

This was published 9 years ago

Report slams Matthew Guy on rezoning of Fishermans Bend

By Royce Millar, Clay Lucas and Benjamin Preiss

The former Victorian Coalition government's signature urban renewal project delivered windfall profits to land holders but was unmatched worldwide for its failure to plan for transport and other key services, a scathing confidential report has found.

The now opposition leader Matthew Guy's decision to allow unfettered high rise development of Fishermans Bend in industrial South Melbourne and Port Melbourne was taken without a strategy or funds for decontamination, transport, open space or affordable housing, the report finds.

The assessment was compiled for Planning Minister Richard Wynne by a Labor-appointed committee which includes Lord Mayor Robert Doyle.

It describes Mr Guy's controversial 2012 rezoning of 250 hectares of the area as a "misguided" move that, without dramatic intervention, will result in "poor urban outcomes" for future residents and workers in the area.

Victoria's new government architect Jill Garner says she is disappointed that planning for Fishermans Bend has lost its family-friendly focus.

Victoria's new government architect Jill Garner says she is disappointed that planning for Fishermans Bend has lost its family-friendly focus.Credit: Craig Abraham

The report also notes that a move by Mr Wynne to rein in development in April this year - by putting in interim planning rules - led to a "rush" of 11 development applications in the 12 weeks that followed.

Chaired by former senior public servant Meredith Sussex, the committee found there was no clear or publicly discussed rationale for the rezoning of so much prime inner city land, especially when Docklands was still growing, and other sites such as E Gate in West Melbourne were also earmarked for development.

It found the rezoning of the land from industrial to 'capital city' gave a green light to residential developers before strict planning controls were in place. And it came ahead of a coherent strategy or proper funding to deal with severe land contamination issues, confirmed public transport options and even feasible road plans.


The rezoning of such a major urban renewal area ahead of detailed strategic planning was "unprecedented in the developed world in the 21st century", the report says.

These six towers proposed for Fishermans Bend were submitted in a single planning application, by a syndicate of landowners.

These six towers proposed for Fishermans Bend were submitted in a single planning application, by a syndicate of landowners.

There was no plan to ensure infrastructure would be delivered "in time, or at all", says the report, which found a proposed network of CBD-style streets and laneways was "simply unachievable".

The Age understands Melbourne councillor and Liberal Party member Ken Ong was among those who compiled the report.

Former Victorian Premier Denis Napthine (right) and Planning Minister Matthew Guy (left) announce the Fisherman's Bend urban renewal in 2013.

Former Victorian Premier Denis Napthine (right) and Planning Minister Matthew Guy (left) announce the Fisherman's Bend urban renewal in 2013.Credit: Penny Stephens

As The Age revealed in October 2014, the uplift in land values from the rezoning delivered billions of dollars in windfall to existing landowners, without a cent captured for the wider Victorian community or for infrastructure or services in the area.

The report describes the developer contribution plan introduced by Mr Guy to fund infrastructure as "inadequate and inappropriate".

Illustration: Matt Golding.

Illustration: Matt Golding.

And rather than creating a promised "great place for families", Mr Guy's rezoning triggered a high-rise frenzy with 46 apartment towers - some reaching more than 60 storeys - approved or proposed since January 2014.

The report found current development was delivering "very high proportions of small apartments".

Proposed towers for 60-82 Johnson Street.

Proposed towers for 60-82 Johnson Street.

In total 17,600 apartments are already on the drawing board; by comparison neighbouring Docklands has produced 5300 apartments over 20 years.

While coalition-era planning documents talked about Fishermans Bend being home to a future population the size of greater Shepparton, current trends point to numbers twice that, closer to the size of greater Ballarat, or around 150,000 people.

Yet not a single proposal has been lodged for the sort of commercial or office projects likely to generate lasting employment.

In April, Mr Wynne said he would "recast" plans for Fishermans Bend - a move he said reflected the high level of government, community and property industry concern about the project.

But he now faces the difficult decision of how far he goes given that a string of approvals have already been granted and land values have been geared to the premium of high rise residential development.

The report opposes the idea of a moratorium on any high-rise approvals, and instead calls on the government to consider extending planning rules Mr Wynne placed on the CBD in September, to scale back the height and density of city skyscrapers.

And it recommends immediate actions to minimise the damage at Fishermans Bend including to:

  • Refresh and redefine the rationale for the precinct
  • Decide on the best governance and financial arrangements
  • Make key transport decisions, including about the timing and route of a new tram service and longer term plan for any Metro line

Although the neighbouring Docklands development has been widely criticised, the report points out that it benefited from government investment and a dedicated authority to oversee its progress. No such authority had been established for Fishermans Bend.

On Monday, Mr Wynne said that Mr Guy had "rezoned Fishermans Bend overnight without any regard to the infrastructure needed to accommodate the influx of people who will eventually live there".

Mr Guy refused to answer written questions about Fishermans Bend, including whether he stood by his handling of it.

Instead he issued a brief written statement: "Labor's report into Fishermans Bend has zero credibility given Labor's recent approvals of residential towers in Fishermans Bend exceeded Labor's own previously announced height restrictions."

At a doorstop at state parliament on Tuesday morning, Mr Guy told reporters that the Labor government had approved more permits than he had.

"If Fishermans Bend is so bad why has Labor expanded it?" he said.

He also accused Labor of scrapping a rail link planned for the development. Mr Guy said the way Fishermans Bend was handled was "very good for Melbourne" and would provide many thousands of jobs.

He described the report as a "political stitch up".

Mr Guy also dismissed criticisms his government had not included infrastructure such as schools, saying several million dollars had been spent buying a school from Melbourne University.

"One has to conclude that the report is political in nature and not really based on fact," he said.

Premier Daniel Andrews said the report had done "important work" on Fishermans Bend.

"I can assure all Victorians when it comes to planning and developing Fishermans Bend the Labor government will do it once and do it properly," he said.

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