Mayor of Fremantle, associate Professor Brad Pettit was Dean of Murdoch University's School of Sustainability and continues there as senior lecturer in sustainable development.
A blank wall built inches from a first-floor balcony in Bennett Street, East Perth. Credit: Emma Young
He said while zero setbacks were a good planning principle for urban centres, they had to be used with caution in mostly residential areas transitioning to mixed-use, which could suffer "unfortunate and unexpected" outcomes, such as what happened in South Perth.
"They do have the upside of creating a strong urban core, the sense of a city block," he said.
"But the downside is when the development doesn't happen in a uniform manner and you end up with a poor amenity outcome.
"There are a few in Freo I'm particularly aware of, where there is poor light and sunshine issues."
Plunged into darkness: a new tower built next to a first-level balcony on Prowse Street, West Perth.
Professor Pettit said all local governments trying to achieve good long-term urban form would face such barriers and needed to "take the community through the process step-by-step" and ensure clear communication to avoid backlash.
He said Perth had recovered from the "density hangover" resulting from a lot of ugly salmon brick flats built in the 1960s, that for many years made infill a dirty word and resulted in urban sprawl.
"We are not dealing with it properly. And we need to," he said.
"The next generation needs to be planned and designed well, or we will end up in the same situation again and it will become so divisive that politicians lose the courage to steer it through."
The City of South Perth said it considered all public submissions, including the Barnabys', when it considered the development in 2012.
The developer applied to increase the height of the building in 2014 and the City again consulted but got no new public submissions, so accordingly recommended the state Development Assessment Panel approve the building as it complied with planning guidelines.