

This was published 1 year ago


One thing European cities do far better than Australia (except Melbourne)

Picture a European city, your favourite European city, and tell me what you love about it. Picture Rome or Paris, Lisbon or Barcelona, Prague or Krakow.

You probably love the history in this city of yours, and maybe the natural beauty. You love the architecture, the mix of styles that has appeared over the centuries. You love the culture, the people, the food, the drink.

And I can almost guarantee that, without even knowing it, you love the “third places”.

“Third places” are locations like piazzas, parks, city squares, markets and other places that locals meet.

“Third places” are locations like piazzas, parks, city squares, markets and other places that locals meet. Credit: iStock

You may not be familiar with that term, but you will definitely be familiar with the concept. Third place is an idea coined by the American sociologist Ray Oldenburg, a reference to the areas we tend to spend our time in our home cities.

We have a “first place”, he theorises, which is where we live; we have a “second place”, which is where we work; and then there’s a third place, somewhere communal that we like to spend our leisure time, somewhere public, somewhere relaxed, somewhere that binds a city and both gives it character, and plays host to its characters.

A third place is a piazza or plaza, a city square. It could be a park. It could be a cafe, a barber shop, a bar, a church, a football field, even a mall.


By Oldenburg’s definition, these third places need to be egalitarian, places a person of any socio-economic status could visit and feel comfortable. They need to be spaces that encourage conversations and social mixing; that have regular visitors who set their tone, while still being available to one-time drop-ins (like tourists); they need to be subtle, wholesome, playful, and comfortable.

And now consider that European city you first pictured. I bet it has great third places. I bet it’s like San Sebastian in Spain, with its pintxos bars that sit below apartment blocks, where drinkers and diners of all generations gather to socialise. Or maybe it’s like Rome with its cafe-lined piazzas, natural meeting places for people from all walks of life. Or perhaps you’re thinking of the marketplaces of Scandinavia, where shoppers chat and eat and buy all the things they need.


These third places are vital to the hearts and souls of the great cities of Europe (and, to be fair, other cities of the Middle East and Mediterranean, and I’m sure others around the world). It always seems like everyone in Europe lives and works within an easy stroll of third places; everyday life is designed around these areas, these gathering points for citizens and tourists and everyone else.


Old men sitting around playing chess. Groups of kids hanging out on steps. Families in parks. Friends getting together for aperitivo or “hora de vermut”.

And now, think about Australia. Where are our third places? What are they?

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, and I’m sure you’ll be able to come back at me with examples. But by and large, Australia, and much of the “new world”, has failed to incorporate third places into our cities and towns.

The great Australian dream is a quarter-acre block; it’s not walking-distance access to bars and cafes, corner stores and barbers, piazzas and parks. Our homes are our castles. There’s far more focus here on getting home life right – even as property prices spiral out of control – than building communal spaces that will bring us all together.

Think about the layout of most Australian towns and cities. You have your central business district, where there’s a main street with all the shops, a few pubs, a shopping mall nearby with a Coles or Woolies. And then, in a totally separate area, you have the places people live, sprawling residential suburbs that often have no shops or cafes in them at all, sometimes not even a playground, just house after house, quarter-acre after quarter-acre. The Australian dream.

You always hear Melbourne being described as Australia’s most “European” city, and I think that’s because the Victorian capital has the best third places of any Australian centre.

Melbourne’s edge features multiple major sports stadiums, which serve as one type of “third place” for the city.

Melbourne’s edge features multiple major sports stadiums, which serve as one type of “third place” for the city.Credit: Getty Images

It has markets like South Melbourne and Prahran, natural meeting points for residents, natural places to spend time outside work and home life. Melbourne has restaurants and bars dotted throughout its residential suburbs too, and a culture of visiting those places to socialise. It also has Australia’s best pubs (sorry, but it’s true); four major sports stadiums basically within the CBD; actual live music venues.

Elsewhere, the great third places of Australian cities tend to be natural attractions. We’re incredibly lucky to have beaches in most of our major centres; many cities have national parks too, or at least natural reserves in which residents can get out and enjoy the scenery. We have some beautiful, spacious parks.


Maybe city planners saw these things and just didn’t bother with any of the man-made extras.

But still, there’s a reason so many of us enjoy travelling to Europe, and I think it’s the third places. After all, when you don’t live or work in a city, these are the venues you most often find yourself in.

That might be part of why Europe has been so popular for a post-COVID splash-out, too: everything we missed during the pandemic can be found in third places, venues that are social, that bring people together, that celebrate what makes us the same.

It seems unlikely that Australian cities of the future will suddenly embrace third places. But we will always have the great European adventure.

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